One day when he went out to climb the mountain, from the morning to the afternoon, the whole person was tired and did not want to move. In addition, these days have not been resting well these days, so they lay down on the bed and fell asleep quickly after returning home.

There are no one else at home, and their loved ones are attending the party. I don't know how long I slept. I feel confused that there is something running in the living room, and then I jumped on the empty position of the bed next to me.

I worked hard to open my eyes, and I couldn't open the posture. I felt like a dog, but I thought about it, thinking that there was no dog raising a dog at home. Where did the dog come from? Did you run in from the outside?

My thoughts are sober, but I can't wake up. There seemed to be a force in the state of dormant in the state of dormant, but the fear in the darkness made me eagerly wake up.

I don't know how long I have worked. It seems that it has been a long time, and I don't seem to have been in a long time. I finally woke up from the dream. Then I found that there was nothing next to it. Open the lights. There, trying to recall it in the head, so the real feeling, is it illusory?

I didn't have the thoughts of resting, so I opened the book to read the book. I always saw that there were some sleepy at two o'clock in the middle of the night.

The next day, my friend Xiao Zhang came to play with me, so I followed Xiao Zhang to Haizhu Lake to play again. On the road, I told Xiao Zhang that a strange thing happened last night.

Xiao Zhang smiled unwillingly, how weird is you talking about it?

So I talked everything that happened last night, and I did n’t expect Xiao Zhang to listen to it. It was just a smile. When I saw me a serious story, she thought I was telling a joke.

I was a little anxious, so I said big, but what I said is true, how do you laugh happily?

Xiao Zhang comforted me, then you are too tired, it is a stress response.

Stress reaction? Impossible, I feel very real, really have something to jump into bed. I rushed to argue that I was not satisfied with this explanation.

After all, Xiao Zhang has learned psychology, and he did not take care of my arguments. Instead, did you ask if the house next door often smashed the wall or suddenly made a big impact sound?

I do n’t know why Xiao Zhang asked like this, and instinctively, does it matter?

Xiao Zhang asked again seriously, is there any?

Seeing Xiao Zhang so serious, I obediently said, yes, especially the family in the bed. Sometimes I still cook in the middle of the night. People open a hole on the wall to put things, and each time it is put down, affecting people's rest.

Xiao Zhangshu said in a sigh of relief, that's right. In the past, you were not as tired as that night. The brain was in alert. The other party made noise or a huge sound to wake you up. However, it was different last night, you are too tired, your brain is sleeping, or in a state of tired fake sleeping state, the other party smashed things again, and then your brain was startled and transformed into one one. Phantoming is that you think that the small animals have jumped into your bed.

When I heard Xiao Zhang's explanation, I also feel that there is a certain sense, but after all, I am not learning psychology, but I still seem to understand.

Xiao Zhang continued, unless you sleep deeply, the external sound cannot affect you, but when the fast eyes movement is usually when people dream. At this time, if there is a huge sound in the outside world, your dream is easy Forced interruption, but it was affected by the huge sound of the outside world affected emotional irritability. What is worse is that you can’t remember what dreams you just have, you will become very difficult to fall asleep again. More sluggish.

I nodded and erected a thumb. You are really a psychologist. After your explanation, the doubt in my heart is gone, otherwise I will always think that there is a ghost.

Xiao Zhang laughed, where is there a ghost, it is because of your conscious imagination. However, your current living environment is very bad. I suggest you move early.

I nodded, yes, I had a plan to move. Fortunately, this house was rented. If it was my own house, I really don't know how to solve it. The opposite people are lacking in the bedroom of the kitchen and toilet in the bedroom where I live.

A small eyebrows were slightly, and it seemed that the landlord and the family were definitely not very harmonious. This is a big taboo on feng shui. After you go back, you must turn the bed. If there are morals who take care of your feelings, but if there is no moral person, you will deliberately disturb your sleep.

Therefore, I usually don't want to stay at home. Every time I get angry for a long time to calm down my emotions, it is really worthwhile. I complain.

Well, so you are willing to go to Haizhu Lake? I heard that the transformation of Haizhu Lake has been better than before. This season is when the spring flowers are blooming. I often go to nature to release the negative energy in my heart. Woolen cloth. Xiao Zhang continued to popularize my knowledge.

After coming to Haizhu Lake, it turned out that it was different from before. I remember before the epidemic came last time. At that time, there seemed to be no passage on the lake, but now there are channels, there are various flowers planting, and the attractions are obviously much more than the epidemic. I feel the warmth of the sun. Looking at the flowers in the breeze, there is an indescribable happiness.

I still felt very tired before going out. I didn't plan to come, but because of Xiao Zhang's enthusiastic invitation, I followed it together. Now the tired feeling seems to disappear, and the people who come and go are overflowing with the face of the people's face. With a happy smile, the gift of nature is really amazing.

Xiao Zhang began to play her learning side again. She said that people themselves originated from nature, so in a sense, nature is the mother of human beings. Experience, you will get a different feeling.

I have a vertical thumb again about Xiao Zhang. Your opinion is very novel, which reminds me of Zhuangzi in the Spring and Autumn Period. The allusion of Zhuang Zhou Mengdie is about the integration of Zhuangzi and nature?

Xiao Zhang glanced at me in surprise, and your understanding is very high. It seems that your gains are quite large this time. You should write an article when you go back. The process of helping others is the process of growing rapidly.

I slapped Xiao Zhang's arm. I should not thank you yet. I invited the guest at noon and said, what do you want to eat?

Xiao Zhangyan's round of eyes, it seems that this is Xiangzai, I quickly added, or go to KFC or McDonald's, this is your favorite.

Xiao Zhang looked at my nervous look, and seemed to see through my careful thoughts. Suddenly laughed, and hit my shoulder with a punch. Isn't that made you too much?

Do not spend, not spent. I quickly responded.

Unexpectedly, she glanced at me, then I was not polite, two big chicken legs, three -plate snacks, and two large barrels of cola.

ah? I didn't expect her lion to speak.

Unexpectedly, she laughed and teased you, and I couldn't eat so much.

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