One day, my friend suddenly asked me to ask me when I didn't need to go to work. A friend was a college student who had just finished testing and then I was going to internship. Let's go to Guangzhou to go to Guangzhou and Foshan to go shopping and leisure. I said it was okay. Then I started to do self -driving tour strategy to go to Guangzhou or go to Foshan. If you go to Guangzhou, I think about going to Yongqingfang and other popular places. I have also considered Dongshankou.

If I go to Foshan, I have been to the Lingnan Xintiandi in Chancheng. Later, I wanted to see if there was any online celebrity attractions. Three one of the hot search list was Ronggui Fisherman's Wharf, one was the Shunde Happy Coast Plus Plus The theme park next to the Overseas Chinese Town, took a look at the comments from OCT to go at night because there is light. I gave two choices of friends. One was to take the subway. The other was about to drive. The time was almost an hour. My friend said that he had never been to Guangzhou, and it was more convenient to have a car.

So we planned to go to the Fisherman's Wharf of Ronggui, Foshan after dinner at noon. In fact, there are also fishermen's docks in Guangzhou in Luoxi, but many stores have been closed before. Running by the river is a high probability that how to create a place where the Internet celebrity walks, plus some supporting facilities. We set off on the city bridge, followed the city of Liang Road and then went to Ronggui via Shunde. All the way and my friends said: Foshan has developed fast, many high -rise houses are not high, and the surrounding facilities are not perfect.

After an hour, we finally arrived. It is very convenient to park here for a lot of parking spaces, but the price is not cheap at all, six yuan an hour. Although there are a lot of people on working days, because it was a bit of the wind because of the river, the sun was empty at that time, but still with a jacket. I was my nose at the time. There are already many places that can be taken from the entrance, so most of them are many ladies and sisters come to take pictures with each other. This is one of the reasons for the Internet celebrity.

There are many restaurants next to the river, there are many restaurants in different places, and there are some shops that make craft beer. Imagine that it blows the sea breeze at night and talks to friends. of. We also want to find a place to have a cup to sit. There are a lot of coffee shops there. We found a coffee on Meituan a cup of coffee for ten dollars a cup of coffee, and then the environment is pretty good. Okay, it will become cold when you write down and blow the wind.

What I did not expect is that there are actually happy tea and Starbucks here, and I believe it will have a great impact on the milk tea coffee shop here. After buying coffee and sitting down, we started chatting. The college student friend had found a job in Pacific Insurance in Tianhe, Guangzhou, because he studied finance, and my friend was also engaged in the financial industry, so he gave a lot of suggestions for some suggestions. Give them, but college students are also admitting that they are a little confused and do not know what they do or what jobs are related to their expertise.

In fact, this fisherman's dock is not very big for about ten minutes. It has reached the end. You say a lot of characteristics, but he doesn't have much characteristics, but you say it is very ordinary, but it also has some characteristics, but there is a one to say that the toilet here is here. It is really clean and without odor. But the seventy -one convenience store here is very special, but I forgot to take pictures. Below is the store but there is a second -floor open -air balcony. You can sit on the road. You can sit and watch Jiang Jing. There is no place to eat sugar water. How can you not eat sugar water when you come to Foshan?

After watching the time, it was almost two hours, but if you park, you must give money or leave before you leave. If you have an hour of money, I don’t understand that many attractions now have to pay attention to his WeChat public account. Is it easier to register to pay for you to pay, scan the code directly and then enter the license plate? Then I did n’t have any discounts after scanning the code, so I canceled my attention after turning my head, because these public accounts would push some articles from time to time.

But after seeing the time, I haven't gotten to eat. I just take a look at where there is something to go on the map. If there is a place to enter the local list, it is a Snoopy colorful world. I talked to my friends about the Mainland. At least I have never seen or even heard of the cartoon related to Snoopy. I remember that I only watched Tom and Jerry before. The college student liked it when he was a child. He also took out a small bag. It happened to be Snoopy cartoons. It may be that there were many domestic cartoons in the Mainland at that time, so there was no chance to contact.

After this Snoopy's colorful world, there is a shopping mall that can be parked in a shopping mall. You can park freely with tickets. After we stopped the car, we went to see it before I learned how much I had to give money in the original. He said that it was 105 people, and the four of us immediately felt that it was not very cost -effective. Except for it, it was not much time to play earlier, and it was not cheap. There is a little more mobile game. This place is like an anime theme park of Disney. If you have children, you can play it in the past. It is also a good deal for a loved ones.

This article first shared the first half of this short self -driving tour is about the introduction of the Ronggui Fisherman's Wharf. I personally think that if you do n’t live in Foshan, you will not recommend the past because there is really no characteristic. : It is better to go to the Xifang Courtyard of the Shiqiao or the sandy island in Guangzhou. The next article will continue to introduce Shunde's most popular Internet celebrity place -Happy Coast Plus.

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