The purpose of this article is not for you.

However, in order to protect yourself from knowing the security preferences of Apple's security preferences, you can bypass them immediately as long as you know your password.

As a blogger, I have written on Apple for more than two years. I think I am a person with a good apple knowledge.

So let me explain , if I am a thief, how would I snatch your iPhone-

  • Lock you in all apple devices forever,
  • It has been considering all the precious pictures for decades,
  • Clear your bank.

The Wall Street Journal said that this is the exact method of the United States to steal the iPhone.

Finally, I will explain the best security practice to protect your iPhone from the infringement of this strategy.

(Believe me, you will not believe that it is so easy to steal your digital identity.)


Chapter 1 : Theft

1- Find a simple iPhone
2- Pay iPhone into my hands
3 -Immediate steps
4 -steal your Apple ID
5- Clear Bank
6 -erase iPhone and sell it

Chapter 2 : Best Security Practice

1- password is king
2 -o icloud keychain
3 -Prohibit the use of screen time to change account changes
4 -New iOS 17.3's stolen device protection function

~~ Chapter 1: Theft ~~

#1. Find a simple iPhone

The best place to find a simple iPhone is a bar.

People go there to relax, so they are likely to stay for a long time. The longer they spend, the greater my chance ...

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