I met this article I wrote ten years ago. I was shocked by the editor (self -correction) rather than emotions.

If we are lucky, we know or know a strong black woman, these black women can always expect when it will become difficult. What we failed to realize is that this is always a long time, and it depends on the powerful black women that may be exhausted, because it often causes them to put others in front of themselves. I am glad that she " will not feel tired ", but even the best day of them has her own days.

Powerful black women are attacked; they do not have any exemptions to systematically alliance with black people, and they are also responsible for their children, their partners, brothers and sisters stand up, just threatened some of the responsibility and equality and rights. Essence

Sometimes it is easy to sit down and rely on strong black women to fight with good fighting, and they rarely do hard work while doing work. We oppose the black massacre, but it is not so much related to the black women. We participate in judgment and body humiliation, and try to control what we should not. Our image sometimes depends on that woman is below us rather than us. No wonder she sometimes feels tired.

For a strong black woman, I want her to remember her kindness and the life that benefited from her existence. I also ask her to deploy her airbags before trying to help others, because if you lose consciousness, you will no longer help. If it is not to feed yourself first, even if you do not support your strength first, you have to feed your strength, because people are unreliable. Understand your value and use certain forces to adhere to others to respect it. Knowing when the loss is reduced, because of the situation, interpersonal relationships and reasons may not exceed one season.

For those who know a strong black woman, she supports her, assisted her and made her benefits a concern, because she might be busy with strength so that she would not take care of herself. The most important thing is that I thank her. In order to give her what we all need to do, there will be a long way to go. Realizing that she not only supports you, but also supports the entire universe of a person in need, so she loves her selflessly. If she chose you, you will cherish the time together, because she is the kind of woman. When she needed, let her rest, because sometimes she was even tired.

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