F or decades of refrigerators, dishwasher, oven, well, almost all equipment usually has a lifetime of more than 20 years, and usually our own life span is relatively easy to repair. Remember the Mao Tag ads that the maintenance guy is so boring? Maytag still said that they are reliable, but the brand of the maintenance personnel? gone. Why? Most other equipment and equipment are the same; built -in utensils and life span.

Another middle -size writer's article on the paper coffee cup makes me think this is the ideal metaphor of many consumer electronics products, and we may have been in these technologies in the future. The good news is that specific anti -utopia consumers may not be as decisive as their creators hope in the future.

Looking back at the past, when understanding the position of consumer technology for many years, household appliances are golden birds in coal mines. The ultimate goal may be that the futurist Kevin Kelly elaborates this goal in his book "Unavoidable" in his 2016 book " Unavoidable ". The basic theme is. In essence, people will no longer no longer Have things. Everything will be subscribed. From food and clothes to computers, furniture and so on.

This is the signal of a model that a company seems to agree with is the rise of Netflix and streaming media services. The decline in cable TV is the rapid rise in the software (SaaS) industry. , Now it is data, which is a slippery slope for all services. Kelly is doing something. Until he was not.

Streaming media services seem to be entertainment from heaven. No advertisement. Overlashing. Even cultural activities before the big popularity. Then not. For existing media companies, the entry of streaming media services is quite low. They have nostalgic back directory. Netflix has proved that it is possible to create your own new content, maybe it is beneficial?

Until not. Low obstacles means that competitors have accumulated fast and spent popular programs. Movies are almost like Silicon Valley technology speculation foam. It caused a mess. Rights agreements and media brands have recaptured their performances, such as Disney abandoned Netflix to establish its own streaming channel. The most important thing is their own channel. advertise…

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