Why do we need a more Qubit system?

Multi -price systems make us possible to dream of quantum computers. If you are thirsty, what will you deal with a single water molecule? You must develop technology to condense water molecules into liquid water. You want to drink and feel its liquidity. The same is true of similar stories to make quantum computers. Scientists know that quantum is hidden in every point (quantum) of material and energy. They also know that multi -qubit systems can show more magic than a single Qubit.

When we collect water molecules, liquidity is an emerging characteristic. Each moisture loses its original identity; they interact through the H key, showing collective behavior-liquidity.

Scientists do not want to collect Qubit to make them collectively act like water molecules. They want to collect Qubit in the architecture of a smart building, which makes them more dynamic and functional. These functions (for example, superposition, entanglement) will make them a programmable multi -amount system with incredible information processing capabilities. However, it is a difficult task to gather them together and make them a programmable multi -quantum system. The quantum mechanical system has evolved continuously and interacts with the surrounding environment. Quantum computing, all the hard work in quantum information and quantum hardware will make us call us more stable in the future, and there is no error multi -headed system.

A answer is why we need a multi -quantum system's answer, which is definitely to create upgraded programmable equipment. Another more enthusiastic answer is that we have not reached "calculation abundance". We have several problems waiting for quantum computer solutions. Once we have obtained "calculation maturity", we expect computing efficiency (ie, quantum first) and many excellent algorithms to help us at any time.

Can we use water to make a quantum computer?

Water is a polymer system. Let's imagine that it is not the "magic water" of ordinary water. Suppose we have a building, where a single water molecule in "Magic Water" obtains the function of interaction with other selected molecules according to the program. This means that we have made "magic" that can process information. This hypothesis "magic water" may be the basis of fictional molecular computer. In addition to quantum computing, there are several other concepts of natural style calculations (for example, cell automatic machines, nerve computing, evolution calculation, molecular calculation). Early works in these fields were collected in the natural computing manual .

Let's describe the shortcomings of water as a better material for quantum computers. A person can separate water molecules according to the two possible spin directions of the molecular hydrogen atom. [2]. Water can be used as a mixture of the two isomers, and their hydrogen rotation direction is different. The rotation is parallel in the "correction" water, and it is reflective in the "Para" water. When you separate a single water molecule, it will not be liquid. The next step will allow them to interact. It is no longer the H key. We are not talking about the controlling chemical interaction between water molecules imagined in "magic water". We want to be superimposed or entangled in the quantum positions that H-atoms are kept in each water molecule. If we figure out how to control the interaction of Qubit-Qubit in some way, the next problem will be the feasibility of creating quantum computers with water. Fighting with noise and wrong is another battle. The ingredients discovered by scientists are better than water, and they can make a quantum computer. In order to reduce noise and errors in the system, they even approached the absolute zero temperature.

What is a programmable system?

You may be holding a flat rectangular box; sometimes, you call it "computer" or "laptop" is actually a programmable device . There is a programmable system inside the laptop. Fundamentally, there are intelligent integrations such as diodes, transistors, resistors, capacitors, etc. to create important components of computers (for example, CPU, RAM, I/O).

Your laptop is not a reconstruction system . You cannot re -connect the basis of the system. If you have additional slots, you can add more disks or RAMs. The foundation of your computer (such as the motherboard) is configured once by the company that created the device. Don't try! You will break it! A quantum computing company IONQ recently announced the reconstructed multi -core quantum architecture (RMQA) [3]. They claim that you can program a large number of systems and re -configure the architecture through physical changes to carry Qubit ions.

If you really want to configure something again, this is a prompt! You can reintermine the brain to a certain limit. Healthy diet, exercise, actively thinking and meditation. The plasticity of the brain is a beautiful gift. It allows our brain to change the network between neurons according to the practicality of the old connection and the necessity of the new connection! Everyone has the ability to get a new brain at any time!

What is a programmable problem?

