Chapter 48: "French French Fries"

I have always liked to eat fried fries, but I am too lazy to do it. I usually buy some semi -finished products from large manufacturers to come back and do it. In fact, it is not just fries, chicken nuggets, etc. will also be made in the same way. But recently I found that even half finished products are too lazy to do, it doesn't matter if eating and not eating, so that there is a large bag of 1 kg of fries frozen in the refrigerator for almost a year, and the tomato sauce is almost expired, but I still don't want to do it.

I remember that the desire to eat fried fries was in a fast food restaurant similar to McDonald's. In my hometown of the four -line cities, the appearance of this fast food restaurant was already a luxury, even in the corner of the mall. Of course, this dining experience is also unhappy -just for me.

Before the ordering table, I pointed at the meal photos on the signboard with great interest, and discussed what to eat with my parents who were gradually turning. At first, my parents were impatient to coax me that it was foreign garbage from foreign countries. We don't understand. Who knows whether it will be uncomfortable after eating. When they said these, they regarded the reaction of the staff in the dining table. After all, similar incidents were not the first time. Later, his parents simply slapped directly, saying that it was not easy to make money, and said how much I was sensible. On the one hand, the staff in the dining table laughed at the point, and on the other hand, it was the slap of the parents raised, and how many people gathered around, I don't remember it. I don't remember how to go home in the end. But from that day, every time I passed that shop, I would detour. If you have to pass through, you will walk away quickly. Whenever my parents pass by with me, they will definitely pull me to slow down, and even stay deliberately at the door for a while, letting me relive my lesson to achieve the educational purpose that impress me.

In the eyes of my parents, I let them lose their faces, and they are not forgiven. They will definitely do everything in my life to make me unhappy. The more I like, the more they want to destroy. Don't refute, I am experiencing it.

Later, I was admitted to college, and I chose a city with the farthest distance to allow my parents. During the holidays, a roommate worked in KFC. I was so envious. I thought that KFC's "threshold" must be very high. I can go there to work there when I can go there. lure. I was so unbroken, because this taste was a bit closer to my roommate.

A roommate and I asked me to take her back to school together in the store. During the waiting time, my roommate brought me a large box of fries and a large cup of cola. My first reaction is whether the money in my pocket is enough. The roommate said that the kitchen was going to sample. If you do too much, give me free to me. Even if I do n’t eat, there will be other colleagues who bring it back. In short, it will definitely not waste. Half a month later, I went to work in KFC where my roommate was located because I was able to eat fries for free.

When I informed this incident, a western restaurant chef who later worked in Beijing, the tears of the other party laughed. After joining the job, the kitchen often makes more things "accidentally", including fries. Later, I went to another restaurant to work in the kitchen, and because of the first time I came, I wanted to show my hand. So the next day's employee meal made French fries.

In the first day, peel the potatoes and wash it into a fries of the same size, and wash the excess starch. Add a little salt in the boiling water in the pot, cook the washed fries until it is broken, and then remove the drained water and sprinkle starch and stir well. Essence

For a while, in order to practice knives, I bought a lot of potatoes and changed their tricks. French fries and potato chips have the highest frequencies. Different goals, there is no need to demand the origin of potatoes. It is not impossible to replace without tomato sauce with salt and cumin. During that time, it was a lot amazing.

When I was a kid, I was ignorant. I am still ignorant now, and my love for eating far is far greater than others. Even if my parents stood behind, I couldn't stop me from going down the kitchen. Often they made a large table of dishes with joy, and they still kept counting. I never figured out that they strongly opposed me to love cooking. It really felt bad about my hard work, or because I wasted too much chai oil and salt. But I am always reluctant to admit that in their hearts, the chef is an unsightly career. Then why do they support the children of the uncle's family to open the restaurant? Is it because he is a boy?

Just in the past 2023 Spring Festival, I did not cook, and I didn't even step in in the kitchen. My parents thought that I was "changing the evil and returning to the right", so I changed another saying. I just did not really love for three minutes. So, go with them.

My parents' cooking skills are far from me, but they are stronger than boiled instant noodles. But I would rather return to the place where I live, cook instant noodles, make a poached egg, put a few slices of vegetables, and cut a few slices of ham. He was hot and fell asleep after eating a large bowl.

The fries in the refrigerator are still dusty. After waking up, I chatted with my friends in the group and said that I wanted to eat fries. My friends were very supportive, but I was too lazy to do it. I used to like cooking so much, but now I feel it is boring. Why?


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