When I wrote this article, I didn't want to get up the name, and maybe I encountered the right one without writing. Just as every step of life is impossible to plan, you can only live in the moment, do yourself, and have your own arrangements.

I have insisted on swimming for a month, and every time I go straight to the target, what should I do? Someone said hello to me, and I responded, it didn't matter, but I didn't remember them. It was really offensive, maybe each other was due to the personality.

There was a aunt in the locker room greeted me in the dressing room. The reason was that our cabinets were next to each other, and they needed to change clothes almost at the same time, so I got my clothes a little farther away. Everyone is convenient. The aunt asked me if I was a teacher, and I felt like a temperament. I said no.

At this time, Sister Cleaning just came to me, I subconsciously avoided it, waiting for the other party to come back after dragging. It didn't take long for Sister Cleaning to tell every guest to put the slippers she walked in the frame before leaving, and she packed the next day. I do it according to law.

Later, I talked with my auntie about a few words about swimming, and they left. Before leaving, my aunt said that my aura was very clean and rare. I didn't understand what it meant at first, but I also knew that it was a praise. She said thank you with a smile, and told her to be slower on the road. It is completely subconscious response.

On the way back, I suddenly remembered the words of my aunt, so I pulled out my mobile phone to search for the answer. It is found that a popular field is a heavy praise. I feel ashamed when I am happy, I can't afford it! Power is a kind of incentive. Thinking about it this way, he can't restrain the joy of his heart.

The inferiority created by the native family buried a lot of thunder in the road of my growth. Later, I came into contact with psychology, exposed to faith, and improved a little bit. the power of. I remember that when Mr. Luo Xiang talked about the native family, he said: "People with bad native families, take a slow half or take a few times, are already very good. Don't blame yourself, because when others grow up, you are still trapped in the native native In the internal consumption of the family, when others are doing a career, you are still engaged in yourself.

I decided to give myself more positive guidance, so after returning, I made sauerkraut fish with my muscles and sent a circle of friends by the way. Some friends saw what I did, and planned to go home for my daughter to eat the New Year. I thought about it seriously, it should be the following steps:

1. Fresh grass carp slices (usually buying fish in the vegetable market, tell the seller that you want to make boiled fish or sauerkraut fish, the seller will help handle it, just wash it back)

2. Pick out the fish head separately. Stir with green onion ginger, garlic, cooking wine and egg white evenly, and pickle for later use.

3. Saucers are shredded and set aside. If you can't buy that kind of pickled black sauerkraut, the kind of wrapped in the supermarket is OK.

4. Boil the oil and put the fish head in the hot oil until the epidermis is slightly yellow.

5. Boil the oil again, put the peppers, onion ginger and garlic, and cut the sauerkraut to stir -fry the fragrance. Then stir -fry the fried fish heads just for about a minute. Add water (Remember to boil water! Master the size of the fish. If you want to cook some other side dishes together by the way, you can also master it by yourself)

6. After the pot is boiled, cook for a while, let the fish head be cooked, and then put the marinated fish in the (second). , Chicken essence, raw soy sauce and other seasonings, adjust the appropriate taste.

7. Cook according to the thickness of the fish fillet for a while, usually about a minute or two. During the period, try to reduce the frequency of stirring pots to ensure the integrity of fish fillets. Generally, color changes are almost the same. You can also taste it. At the end, click a little bit of vinegar and get out of the pan.

8. Find a large basin. Sprinkle some cut shallots and minced garlic at the top. Just spill hot oil.

I am used to adding oil bean skin and soybean sprouts when making sauerkraut fish, so that the oil bean skin and soybean sprouts will fully absorb the rich taste of the soup and it will be better.

Just write here, I eat fish. As for the name of the article, is it good to be "Late Night"?


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