These days are the return to Nantian in Guangzhou. This is a feature. At this time, the streets and alleys, especially densely residential areas, you will find that water droplets are full of water everywhere.

If the tile is affixed to the home, you will also find that the tiles are all water. This is because the warm air comes after the surprise, and the cold air has not retreated in time. At this time, they began to blend, and the climate of returning to Nantian was formed.

No one likes such weather. The best way is not to open the window, otherwise no matter how dry your room is, it will be wet.

Whenever this season, rheumatism patients will be even more sad, and their bones will feel very painful. They have to stick various painkillers. My mother is analgesic and analgesic cream, but it seems that the effect is very small.

For me, I feel a headache, and I don't know if it is related to the weather. Husband said it was related to diet, and I didn't know if it made sense.

My past eating habits are a lot of meat. I almost do n’t eat vegetables. My parents have eaten all the way, and I also adapt to this life.

Another point is that I don't drink so much water, and I often say by my husband. There is no habit of drinking tea in our family. Basically, it is a bowl of water after meals. This amount is very small and we don't know if it is healthy.

Because I was a little dissatisfied with the original house before, I asked my husband to change a house, so my husband accompanied me to see the house this afternoon. What I saw before was the fat guy's house. His house was at the tail of the dragon. Although he looked very shabby outside, he had been decorated with tiles inside, and it looked good.

The reason why we want to take a look with my husband today is to determine the impact of returning to Nanda on the house. When we opened the door, when we first entered the corridor, we found that there were watery everywhere. Suddenly, our hearts were cold. After the eggs were finished, this room would not be good.

After opening the door and entering the room, we found that the tiles were all dissatisfied with water droplets, and the tiles in the bedroom were also covered with small water droplets. I was disappointed, and I had some expectations for this house. This expectation was not strong.

After walking out of this house, I asked my husband whether the window was opened? Because I thought it was caused by the opening of the window. Husband said that there was no window, it was like that.

So we walked along the path, and the water vapor was everywhere. This time, Nanda is going to soak many houses in water vapor.

When I returned to the road, I pulled my husband home, but my husband pulled me out. So I followed my husband to the people's bridge, and then came to Zhoutouzui Park. At this time, we found a magical thing.

On this side of the People's Bridge, the road towards the direction of Zhoutouzui is dry, and it seems that returning to Nantian has no effect on this. Suddenly, my mood was much better. The sun hidden in the clouds was hidden, and there were some sunlight split out.

After coming to Zhoutouzui Park, we found that there were people in the park everywhere. They sat in three or two, either talking about things or playing music. The atmosphere here was completely different from the city.

The purple golden flower has not yet lost, and the yellow unknown flowers are covered with the whole tree, and the people coming and going are taken to the beautiful scenery here. So we chose a place to sit down in one place. In front of the big banyan tree was a row of piano people, listening to this melodious sound of the piano, talking about various stories, and I was very happy.

However, my headache is always accompanied by, and my husband massage me for a temple. He does not understand the massage, but the temple will slow down the headache for a while.

Not far next to it was a big sister. She was constantly brushing the short video. She actually brushed for more than an hour and hadn't stopped. The whole person was completely immersed in it.

Think about the era when mobile phones have not yet become popular. Many people come out to play to really appreciate the beautiful scenery. Now, even in the beautiful scenery, many people are just addicted to their mobile phones. I really don't know if this is progressing or regression.

Of course, sometimes I also brush videos, and it is also easy to be confused. Because these short videos are really short, and the big data push to you is your similar videos, which makes each video short, but because you are immersed in it, it is longer than watching a TV series as a whole. Essence

I remember when I was a kid, some students had TVs. When I went home, I was soaked in the TV. As a result, the test scores plummeted, and their parents had a headache but could not help it.

Nowadays, the intelligentization of mobile phones is even more powerful than TV. Doesn't children immerse in their mobile phones more affect their results than in the past? Thinking of this, my heart was embarrassed, but now I have no children. I have to work hard to restrain my dependence on my phone and make an example for my children in the future.

When I used to brush the video, I also brushed a mother -in -law to see the swimming pool, and her child drowned beside him. At that time, the child had no signs of life.

Regarding this phenomenon, did you say that the mobile phone harmed him or he hurt the child? Anyway, it will definitely affect their marriage, and it may be scattered in one shot.

I have also seen the news. Those who walked on the road suddenly went into the sewer. I did n’t know if it was a good thing in this era.

For this husband's habit is better. Every time he goes out to play, he rarely plays mobile phones and less videos. Since the purpose he often says is to play, then it should not be separated from this purpose. It's right.

I can't refute this view, but it is still difficult to change my habit. When most people are accustomed to brushing their mobile phones, more people are willing to follow the trend, and I am unfortunately become one of them.

Can this phenomenon be called the virus of the mobile phone?

Of course, according to the 28th law, 80 % of people are in this waste of time, and less than 20 % of them use this phenomenon to obtain benefits. We realize, but it may be difficult for us to change, unless someone leads you and cultivate you to form a new habit.

As soon as five o'clock, we decided to walk, but I wanted to go back. In the end, my husband obeyed my suggestion. We walked back along the shore of the Pearl River. The bank is very dry. If you don't see your own eyes, you will definitely think that the one who is near the water should be more humid? However, the facts are completely opposite, and the boardwalk near the Pearl River is very refreshing back to Nantian.

Entering the residential area again, it is as if entering the world of water. You can clearly see those glass, and the walls are full of water droplets everywhere. Because there are few winds here, the phenomenon is getting more and more serious in it. In the end, simply played on the waterway.

I asked my husband, do you like to return to the south sky?

My husband did not answer me positively, but said, don't you like it?

Yes, no one likes to return to Nantian, although this is the characteristic of Guangzhou.

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