Today, the incident of Tianjin Hua Hua. In fact, I rarely pay attention to such news, but the video number is too strong, and I actually pushed me the relevant content, so I watched the performance of the Tianjin flower sister.

This Tianjin flower sister was not ordinary. Some people said that her father was Japanese. Her sister also settled in Japan, and she continued to be bad in China.

Seeing that Sister Tianjin Hua should be the years of children, she is middle -aged, but she is wearing flowers and red dresses. Let's not go to this point first. After all, many elderly people like to wear girls' clothes in this era. From a distance, they think they are girls.

Netizens do not have a non -discussion. What is not discussion is her behavior. She often hugs the elderly who come and go, and also put on a particularly enjoyable expression. At the same time, the dance she has created is also full of vulgar hints.

She also believes that this can make the elderly in the second spring. This seems to be realized, because although it is an elderly person, they do not do the elderly. They have to imitate the behavior of young people. Naked.

Later, Sister Hua was interviewed. This was anxious to break the male companions. The Hua sister who thought about it day and night disappeared, which was a great mental loss for them.

The reason why this incident attracted the attention of everyone was because of the behavior of challenging traditional virtue, and those behaviors even surpassed the bottom line, causing discomfort from the masses.

Of course, this flower sister also exhausted to justify herself. When the security guard asked her your behavior was discovered by your husband, can he tolerate it?

Sister Hua didn't feel ashamed, but said that her husband was an elegant person, and they would not look at each other's mobile phones, so he could not see it.

Obviously, this flower sister knows nothing about the Internet's recommendation algorithm. Only her account is issued, she likes it, or her friend likes it, so her husband as a friend will be recommended by the algorithm.

Thinking of this, I was really sad for this flower sister's ignorance. It is estimated that her husband saw such a video and saw her enjoyment expression, and there would be countless grass mud horses in her heart. The sense of oppression of the Qingqing Prairie would also make him lose elegance?

Although such behaviors have caused the masses to be uncomfortable, but as dance partners and those who have intersecting with the flowers with the flowers, they do not understand. They feel good to wear red and green. This kind of dance can also stimulate hormones. They feel that they feel It's very young.

Many people think that the elderly have disrupted their desires, and it is impossible for the actual cross -border behavior. Is this really the case?

Not long ago, I brushed a video, monitoring shows that a male elderly in his 90s go to the hotel to inquire about ladies?

The waiter at the front desk asked in surprise, what are you looking for a lady? You are so big! No!

Unexpectedly, the 90 -year -old elderly person was amazing. I was looking for a lady to relax and uncomfortable.

You see that one of the older people has such energy, not to mention that the "male pets" of the flower sister have not yet reached this age?

The ancients said that they were full of lust. Nowadays, the problem of food and clothing has already been solved. These red and green elderly people hold high pensions and even have a lot of deposits. They have begun to reflect on the enjoyment of life. The pursuit of the side became urgent, and the ancient commander's commandment was true.

Five years ago, after zero -zero behavior was attracted to the media on various occasions, after being linked by the public, this behavior after zero began to converge.

I did not expect that the seventh old and eighty elderly people appeared in five years later, and their behavior was even more radical than after zero. Is this the restricted area?

If Sister Hua's behavior is only in the personal private space, at best it is the green hat processing factory, but when this behavior occurs in public places and the power of the Internet is spread to the public, this nature has changed. This is undoubtedly undoubtedly. It is a challenge to traditional virtues.

I am a unrelated person, just because of the push of big data, I saw the video of Hua Sister's head. Do you say that this is still a simple thing like personal private morality?

She does not represent all the elderly, but she makes all the elderly ashamed. Seeing such a scene, I don't know if those who feel that they are out of behind after zero?

Fortunately, some departments finally noticed this matter and interviewed this matter. Obviously, the relevant departments hope to solve this matter peacefully, and they don't want to make it big.

However, the madness of the elderly will continue. When the square dance was invented, it became the collective carnival of the elderly. When a tender and vulgar dance could not be curbed, it may also become the next collective carnival of the elderly. The timely actions of relevant departments can avoid the emergence of this collective carnival.

Of course, the phenomenon of square dance cannot curb. If there is nothing in a normal period of time, the problem is that many square dances are deep in the middle of the night, and they also need to play audio, which will obviously cause noise pollution to some people.

I remember watching such a video. It is about a group of aunts downstairs dancing madly under the hypnosis of the audio. At this time, a male elderly person really couldn't stand it anymore. The film made all the aunts feel very angry for a while, and the two sides were deadlocked. The aunt was actually angry with herself to the hospital.

In fact, for such incidents, as long as the aunts take care of the households, they will not occur. However, he still likes to like this uncle's witty behavior, and he defeated magic with magic.

Although Sister Tianjin is currently interviewed, the video about her is still spreading crazy on the Internet, and various remarks related to it are also full of sky. I believe that when the Internet power is not clear, when I see that her influence can be so big, when she sees that these charming pictures are seen by her children and even grandsons, will she feel a trace? Sorry?

However, this Tianjin flower sister is obviously not an ordinary family. She is fashionable and wears a large jadeite on her fingers. The foundation of Qi.

With the words of the people, this is full. The people have some strength to go to the world to work, and they can't earn a zero of this flower sister when they are exhausted a year. It may be a huge irony.

However, in the economic transformation, although the people's hard work and simplicity is not wrong, they still need to master the strategies and methods of obtaining economic benefits. Otherwise, this kind of hard work and simplicity may be a wedding dress for others. For the word of hard work, they just feel that they have a big ability. Why should they help those who want to get rich?

When the ideological landslides, the wealthy people will become rich and unrestrained. The wealthy help and then the wealth will obviously become a joke.

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