If you think that all the problems are programmable, you will eventually get the saying that "the universe is a programmable system". The universe is more like an simulation, not as a programmable system. We really need to know the difference between discovery and invention. We found the standard model of particle physics, which is a discovery. We found the idea of ​​hiding behind the scenes. We invented a programmable device-computer. We have learned to manipulate a large number of simulation for us. Now, the small manipulated simulation is a computer. It seems that we have borrowed a part of the simulation from the universe, intelligently controlled and forced to work under our plan. It worked for a few days and finally failed. We throw them into the trash! However, simulation will not fail. It has been running after the invention equipment failure. The iron in the equipment will start rust. Plastics will be worn and pushed according to this.

Why is our invention (equipment) as eternal as universal simulation? The reason is "general simulation" again. The simulation is always rooted in the increase of entropy. When creating some equipment, we follow the specific orders with material and energy. In the end, entropy will be reduced. Finally, the strongly formulated command was destroyed and enhanced an increased entropy day.

The same rules are suitable for the life of creatures. It receives energy and information from the environment, maintains cell metabolism by using freedom (F), and adjusts the environment by retaining gene expression. When creatures die, all materials return the environment and maintain a balance. Similarly, the powerful created orders are destroyed to support the increased entropy. What is the "network of life" and forcibly create creatures? Sunlight!

If ordinary problems are not programmed, what can some problems be programmable? If it has the ability to change its physical attributes (for example, shape, density, modulus, conductivity, optical performance, etc.), it can be programmed. Someone can be programmed and make it hard or soft, heavy or lightweight. This is an idea, that is, the ability to obtain information processing inherently and support the concept of self -copy machine.

Nothing can be upgraded to programmable substances than natural substances (for example, gold, silver, water, plastic). Scientists put forward the idea of ​​programmable substances, which consists of a mobile computer of millimeter size. The groups of such computers will be able to move around and communicate with each other, and change the colors and locks to other micro -robots to form a different shape [ 6 ].

Is a quantum computer with unlimited quantum?

Before jumping into the theory of infinite quantum, there are two points to consider. First of all, how many quantum positions are sufficient to achieve "calculation abundance" (that is, you do not have any remaining quantum to save humans). Once we have the ideal situation of "no longer serious computing problems", we may never need such an difficulty quantum system. Secondly, due to noise and errors, what is the best limit for the quantum number of quant number of Qubit-Qubit interaction? It is based on technological progress. We can expect that with the increase of more complicated quantum hardware, the number of Qubits will increase [ 4 ].

In many cases, you can ask this big N limit problem (i) What is the largest nucleotide of DNA? (Ii) How many neurons are the maximum of human brain? (III) The maximum information processing limit of each unit of intelligent materials (or substance) each unit is designed? (IV) What is the maximum information and maximum information of the material (that is, the maximum information density) of each unit?

It reminds me of an interesting experiment you did in your childhood, but did not realize it. How many molecules can you pump before the balloon rupture? It is based on the material and the temperature and pressure of the balloon. We all know that there are 92 natural elements and 105 elements and have other synthetic elements. In addition to this number, the atomic nucleus cannot accommodate the multi -nuclear system due to the scope of strength and nuclear exclusion.

Big N limitation may not participate in actual purposes, which may be very interesting for experimenters. However, the theorist is really serious. They discovered the case with hidden gems. For example, when using 𝑁 → 研究 for research, measure theory (for example, the theory of yang-mills, SU (N), SO (N)) provides a systematic significant characteristic, otherwise the system will not understand it [ 5 ].

refer to:

[1] Natural calculation manual . Springer 2012, ISBN 978–3–540–92909–3

[2] Water through spin . Natural 469, 447 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1038/469447a

[3] IONQ opened the door for a more powerful quantum computer. For the first time, it appeared in the industry: multi -quality quantum architecture that can be configured

[4] IBM promises to 2023

[5] https://ncatlab.org's l arge N limit

[6] Programming Questions : https : //www.programmable-matter.com

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