I have n’t posted a video of the shop for a long time. Recently, I have been sick for a long time. I have n’t been to dinner for a long time. When they come to Guangzhou to work hard for many years, they will ask friends to eat a little bit of the ceremony at this time at this time, and they will return to my hometown for the New Year after the ceremony. I haven't eaten it for a long time, and some food memories have flooded.

In fact, that restaurant is in a village, and the distance from the place where I go to work is separated by a street. I have been there for a long time ago but I haven't gone for a long time. The most impressive thing when I was a child was a large plate of frying. Rice noodles and burning pork ribs, fried rice flour is not done by many restaurants. Maybe some tea buildings will make three silk fried rice noodles, but the amount of rice noodles is really small. The rice noodles in the hotel really made me a rice noodle enthusiast.

This restaurant was next to the rivers, but it would be smelly, but it was cold when I went there, so I did n’t feel smelly, but the decoration was completely different. I said what a breeding base I was, and the familiar feeling came into my heart at once. It was actually a place in the size of a garage to make a kitchen, and then the open space on both sides was used to be surrounded by restaurants. Although the weather was weather, although the weather It is very cold, but there is a constant stream of people who eat. Fortunately, we have settled the position, otherwise we do n’t know when it will be waiting.

Friends came to get the position early, but no one has not served yet. My friend is from Guangxi. I like to drink and take a few bottles of beer from Guangxi. I just dared to drink too long, and I declined. When I was waiting, I already smelled a strong wine and sauce. It released a strong aroma, and it was already appetizing before eating. I was looking forward to this meal.

Then, by the way, I will talk about what is drunk geese. Many people have heard of it but have never eaten it. When they listen to a name, they know that there are wines and goose. In fact, they are very similar to beer fish. In fact, some of some dishes made in Guangdong are common methods. For example, my dad will add a bottle of beer. In addition to removing the fishy smell of ducks, malt will highlight the umami flavor of duck meat. Instead, Gaota has become a beer duck, but it has a noise. And the reason why drunk geese can be well known, I have to say his visual experience.

It turned out that the drunk geese came from Foshan. Foshan has another well -known rice wine brand called Jiujiang Double Steamed. The locals will be called steaming or Jiujiang. The degree is not as high as Maotai wine, so drunk geese use these rice wines and all kinds of seasonings to cook together. Then rice wine is not too much, it is a whole bottle, yes, a whole bottle. Whether the alcohol will not be finished after falling in, then the height of the altar will definitely volatilize a lot of ethanol, which is suitable for igniting an appreciation of the flame show.

Speaking of the time, he quickly served the auntie to take out two plates. A goose just fried with white smoke. The frying goose that had been fried in advance can remove the fishy smell, and it will also fry the goose oil to make it more sweet to make it more sweet. Fragrant, and then the aunt put on gloves well, and I was thinking why she had to wear gloves. The aunt took out the lighter and ignited it, and the furnace was very hot. Many people who were scared to present even took a few steps back because the fire was too fierce and splashed everywhere.

After smelling the fragrance, you can throw the goose down and continue to fry. After letting go, don't rush to turn it, so that the goose will have a wonderful Marad reaction. Hahaha, this should actually be used on the steak. When you fry all the goose until all sides, you can add a whole bowl of sauce that has been adjusted. When you get the pot, you have smelled it very fragrant. You must stir -fry the sauce. Otherwise, it is easy to be scorched, so it tests the aunt's experience.

When I was frying, the aunt told us to open Jiujiang. It seemed that I had to prepare for the wine, that is, the heavy drama of the whole dish came, and the aunt poured the liquor inside in one go, but there was no amazing spark. I thought that when I failed, the aunt left the lid and left. I thought I thought that the phone did not perform without a flame performance and then disappointed the mobile phone. After a while, the aunt took the lighter to open a small mouth and then ignited a little. Not only is it very stunning, but also adds a warmth.

Isn't it immediately when we are impressed? It turned out that if you want to have a better visual effect, you have to have a lot of alcohol fog at once to put it on the lid and wait for a while to get together for a small mouth. Then continue to burn the flames with a high heat until it disappears. At this time, you can turn the medium and small fire to let the sauce and wine fragrance slowly penetrate into the goose meat. Because you have just fried, you can wait for a while.

When you wait, you can put other dishes. The first one is steamed chicken. Nothing is not particularly steamed on the steamed steamed chicken in ordinary restaurants. Essence The second is boiled beef is also the taste of ordinary restaurants. Then there is a whole plate of burning pork ribs. This is really delicious and the flavor of the barbecued pork, but because it is a ribs, the taste is firmer and the crispy bone is very refreshing. Click, there is not a lot of pork ribs to go to the bones.

After eating almost, the aunt came over to open the lid. As soon as the open lid suddenly attracted the eyes of everyone present, all of them were seductive, and I immediately clamped it. Wow. It's really delicious and rich in sauce and wine. There is no smell and fishy smell, and the meat is just right. It's a must, but unfortunately I don't have any meals because I ordered fried rice noodles.

The fried rice noodles come up immediately. Slowly, I think it is very cost -effective to sell 25 yuan, because I usually go out to eat a fried rice noodle. It takes nine dollars to be more than half here. I immediately caught a bowl, because it was fried together on the whole dish. Of course, I did n’t usually eat a piece of fried delicious food outside, but there is already a certain level. Mi Fan is a good partner. I really want to continue eating after eating. I ate three large bowls before and after.

This drunk goose that was amazing to rectify meals was that I saw it in a circle, and I was basically rushing to the drunk goose, and I remember that I would have lost it. I watched the menu. They are all about twenty -five yuan. It may be because the residents are under the floor of the residents, so it is more affordable. Friends who are interested can try it.

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