Franz Kafka wrote in a letter to his fiance's Felice Bauer: "Time is short, my power is limited, the office is horrible, the apartment is the apartment is Noisy, if it is impossible to live a happy and intuitive life, then you must try to twist through the subtle exercise. "

Kafka's strategy of "hard work"-balances full-time work and his writing desire- insisting on unhealthy timetable . He will start writing around 11 pm until one morning, two, three or even six. He slept for a few hours, worked, had lunch, went to bed, and then wrote. In "Daily Ceremony: How to Work on Artists" , the author Mason Currey explored the routine of Kafka and other multi -produced thinkers. In summary, these rituals show that productive creators will not wait for inspiration to fight. They adopt a positive method to plan and strictly protect their creativity.

After serving as the CEO of Jotform for more than 17 years, I learned the obsession with my schedule. I regularly review my busyness and try to automate as much tasks as possible. I firmly believe that for my business and my well -being, it takes time to plan, also known as the time of the Yuan Dynasty.

Benefit of Yuan Time

Some parts of my schedule have become the second day. Every morning, I exercise my body, eat breakfast, and then go to the office. The first thing I want to do is to write my morning page-about thirty minutes. During this period, I wrote down anything in my mind in a conscious way. After that, I spent about 15 minutes to draw the remaining day.

I like to visualize my schedule. Drawing time can help me plan an important creative work during peak hours -when I am most alert, when I am most vigilant, full of vitality and focus. In this way, I guarantee that I will not only check the project on the list of things to be handled. I am going to make progress for the projects for my company. I feel a sense of accomplishment for personal things.

The author Cal Newport is another serial planner who swear through the plan to take time. New Potter uses a method called "time prevention", from ten to twenty minutes every night to establish the timetable for the second day. He explained :

"Sometimes people ask why I have to worry about such a detailed plan. My answer is simple: it generates a lot of productivity. I estimate that the output of a 40 -hour time disorder is produced and 60 with no structure. Hours above work per week "" "" "" "" "

It is important that New Potter pointed out that his goal is to make progress in the right thing .

With the help of the Yuan arrangement, your progress will not be derailed due to the paradox you choose-too many possibilities make you feel frustrated and cannot make a decision. The more you give priority to the planning time, the more you find that you stop it during the day, the more you want to know what to do next. In my book , I specifically introduced the entire chapter to draw the workflow-a series of interconnected steps, and these steps generate a given result. Understand your daily workflow and eliminate or automated steps not only to release the time, but also minimize the number of choices you must make, that is, eliminating the paradox of selection.

If you are in Meta-Scheduling, there are some entry strategies here.

How to plan your plan

According to Harvard Business Review , one of the most important skills of successful time management is consciousness-by understanding this is a limited resource and truly think about your time. This is also one of the areas of people's most struggle.

It becomes more understanding of your time to review your schedule on a regular basis, and you choose your time. For a few days, please carefully record how much time do you spend all day on the task. You may be surprised to consume your time. The most powerful drainage fluid is usually hidden in sight-the repeated manual task we silently accept is part of our working day. After the review schedule, consider which tasks it takes for more time. What will have the biggest impact? Which tasks make you motivated and participating? Save time for these things (preferably at your peak period), and try automation to assign or eliminate as many remaining tasks as possible.

As the Harvard Business Review recommended, treat you like money. This is a limited resource, so you want to invest wisely.

Finally, get a regular date with yourself to plan your own day. Whether you are like me in the morning or night like New Potter, this time will be included in your schedule. Soon, you will see the benefits of leapfrogging. It feels like the second day, just like brushing your teeth or drinking coffee in the morning.

Final idea

If you work hard to create the schedule, don't stay on it. Experts say that the neurochemistry of our brain may be accused. Are you born here? Your back brain has a dominant position, making linear plans easier, or the other part of the brain is responsible. The brain needs more energy to formulate plans and persist.

However, we can all develop skills to better draw our days and optimize the productivity of important things. I hope the above techniques will help you figure out the daily ritual that is best for you.

Thank you for reading. Check my new book at any time to automate your busyness .

It was first released on January 3, 2024 at .

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