A few years ago, it was also at 00:00 on February 3. I brushed a live broadcast room selling Apple in the video number. Because I often sent apples to implies happiness in the New Year, I did not hesitate to place an order.

The anchor of the live broadcast room has repeatedly emphasized that the post will be given home before the New Year, so that every buyer will be assured. At the same time, the anchor also stated that if rotten fruit was found, we could return the goods free of charge. Let us buy it with confidence. Now it is shipped from the source orchard, and the quality is guaranteed.

In less than a day, I found that they actually sold more than 100,000 orders. Are the live broadcasts so scary now? It's normal to think about it. After all, it's almost New Year. Everyone likes to buy some fruits, especially fresh and cheap.

They use postal logistics. I read the postal logistics information. The logistics began to collect it at about 8 pm on February 3rd. On February 4th, the logistics information showed that it had begun to enter Xi'an. However, there was no news for the next 5th and 7th on the 5th, 7th, and 7th, which made me a little nervous, so I asked the merchant, and the merchant helped me to inquire about me that the current climate factor logistics was temporarily stagnant. Let me wait for two days. It's right.

The merchant's answer gave me peace of mind, so I waited patiently. February 9th is New Year's Eve, I hope it can be delivered before New Year's Eve. Sure enough, the postal logistics express information began to be updated on February 8th, and began to send it to Guangzhou. On February 9, it arrived in Guangzhou and was transferred. The logistics information stagnated between the two delivery points.

So I asked the merchant again, and the merchant asked again and told me that now the logistics is holiday, and they will send me delivery after the holidays. At the same time, they emphasize the quality of assured and find that the rotten fruit is retired.

After two days of inquiry, the merchant did not reply. After two days of inquiry, the merchant said that he helped to inquire and found that he was almost at the door of my house. I said this, but no one has been sending it to me, and no one calls me.

On February 15, I contacted the merchant again. After the merchant inquired, I told me that you should apply for a refund. Only if I apply for a refund, he can operate the refund of me. What is this operation? Is it the air I bought? No matter what the reason, I always give me a statement.

Later, I called the postal logistics phone. First, the answer of the voice robot, and then I asked for the transfer of artificial customer service. Then I transferred to artificial customer service. Then I explained the situation and the other party said that he would track this matter for me. I specially verified one thing. I said that postal logistics also had false fakes? The opponent's reply was that they were full of 24 hours and did not have a holiday. Suddenly there were countless question marks in my head. Is the merchant flickering me? Two days later, the postal logistics voice customer service dialed this morning to keep the phone unblocked. My express delivery was inquiring.

Today, I really don't know where the Apple I bought is going? If you are currently being delivered, you should be sent to me. I imagine whether there is such a possibility: My express is swallowed privately? Or is it already opened and eaten by anyone?

Nowadays, all the situation can only be personal guessing. As for the truth, I don't know. I have heard that the postal logistics is unreliable. Although it is a public institution, it is not as good as the logistics delivery service of the private unit. At that time, I didn't believe it. When things happened, I believed it.

In the minds of ordinary people, postal logistics is reliable, because postal logistics is a unique and monopoly position in history. This reminds me of the process of using postal use in the past.

Many years ago, when I was a child, there was a distance from our village to the township. At that time, a courier wore a formal clothes to ride a bicycle to send the courier. At that time, the courier held the wages of the country on the one hand, and on the other hand, they also asked the people for sending fees. The so -called delivery fee naturally entered the courier's pocket.

I remember that the delivery of a shipment at that time, the courier would ask you to be one yuan. Don't underestimate this yuan. At that time One -fifth of money receives a express.

If the other party mails you money, the delivery courier will receive more, usually one hundred yuan to receive you one yuan to five yuan, otherwise he will ask you to go to the town or the county to pick it up yourself Bar. Some courier also deliberately said that this was the only way they cash, and the charges were the above regulations.

Of course, this phenomenon should no longer exist, especially in the city, it will not exist. There are also more logistics units now. In order to better occupy the market, the logistics unit of private companies has invested a lot in terms of service. On the other hand, postal logistics is still slow. lay down.

I once lost the express delivery of Cainiao Logistics, and I lost it once. In the end, they acknowledged the mistakes and compensated my losses. This is the basic attitude. But postal logistics, so far, I don't know what their handling attitude is like? Fortunately, I don't spend much money this time, and I have time to wait for the truth.

Of course, I still have doubts during the whole incident. For example, the merchant no longer talks about logistics, but let me apply for refund directly. What is this operation? Shouldn't he pursue the reason for logistics and assist customers to protect their rights?

Another example is the official customer service of the video number, and I also suggested that I apply for a refund. I said, can't we defend rights? He responded to the postal logistics phone.

Whether it is a merchant or the official customer service of the platform, their processing logic seems to have only a refund that can be refunded, and other things need to be controlled. Perhaps it is because the video e -commerce is relatively lagging behind other traditional e -commerce such as Taobao Tmall and JD.com, and the construction of all aspects is not perfect.

Those traditional e -commerce companies that are relatively complete will have measures to pay in advance. As for other aspects, they will have corresponding punishment mechanisms and recovery mechanisms. The dimensions of platform customers are very short. One of the reasons for the platform.

Therefore, I think that if you want to be competitive in business sectors such as video numbers, you must also align with these mature business models. Otherwise, after a series of bad experiences, everyone is unwilling to continue to buy on the video number. This is an irreplaceable hydraulic system for the official long -term development of the video number

At the same time, for merchants to properly handle the contradictions with customers, it is necessary to cooperate with customers to solve the problem. It is not possible to refund it simply and rigid. Because consumers have the right to know, when consumers need to know the truth, the merchant needs to be a merchant, and the merchant is the merchant. There is obligation to tell what the truth is.

Today, what I think is to safeguard my legitimate rights and interests. As for the future development, and waiting for the relevant parties to deal with the results.

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