Robotics Company of the robot company, the company is developing humanoid robots to fill the labor shortage being developed in some areas of the economy, has announced an agreement with BMW to deploy a number of Figure 01 robots at the German car manufacturing plant in Spartanburg, South Carolina, where it assembles about 1,500 vehicles x and xm per day and currently employs about 11,000 people.

To date, few details about the number of robots or what type of jobs they will provide, moreover: they will be integrated into trained manufacturing processes to perform specific tasks. In other words, evidence of the concept for general purpose tasks.

BMW aims to compete with Tesla, who has Optimus robots already used in its factories. Car manufacturers like Honda, manufacturers of the famous and now retired Asimo, or Hyundai, where received Boston Dynamics, have been testing humanoid robots to perform repetitive and dangerous tasks on assembly lines for many years, even before discovering the generation algorithm, and They argue that repetitive and low-value jobs are precisely the jobs that companies have the hardest time recruiting and retaining workers.

Now, the development of next-generation robots like this is being approached in a way that makes them completely safe in an environment where they share space with people and with learning processes taking place in work through imitation. In fact, its number approach will allow companies to increase productivity, reduce their costs, and create a safer and more consistent work environment, and plans to establish a company as a Raas, robots-as-a-service, model, model, model, model, Renting its robots to companies. The focus of its number is to mimic the human form factor and achieve high accuracy in tasks performed manually.

Robots in the workplace in a car manufacturing plant. When I advance the idea that 2024 will be the year of the robot, even I did not think we would hear these kinds of reports so soon.

(In Spanish, Here )

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