Hello everyone, in folklore, there is a common rumor that eating bean sprouts will make men stronger, or one day my friend ate bean sprouts and the restaurant owner said that your girlfriend will be tired tonight. So is it true that bean sprouts have the effects as rumored, and what happens if men eat bean sprouts regularly? Let's find out in today's article.

First of all, you already know about bean sprouts, but do you know how to make them? If not, let's find out.

How to make bean sprouts

In fact, it is very simple to produce bean sprouts. People will take the bean seeds and soak them in water for a few hours. After soaking, these seeds will be incubated just like we incubate rice. With warm temperatures and appropriate humidity, the seeds will sprout into young plants, and bean sprouts are the young shoots that sprout from the bean seeds.

Is eating bean sprouts good or not?

First of all, it must be said that scientists have conducted many studies showing that eating bean sprouts is very nutritious, even compared to vegetables or the beans themselves. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, every 100g of bean sprouts contains the following nutrients: 23g of calories, 2.1g of carbohydrates, 4g of protein, 0.7g of fat, 2g of fiber, and minerals such as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, etc., and especially many vitamins including vitamin C, B1, B2, B3.

We see that bean sprouts contain quite a lot of nutrients, and interestingly, scientists have indicated that the protein in bean sprouts is also easier to digest. Specifically, during the sprouting process, anti-nutritional factors are destroyed to make way for easily absorbable compounds, so the absorption rate can reach up to 87%, while the nutritional content of products made from sprouted beans or bean sprouts is also higher than that of the beans themselves.

For example, tofu and soy milk made from sprouted soybeans seem to contain 7-13% more protein, 12-24% less fat, and 56-81% less anti-nutritional factors. With what bean sprouts offer, eating them will bring many benefits as follows:

Benefits for the body when eating bean sprouts

First is cancer prevention. The antioxidants in bean sprouts inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and the oligosaccharides in bean sprouts tend to become carbohydrates that help reduce the accumulation of toxins in the body over time.

Second is that it helps your body look better. Specifically, when you eat bean sprouts, you will lose weight, and your body will look hotter due to the very low fat content in bean sprouts. Additionally, bean sprouts also contain a lot of vitamin E, which has antioxidant effects that help create younger-looking skin. The protein content in bean sprouts is also essential for skin regeneration.

Third is that bean sprouts can maintain acid levels in the stomach. They support digestion, help reduce intestinal spasms, improve constipation, and make bowel movements easier.

Fourth, bean sprouts help prevent strokes and cardiovascular diseases. Bean sprouts contain saponins that help eliminate bad cholesterol and prevent high blood fat levels. Therefore, eating bean sprouts will help prevent strokes and keep your cardiovascular system healthy.

Furthermore, for those with osteoporosis, bean sprouts are also a great choice. Specifically, the density and thickness of bones will be significantly improved due to the estrogen content in bean sprouts. Eating bean sprouts regularly can prevent ongoing degeneration, making your bones stronger.

Another benefit is that bean sprouts help support people with diabetes. Specifically, a study followed a small group of people with type 2 diabetes, half of whom ate 60g of bean sprouts daily while the other half did not. After 8 weeks of monitoring, the results showed that those who ate bean sprouts reduced their Hemoglobin A1C levels by 10%. This indicates that blood sugar levels were controlled. In contrast, those who did not eat bean sprouts increased by 12%.

Moreover, bean sprouts also help keep your cardiovascular system healthy and resilient. According to some animal studies, eating sprouts, including bean sprouts, can increase good HDL cholesterol and reduce bad LDL cholesterol levels. Researchers also noted that mice fed bean sprouts could improve cholesterol levels equivalent to using cholesterol-lowering medications. This shows that eating bean sprouts is indeed very effective, comparable to using specialized medications.

So is the rumor that eating bean sprouts helps men enhance their strength true or false?

Let's see if it's true or false. Inside bean sprouts, there are many vitamins C, E, Omega 3, Omega 6, etc. These are all nutrients that help improve the health of your reproductive system. Additionally, eating bean sprouts for men also helps increase libido, enhance excitement during intimacy, and limit premature ejaculation. Therefore, it is not wrong to say that eating bean sprouts enhances male strength. Moreover, women who want to increase their chances of conception can also prepare dishes using bean sprouts as the main ingredient along with beef, kidneys, or eat them raw with soft-boiled eggs, as this will help improve the condition of declining testosterone levels in men and increase the chances of conception.

However, although bean sprouts enhance men's strength, they are not a miracle cure; the effectiveness is limited and not guaranteed just by eating them. To improve health, everyone needs to combine it with exercise to enhance their health condition.

Some issues to note when eating bean sprouts

Everything has two sides, so if you are not careful, it may bring unwanted side effects. The living environment of bean sprouts is easily contaminated due to high humidity; if you eat bean sprouts contaminated with Salmonella or E. coli, it is very easy to suffer from food poisoning with symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, or vomiting. Therefore, if possible, you should limit eating raw bean sprouts. Additionally, bean sprouts are also easily purchased at markets or supermarkets. Thus, you need to choose reputable quality sellers because many places, for profit, use chemicals to make bean sprouts grow bigger and tastier, but this poses dangers to consumers.

In the past decade, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recorded 48 outbreaks of foodborne illnesses associated with raw or lightly cooked sprouts, and if a person is poisoned by sprouts, symptoms may appear within 12-72 hours after eating, including diarrhea, stomach cramps, and vomiting. Although such symptoms rarely threaten life, children, pregnant women, the elderly, and those with generally weak immune systems should cook sprouts thoroughly or avoid them altogether.

If you eat raw bean sprouts without processing, you need to wash them thoroughly and soak them well in diluted salt water. Additionally, people with weak immune systems, the elderly, children, and pregnant women should consider the consumption of raw bean sprouts. Whether eating bean sprouts is good or not depends a lot on how you consume them. If the preparation and cooking process is not ensured, there is still a risk of normal food poisoning. Moreover, you should also pay attention not to stir-fry bean sprouts with liver because the copper in the liver will oxidize the vitamin C in the bean sprouts, causing the dish to lose its nutritional value.

Thus, we have just learned about bean sprouts and their special benefits for men. We hope that through this article, you will gain a little more understanding to take care of your health and abilities.

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