In the past ten years, the augmented reality (AR) has developed from immature technology. First, it is recognized by the game "Pokémon Go" , IKEA's AR directory , and Snap and Instagram facial filters. Today, it has expanded to a practical field, such as AR navigation in Google Maps , virtual attempts from brands such as Sephora , Nike , and Gucci , or a revolutionary education method that allows human anatomical structures or the most important thing with Microsoft. Interactive research on industrial tasks- Hollowos 2 .

The most important thing is that one of the industry leaders META is using Meta Quest 3 headphones to break through the boundary. The improved pass mode has created new opportunities for the AR game industry, and Meta Smart Glasses provides live broadcast, call, call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, phone call, call, phone call, phone call, phone call, call, phone call, phone call, phone call, call, phone call, phone call, phone call, call, phone call, phone calls , Phone, phone, and integrated Yuan AI assistant. In addition, Apple's expected Vision PRO headphones will introduce space computing in early 2024, thereby completely changing our interactive way to interact with the computer today. These development is undoubtedly exciting, but it seems that we are still just scratching all the potential of AR .

Most AR devices on the market today lack one thing-interaction with the physical environment. Even the most advanced headphones such as The Vision Pro, which cannot be fully integrated with the world around us.

The possibility of interactive reality reality

When we study this topic in depth, I will show you some ideas to understand how AR exceeds the daily life other than games and entertainment. Consider using AR to understand what you see but not, help you when you drive, or guide your special dish for cooking grandma. We can do a lot of things with AR, I am glad to share some examples with you.

1. Determine

Augmented reality makes it easier to explore and understand the surrounding world. AR devices may be able to identify the objects you see and show more details about them in front of you. For example, if you may want to buy, it can recommend looking for options for similar products online.

You may not even need a consultant in the experience of the store, and you can learn all the information about the product as long as you look at the product.

Identification of objects can even save life, such as identifying potential harmful objects (such as drugs or toxic plants), or only providing detailed information about indoor plants you are considering purchasing.

Similarly, this ability may be beneficial to outdoor activities. Here, AR glasses can provide curiosity and security insights on FAUNA. For example, if you encounter wild animals and plants in hiking, glasses can be recommended to avoid contact with the species-of course, unless this is just squirrel.

2. Explanation

With AR, people can see the explanation of objects and places in the real world. For example, when visiting the museum, users can access detailed descriptions, historical facts and artist information during the exhibition through AR glasses.

3. Translation

AR glasses can convert anything you see to your language. For example, when traveling in Japan, you don't have to learn Japanese, you can stare at the logo that needs to be translated.

4. Guide

AR can provide a step -by -step cooking instructions, a visual guide for superimposed ingredients, cooking tools or cooking time, which is easier to follow the recipe.

5. Navigation

Augmented reality can completely change our navigation and provide more secure navigation interfaces so that users will not be distracted by their cars or smartphones. They will always enter their sights on the road, and they will still get all the functional applications of modern navigation. supply.

6. Examination and comparison

AR can simply scan the projects they viewed to promote more wise purchase decisions, compare online prices and ensure that they get the best transactions, so that users can access product reviews, rated or other information.

7. Extension

Expand the current work space through multiple virtual monitors, so that you can perform multiple tasks without physical display. If you travel and cannot access your physical work area, it may be more beneficial.

Where are we now?

The future is closer than we think. Some of the concepts in this article have already existed, but there are currently several factors that have shrunk us, mainly because the size of the most advanced headphones makes them unrealistic or even unsafe. Although small devices (such as meta smart glasses and snapshot glasses) are available and suitable for outdoor use, their functions lag significantly behind large headphones. The ideal device will reach a balance, combining the compact form of small glasses with the advanced features of the Apple Vision Pro. The device will not only exist in isolation, but also understand our world and interact seamlessly.

The ideal device will reach a balance, combining the compact form of small glasses with the advanced features of the Apple Vision Pro.

Today's challenge reminds me of the early stage of personal computers. These computers are very powerful, but they are troublesome, and are limited to desks. Similarly, the clumsy brick in the past has evolved into a smooth, pocket powerful computer. Augmented reality is expected to make similar changes. Small, faster, smarter, and more intuitive devices may become ordinary things in people's lives like smartphones 15 years ago, and have established new specifications. When is the only question?

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  • How Apple prepares augmented reality headphones for Jonny Daenen

Alex Khomutov is an award -winning designer who has nearly ten years of experience design digital products to simplify, organize and improve people's lives. In short, his products have been used by 30 million people around the world.

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