This article was originally published in Art Fish Intelligence .

At the beginning of each year, I perform data analysis of the previous year to reflect on everything that happened.

Last year in 2022, I conducted an in-depth investigation into crying patterns.

During this year 2023, I analyzed patterns of illness and health.

This article provides an overview of the data collected and analyzed about myself in 2023, and concludes on how to live a healthier and better life in 2024.

Data Collection Overview

My data comes from the following sources.

  • Google Maps location records
  • Apple Health
  • Surveys on daily habits completed at the end of each day

After combining data from different sources, there was a variety of data.

  • Exercise: step count, average daily heart rate, active calories, type of exercise
  • Geographical location: City, whether I traveled or not
  • Diet: meat consumption, alcohol consumption, caffeine intake, eating out
  • Health: medication taken, stage of life
  • Habits: whether I cried, washed my hair
  • Wellness signals: whether I felt cold, had a headache, got injured (physically) or felt well

I wanted to learn more about this final variable (wellness signals).

I wanted to answer the following questions.

  • How did my exercise patterns differ based on health?
  • Did traveling to a specific city or being present in one affect my health?
  • Was there a higher likelihood of getting sick in certain areas?
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