this is a true story. Sending a gift before marriage is a custom of China. In different areas, the quota of Cai Li is also different.

The quota in the area where Xiao Wang is located is very high, and the mother -in -law requires 500,000. This is almost difficult to do for Xiao Wang, because the situation in his family is also average.

However, in order to marry a relative for his son, Xiao Wang's mother mortgaged the property and sold something, and borrowed some money from relatives, which was enough for 500,000.

At this time, Xiao Wang said to his mother, it is better to turn 500,000 yuan into gold, so that it will make the mother -in -law have face, and gold can also add value.

Xiao Wang's mother thought about this suggestion, so he took his son to the gold shop to buy 500,000 gold.

Later, Xiao Wang and his mother solemnly sent 500,000 gold to the mother of the little king.

Xiao Wang's mother -in -law saw her son -in -law's house so sincerity, so she was very simply marrying her daughter to Xiao Wang.

The two began to prepare for marriage, but at this time the mother -in -law announced an unexpected news.

The mother -in -law told her daughter that the reason why such a high gift was so high to test the attention of the son -in -law's house. Now it seems that the son -in -law's family still attaches great importance to you. Our young couple also has a pension. You can bring it back.

The bride did not expect that her mother would suddenly say that when she received 500,000 gold, she also felt quite touched, and then she didn't seem to care about putting gold in the cabinet.

However, this move of the bride attracted the attention of a strange woman who came to eat rice. When she sneaked at the bride, she put 500,000 gold in the cabinet at will, and strange women did not have to eat rice to eat. She thought about stealing so much gold.

So while everyone was not paying attention, strange women leaned their gold into their arms and quickly left the scene.

When the son -in -law came to meet her, the mother -in -law said something in her heart, son -in -law, you still have to live after you get married. Considering your future life, these 500,000 gold will return to you.

However, when the mother -in -law opened the cabinet, it was found that 500,000 gold was missing.

This suddenly made everyone panic, and the mother -in -law was even more sad. Is this the heavenly killing the gold?

After a panic, the mother -in -law called and called the police.

Due to the huge amount of amount, the incident attracted the attention of the police, so I checked the monitoring of the same day, and then the suspect was locked in that strange woman.

Finally, after everyone was identified, no one knew this strange woman. She was neither a man's guest nor the guests' guests. It seemed to be a stranger who was mixed and drinking.

After the unremitting efforts of the police, I finally found this strange woman. When this strange woman saw the police looking for, she knew that her affairs had been revealed, so she took the initiative to make the golden gold, and she would also face the prison.

After the police got the gold, they went to the inspection. After the authoritative inspection, the police were also taken aback. The 500,000 gold was fake.

What exactly is this matter about? Due to the huge amount, the police decided to figure out the truth.

Xiao Wang's mother must say that the gold she bought is true, as well as authoritative identification.

In order to prove innocence, Xiao Wang's mother firmly knows where the real gold has gone?

Xiao Wang's mother's attitude suddenly felt a lot of mother -in -law, but another question came.

The bride's brother was panicked. It turned out that the bride's brother had lost 500,000 gold under the cooperation of the bride in order to greedy these gifts. , Then drop the bag.

And even more fatal is that when gold is confirmed to be false, the bride and bride brother carelessly, and they also say that the fake is more than 300 yuan.

Those who were unintentional listeners had the intention. After a post -afterwards investigation, Xiao Wang's mother really found that 500,000 fake gold was about 300 yuan. Xiao Wang's mother began to doubt the bride's brother in an instant. However, Xiao Wang's mother was still calm, but gave the bride's brother. After the amount of 500,000 gold was verified, the amount was in jail.

This scared the bride's brother this time. He quickly found his sister and said, you can find a way to convince your husband, do not investigate this matter. In case the police found out that we were actually dropped, the consequences were very serious, and the consequences were very serious. Essence

It turns out that this golden turns are the ghosts of their own family. At this time, in order to save her younger brother, the bride confessed to Xiao Wang and said that this gold was taken by her brother, all of them, or do n’t investigate, so hurry up.

The bride thought that Xiao Wang would get angry. He did not expect that Xiao Wang was reasonable after hearing it. He said that this incident was not a big deal. We will withdraw the case together tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, after Xiao Wang and the groom went to the Public Security Bureau to express the withdrawal of the case, the Public Security Bureau said that the amount of the case was huge and could not withdraw the case.

On the way back, both of them were very heavy. Since they were quiet and unable to withdraw, they could only say the ins and outs of the matter. At the same time, the bride's brother had to spit 500,000 gold.

Should I come to a paragraph now? Should I end it too? However, Xiao Wang's mother did not depend on. He said a lot of unpleasant words.

But after authoritative testing, it was found that the gold in the bride's brother was not true. This time, Xiao Wang's mother couldn't hold it anymore, and all kinds of unpleasant words poured out, and they wanted to say hello to the 18th generation of the bride's ancestors.

However, at this time, the groom could no longer be stretched, and he took the initiative to acknowledge the fact that he changed 500,000 gold. It turned out that the groom Xiao Wang owed a lot of money outside. In order to block these holes, he suggested that his mother replaced gold, and then spent hundreds of yuan to buy fake gold and replace it. The real gold had already been repaid by him. The account.

Hearing this, Xiao Wang's mother was suddenly shocked. Just now he didn't control his mouth, it was so ugly, and his son decomposed it. Essence

However, the mother -in -law, who was severely hit by the serious spirit, was unwilling to get used to each other, and they drove the groom and others. Their marriage may also come to the end.

Xiao Wang complained that his mother, why do you say so many vicious words, I have always given you your eyes that you can't see it.

Xiao Wang's mother slapped her son, you are a kind of unsatisfactory species. How can such things be done? You should at least tell me the truth in advance.

Xiao Wang touched the half -faced face that she had been fanned by her mother, and she was sad. What should I do now? People will not let us enter the door.

Xiao Wang's mother had no way. She was very sad. If she could not say those vicious words, I am afraid that things can be recovered.

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