How do you prepare for the New Year with Brand Spackin?

Perhaps you write resolutions, set intentions, or create goals.

Whatever we call that process, the New Year is an opportunity for a fresh start. And this week, between Christmas and the New Year, many of us have followed the trend of planning new beginnings.

I am attending a series of workshops called -Fresh Start.

For example, the first day focuses on goals, and on the third day, we create our reading list for next year. Today we talked about notebooks and planners, and tomorrow we will organize an editorial calendar for writing blogs, novels, poetry, etc.

The second day is my favorite.

At that time, we came up with our word of the year (woty), motto, and guiding questions.

Why create a woty?

The word of the year serves as a beacon, helping us prioritize, focus, and move in the direction of our heart's desires and stated intentions.

Shaunta's past Wotys included Grit, which helped her cope with being away from home and family. During the height of COVID, she chose Preparation. The so-called legitimate hindsight followed with Reset and Recycle.

In 2024, she chose Declutter.

That's what I need to do. But I don't feel it as my woty. Goals, yes. Past is past. Woty, not really.

My recent words have been Grace and last year's health challenges were sustained by glorious resilience.

My word for 2024 - or phrase is Mystical Momentum.

It hasn't fully formed in my mind. I have gone through the process.

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