Hello everyone, which country has the most beautiful women in the world, that is definitely a question that everyone wants to answer but once there is an answer, everyone argues. So we need something specific, beauty is extremely subjective, what is beautiful to one person may not be to another. Asia is different, Europe is different, America is different, Africa is different, if the number of beauty pageant titles is considered the standard then we will have a very interesting top 5 ranking.

Thousands of beauty pageants are held every year but the big four are considered the most prestigious, widely reported and broadcasted by the media worldwide. The big four refers to 4 major international beauty pageants for women, namely Miss World, Miss Universe, Miss International, and Miss Earth. The first country to win all four major international pageant titles is Brazil when they won Miss Earth in 2004. But to have their poker victory, are they the country with the most beauty pageant titles.

Here is the ranking of countries with the most beauty pageant titles in the big four group. As of the end of 2022, not every country with a large population has many beauty queens, not every wealthy country has many beauty queens, not every country with beautiful landscapes has many beauty queens.

5th Place: Brazil

A country in South America and also the largest country in South America with an area of 8.5 million km2. It is the 5th largest country in the world with a population of over 200 million known for football, carnival, and passion. In general, this is a vast and charming country with so many summer festivals, so women are naturally beautiful, with beauty they can confidently participate in festivals. Brazilian women are often fiery and their beauty is captivating to men because of their alluring charm that emanates from their bodies.

Brazilian beauty standards are closely related to very hot figures, Brazilian people often have sun-kissed healthy skin, blonde hair, and very strong bodies, with a mix of European and American features. Not only do they have schools that teach life skills, beauty care skills, and performance skills, Brazilian girls also learn beauty recipes from tropical herbs. In general, Brazilian girls are very friendly, open-minded, and dress very liberally. That's why they capture the hearts of men worldwide and Brazil has a total of 6 beauty pageant titles in the big four group.

4th Place: Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico is very familiar in a song and this song has promoted the image of Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico literally means rich port and officially known as prosperity along with Puerto Rico, it is a sovereign territory of the United States located in the Northeastern Caribbean Sea, with a population of over 3 million, an area of 9,000 km2, having so many beauty queens is truly outstanding.

During the colonial period of Spain, the cultures and customs of the indigenous people of Puerto Rico, Spaniards, Africans, as well as the fusion of European countries other than Spain have blended into what is now the culture and customs of Puerto Rico. That is why the people of Puerto Rico in general and Puerto Rican women in particular, have many mixed features of different bloodlines, Puerto Rican girls love to dance.

It seems that these factors combined create the charm of Puerto Rican women. Puerto Rican women are not only beautiful but also very talented, since the mid-20th century they have witnessed a phenomenon called the great migration, where thousands of people from Puerto Rico including large and small families, women and men have left this island to move to the states of the United States and mainly live in New York City. They work in aviation and commercial services and Puerto Rican women have been very successful in the United States.

3rd Place: Philippines

With 15 titles in the big four group competitions. A country located in Southeast Asia with an area of 300,000 km² and a population of over 100 million. In terms of area and population, the Philippines is quite similar to Vietnam. The Philippines is in Asia but the Philippines has a lot of European features, very Western and beautiful. The Western beauty of many Filipino women comes from having different bloodlines, a country that speaks English clearly, and has close relations with the United States. Therefore, the beauty standards of women in this country are also closely related to the standards of American women, and this may be the reason they succeed in beauty pageants.

A study of female university students in the Philippines showed that 97% of them have pear-shaped bodies, meaning their lower body is wider than half of their upper body. Filipinos are also known for their bright white smiles, among the most beautiful in the world. The Philippines has the Miss Philippines pageant and this competition lasts for several months. As a result, 6 out of the top 40 contestants will be crowned and chosen as representatives of the Philippines in various international beauty pageants. Among them are 4 international beauty pageants that the Philippines has won 15 crowns in.

2nd Place: United States

If we consider the number of beauty pageant titles in the big four group, that would be the United States. A country that leads in many aspects and is at the top of many rankings, including beauty pageant rankings. While not everyone is beautiful, they have outstanding individuals in each field and that is the style of the United States. American women tend to be healthy, eat clean, drink clean water, take good care of their health, and lead the world in fashion. Americans are multicultural and open-minded on many issues but not necessarily with beauty.

What's interesting is the mentality towards American girls, most American girls grow up in a culture where beauty is an important part of society and emphasized from many aspects of fashion, food, homes, everything around a girl. How to make that girl look better. Because of this, many beautiful young American girls feel unhappy with their appearance, even to the point of depression if they are not physically attractive. This unhappiness is partly why the beauty pageant industry in the US is thriving, as well as the beauty industry in the US.

But a fact that few people may know is that in the US in the 1960s there was a movement against beauty pageants, this movement was supported by a group of people with the following reasons: They saw beauty pageants as a way to judge women's beauty by abnormal and discordant standards. Furthermore, when beauty queens degrade human dignity, turning women into objects, beauty pageants are harmful to women. And finally, the group opposed beauty pageants in the 1960s in the US believed that beauty pageants are hypocritical and only serve to satisfy men's desires.

1st Place: Venezuela

If we consider the number of beauty pageant titles in the big four competitions, that would be Venezuela with a total of 23 titles. A country located in South America most famous for beauty queens and oil, with Venezuela beauty queens are the pride of the nation. Brazilians are football fanatics, Americans care about American football. For Venezuelans, if a beauty queen reaches the final round of an international competition, the entire American continent will celebrate. It is also a very interesting event to win beauty pageants, not only as a national pride and citizen duty but more importantly.

It is a national brand that is an important part of the cultural identity of Venezuela in times of scarcity. With the economic crisis, widespread unemployment, through beauty pageants, beauty queen training centers seemed to have no place to stand, but in fact, this is a fat door for girls who dream of changing their lives. And that is how to affirm the reputation of girls after they have become successful. Many parents do not hesitate to spend large amounts of money, even borrowing heavily, for their daughters to study at beauty queen training centers.

Not to mention many families with two or three and many daughters in beauty queen training centers, the amount of money just keeps increasing, beauty pageants in Venezuela not only bring fame and a place on the international stage for this South American country but also help Venezuela export manpower in its beauty industry not only exporting beauty queens but also exporting fashion designers, beauty training experts, and beauty formulas.

The beauty industry of Venezuela is particularly concerned, leading to the rise of both dentistry and cosmetic surgery. Besides, are you more impressed with one country or still impressed with the girls around you.

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