Maybe you have heard a recent story , that is, Alaska Airlines has suffered a part of the fuselage blowout at a height of 16,000 feet. But do you know at least two mobile phones from passengers fall off the plane and survive? check it out.

You may be surprised by the surviving iPhone, but I found that in 2024, there are still people who do not lock the screen on a mobile phone. What I mean ... what?

Okay, we have some physics to go here-so let us start.

Why do iPhone break the impact?

It is only clear that when the iPhone hit the floor, it does not always break. This is not only the iPhone, but also the Android phone may also break. However, it is much less likely to feel that the old mobile phone is breaking. Remember when we put our mobile phones in those huge cases to prevent falling and water. We are in a better place now.

Suppose I have an object (maybe a mobile phone, a ball or a banana) on the ground, and there is a certain impact speed V. When it collides with the floor, there is a force (F_F) to slowly slow down its slowdown. down. This force works on a certain distance (Δy) for a period of time (Δt). This is a picture.

I didn't show time because-you know, this is just a photo. However, if I know the length of time during the impact, I can find the value of the force (F_F). Oh, let's ignore the gravity. This is not a bad assumption for the situation of ultra -short collision time. According to Newton's second law (in the direction of Y), I got it:

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