Dreaming is a very normal thing. Most dreams have no indication, but there will always be some dreams to have certain forecasts.

Under normal circumstances, you can't remember all the content of dreams, but there will always be some clips you will remember.

Last year, I had two or two dreams, which was more impressed, so after I woke up, I recorded the dream to see if there was a certain connection in life after life.

The first dream was dreaming that my ears were itchy, so I pulled it with my little fingers, and a long cylindrical earwax came out. At that time, I sighed in the dream very much: there was such a long earwax in my ears!

However, things changed quickly, and the earwax was suddenly destroyed by the big bugs that came out of the shell. Moreover, the bug is a bilateral insect, and my head was recognized as Luo Shengmen with empty recognition. I don't know why such consciousness intuition will appear.

In response to this dream analysis, I also checked some information at the time, such as Zhou Gong's interpretation of dreams, saying that earwax represents wealth potential, but was destroyed by bugs. Finish.

The result in the real world at the time was this: before this dream, we have invited 36 stores to participate in the meeting. However, afterwards, other people have strengthened communication and arrival rates. Essence In the end, there was only one reaching transaction.

This shows that the potential wealth value can be obtained in the market, but it is destroyed by some brainless bugs. The comparison of this incident was timely. At that time, the results of the China Merchants Association were immediately clear.

Then when I went to Yulin, although I was actively working hard, I was still destroyed by others on key events. Does it show that the role of the effect is still longer?

Comparing dreams with real world is a very interesting game. Sometimes you will find that it seems that it is still strong. There is something in the sun and dreams, but dreams are often distorted.

The second dream is more fantasy, although you can only remember the story of the fragment, the process is still very surprising. The scene of my memory at the time was like this: a mother who was a mother, she had a daughter, and her father -in -law next to her.

It was gloomy and a little hazy in the darkness. At this time, her daughter said to the railing opposite that he saw a woman.

But the adults saw nothing, and her mother ran to the railing opposite. In such a dark weather, it seemed that the cold wind was still shaved. The younger daughter saw a woman, most of which was the so -called soul, and her mother was going to run over. This is too common.

An ominous hunch hitting his heart. However, no one can stop the mother's actions. Others did not chase it or yell, but the strange horror psychology must be indispensable.

At this time, the little girl cried at her mother, and seemed to know what mother might do. Her mother may be unbearable for the reason for the pressure of life. She did not nostalgic for this world, but rolled over the railings and jumped off the building without hesitation.

I was very ashamed to see this scene at the time. I didn't stop it for the first time. Seeing such a tragedy happened. However, this woman's mother -in -law, etc., seem to be looking forward to the arrival of this day. Without any sadness, they still live a peaceful life.

Soon, they held a funeral for this woman. Poor that woman had fallen into meat and became a suspension of unknown and unknown.

However, at this time, weird things happened.

I can see this woman, and there is a mysterious person behind her. Intross tells me that this is the soul. They have been separated from the physical existence, and most people cannot see them.

When passing by my side, the woman made a begging and said that her blood could not last long, and she wanted to see her daughter. I was surprised that the way of the soul of the soul needed blood, but in the dream, I didn't realize that I was dreaming, but I thought it was like this.

The mysterious person who followed this woman also took the opportunity to say that it takes a little bit of your blood, not much to use, you can rest assured, can you do it?

I said, I can help, but whether my body stays here will be processed.

At this time, I was also a soul state. I could see that my body was lying next to it, and there was no breath.

So the mysterious man waved his body and was hidden into the two -dimensional painting.

I regret that they agreed to their request. This is a very dangerous thing. They have their own selfishness and secrets. The harm in it is only they don't know.

The later things exceeded my expectations. It turned out that the mysterious person also had the secrets that he could not sue. His actual purpose was to want to contribute our blood to a vampire.

At that time, I was forced to bite the tube, and I could feel that the blood of my body was relentlessly absorbed, and even at the critical point or crazy absorbing the blood. I wanted to resist, but my strength became limited. In front of me, I was dark, and I reached another scene.

This dream plot is still rich, but the analysis is not easy, and there are too many vague content. When I woke up at the time, I froze for a long time, but fortunately I recorded these details.

When traveling on a business trip, it is not like in a house in Guangzhou. The neighbors next door often smash the wall all kinds of noise may appear. When the noise appears, it will affect your dream. After you are awakened The content, and then you feel that your head is very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, these dreams were done when they were on a business trip. I can make some records after waking up. Now the next thing that happened in the real world later finally understood the connection with dreams.

When I returned to Guangzhou again, I ate in a restaurant near the company after get off work. This was the company's group building and drank a lot of wine. There was nothing happened on the way back, but when I passed the intersection of Haicheng Temple, I accidentally hit the reinforced guardrail. At that time, there were retrograde people. The hand was hit.

At that time, I was very angry, shaking the reinforced fence a few times, and the hands were swollen at night. I went to check a day later and found that the palm bone fracture was found. I had to be hospitalized for treatment and flowed a lot of blood.

Later, my wife checked that her body was pregnant, but deviated from the normal value. After that, she was very uncomfortable and aborted.

At that time, his wife's mental state was very bad. The chief physician of the Hospital of the Red Cross also gave negative opinions, so that we naturally did not need to supplement nutrition and take any drugs. We didn't know how to do it for a while. Just when I was on a business trip to Ningbo, it happened in less than two days. My wife had a stomachache and a miscarriage incident.

In the end, I hurriedly returned to Guangzhou, accompanied my wife, and thought again and again to apply for resignation. The event that happened later seemed to coincide with what was in the dream? The mother and child are separated, and the yin and yang are separated, and the bad guy behind this is the mysterious person, but who is the mysterious person?

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