Is it difficult to make money? Similar questions like this often appear on social networking forums. According to a recent online survey with 1000 participants, about 80% said that making money is difficult, 15% think that normal and only 5% think that making money is not too difficult. Among those who answered money, most of them were young people who were borrowing money from friends and banks to cover their lives and their studies. About 80% of these people are carrying a large debt. The fact that those who are struggling with financial difficulties are also those who are feeling insecure about their future.

However, people who brag about wealth may not be really wealthy people. On the contrary, some people sometimes complain about poverty and not necessarily poor as their lament. Andrew Hallam, a Canadian teacher working at an international school in Singapore is a typical example. In the early years of his work, he was almost proposed by his colleagues to contribute charity, because they thought he was too poor but when he was 30 years old, Andrew became a millionaire thanks to his wise investment. He shared his story in the best -selling book, in which he revealed the secret to getting rich and experiences about wealthy pretending people. When an Andrew was a tutor for a wealthy family in Singapore. The couple lived in a luxurious villa, owning expensive sports cars.

After a month of tutoring, he saw a wife wearing a gem jeweler who told Hawaii's trip, and gave Andrew a checkered check but Andrew was not interested in listening to those showing stories, something important to him. is the check. After finishing the fact that he immediately rode his bicycle to the bank to withdraw money but was extremely disappointed to know that the Czech could not change the money, because the couple's account balance was zero. When angrily called, the wife apologized to Andrew, they still had a big debt that had not paid it all to sympathize with them. Using a lavish life to cover the financial deprivation can satisfy them frivolous but deceive themselves and those around them. Often the more people lack something they tend to show more to offset. The pretending not only deceives others but also harms themselves. Smart people are the one who knows how to live in the ability to take action in their permission.
Life needs balance

Life needs balance if you do not save you will have to worry about money to deal with unexpected risks. In a famous Chinese -year drama, Jeju is a young girl who resigned a stable job to pursue her own dream. After unemployment, she had just paid the car loan, the mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. The surgical fee of more than 100,000 yuan is equivalent to about 343 million, obviously too difficult for Jeju. At this time unemployed, the balance in her account was not enough to pay for the surgery to save the mother's life. When he knew the big cost, the father asked his wife to discharge because he did not want to burden the daughter's shoulder but Jeju resolutely disagrees. She said she would sell a new car to buy money for her mother, this stubborn story is probably not rare in real life. When we are working and have money we often think of shopping and enjoying life. Only when we encounter urgent difficulties, do we regret not saving. The mental depression of an adult often starts from the shortage of money. People who do not have enough money to deal with health risks, accidents will be very easy to fall into despair.

If you walk around the hospitals, you will see how many families have to give up because they cannot afford to pay for hospital fees. Coming to the poor villages far from the mountains, you will realize how many children have to drop out of school because of the difficult family situation. So the small amounts that you save every day will be the best protection for you against risks. Do not think that saving money is shame, lack of money really makes people suffer. Writer Oscar Wilde used to have a famous saying "When I was young, I used to think that money was not important but I was older to realize that I was wrong, money was really important". In fact, a person who knows how to save is the one who is investing in his future. In contrast, people who do not have a savings discipline are borrowing the future, a really capable person not only knows how to make money but also must know how to save money. The famous book "cracking the millionaire secret" by American Stanley recounts the story when he interviewed a millionaire businessman.

After an interview with the wealthy millionaire invited Stanley to dinner, instead of taking people to a luxurious restaurant, this giant chose a popular restaurant. This surprised Stanley, why was such a successful rich man chose to eat and drink at a cheap shop? The millionaire explained that both he and his wife graduated from the top 20 universities but they did not need to show off their positions through accommodation. Like many other rich people they live simple, frugal and save money patiently. They don't care who thinks about them, the true wealth is not in a luxurious and wasteful place but in the ability to accumulate each small coins persistently. From savings to waste is easy but from extravagance back to save extremely difficult. Invisible consumers will eventually be slaved by money, only people who save continuously will achieve financial freedom. Impermanence, saving life is also a life skills to practice, with the right saying that money is a good slave but my boss. So you need to apply three methods to help you keep the money in your pocket.
Live minimalist and reasonable consumption

The desire to spend is like the sea, the more spending, the more expected to spend more, to save more money than adults need to know how to restrain and reduce excessive consumption desires. People who do not worry about finance are also the person who knows how to plan proper spending. In the famous book "Secret of Millionaire Thinking", the author shared his view that you want to control the cash flow you must know how to manage it scientifically. In life, it is important to cut the costs that are not really necessary, just buy what you really need to use and save the remaining money. If you know more reasonable consumption, you will definitely get financial stability and feel safer in the future.
Reduce non -quality communes and improve yourself

There is the right saying that work hard to earn money to support yourself, do not let your feelings and life depend on the money of others. Increasing income is the most direct and effective way to improve life. Instead of spending time on social relationships to feel that you have a position you should focus more on training and perfecting yourself. Spending on useless entertainment or because friends are not really important will not bring any practical benefits to you. Only when striving to train and improve the capacity of your income can increase. For example, instead of spending 3 million per month for useless drinks with friends, you can spend that time to learn a new skill, register for an additional level of improvement. As a result, your income can increase from 5 to 10 million per month, so you both work hard and save costs, have more income, that is the smart way of life of the head. wall.
Learn how to send frequent savings

Some people ask questions online "How can normal people exist in fierce competition today?" The answer that receives the most likes is to learn how to save money and continue working hard. With just a few short words but clearly showing the suffering of many adults. The secret is to record your own spending to determine what the real need is? Then regularly save a small amount of money into your savings account, after a while you will see that the money accumulated gradually, helping to dispel your financial anxiety. If you do not make a financial plan carefully, it will be difficult for you to cope with risks. So learn how to save money, saving money is the protective shield. Learning to save you will help you avoid financial risks, no one laughs at you for living economically and sparingly; They will respect you for knowing the financial plan for the future. Do not let the difficult days that you are passive, have money in your hand but have little desires to spend extravagance is the noble virtue of adults. Hope you know how to spend money properly and save discreetly. Surely you will be surprised at the effectiveness that the habit of saving.