Without a week of humanoid companies released a new update, there is no one week. Can Optimus Prime walk? Number has just moved a empty handbag? So numbers! It seems that real companies have finally become more and more interested. From the beginning of Tesla, human animals are now "working" in Amazon and BMW, which is just a short -distance method for our family and gardens.

But are they really working? The demonstration we see is not as exciting as the Boston dynamic atlas, nor does it have the productivity of people. So, is the market be correctly excited and human animals will reach something? I am excited about the creatures of people, there are two reasons:

1) Human animals may eventually solve the problem of "brown field", which is the main reason why many robot solutions in Pewit Purgatory Burning.

2) Machine learning has achieved a huge leap in 2023. The computer shows that for the first time allowing them to run and execute Contact Richt ... in the open world settings.

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