When a person is lucky at a relatively poor stage, there will always be something. For example, the people said that drinking water stuffed their teeth, and they were smashed by bird feces. They even stepped on shit and so on.

Of course, it is not only manifested as the above things, but sometimes it is also manifested as other things. The night before, we went out to dinner and planned to go to the Jiu Mao Jiu of Guangbai New City. When we came to the car, we found that Jiu Mao Jiu was in an upgraded decoration.

You see, is this not good luck? People have not been decorated for many years, and when you come, you caught up. Such a coincidence also shows that luck is really not good.

Originally thinking about going to Tai Dierus, we have eaten this sauerkraut fish. It is indeed as delicious than the fish that they promote, because there are not many fish and the whole of peppers, and it tastes single.

In the end, we can only choose Mingyingxuan. As a result, the result of running such a long way is still reaching Mingyingxuan. This is a branch, and the speed of serving is still okay. It's just not delicious.

Mingyingxuan is an old place for people in Guangzhou to drink tea, but is it delicious? The answer is definitely not delicious, not only small, but also a single taste. The blue ball bag that was clicked when I went to Mingyingxuan last time. As a result, it tastes strange. Different from the previous thing, it seems to be the smell of laundry powder or the taste of laundry powder or the taste of laundry powder or the taste of laundry powder or the smell of laundry powder or the taste of laundry powder or It was the smell of the cosmetics of the staff's hand. After eating two of them, I couldn't eat it.

However, the family members have a good temper, and such things are not angry. However, this bad experience, I am afraid I won't order that cyan ball bag in the future.

Therefore, in a sense, Mingyingxuan is more like a fast food of Guangzhou people. When busy, people are crowded. When they go, people go to the building, and there is a shout everywhere. Perhaps this is exactly a kind of atmosphere everyone wants. Bar.

So what should we do when we find that our luck is relatively poor?

When luck is in a relatively poor stage of real testing, first of all, you should not make major decisions, because your luck is poor, and major decisions are often difficult to receive the desired results.

At this time, it is only suitable for making some decisions on small things. If you put big things first, you can go to travel or play and relax.

Secondly, you can engage in learning. This time period is the least wasteful, because learning does not matter whether luck is good or bad, but you can increase your knowledge.

For example, you can go to the library to read books, and you can discuss some plots of the story. You can communicate with people of the same hobbies. If you are still a lecturer, then you can also give a lot of lectures and so on.

All in all, do n’t do anything related to luck, or do it conditionally. For example, some people like to buy lottery tickets, which can reduce some investment. This will not only meet their hobbies, but not to lose money too much.

Of course, I think the best way to visit the temple is the best, because the righteous thoughts in the temple are sufficient, and a person is not lucky. It is usually damaged by mindfulness and righteousness. At this time, visiting some famous temples can change can change. Your own magnetic field.

Some people may choose to go to places such as the prefecture palace, which is not suitable. Because the places such as the earth palace are originally a place where the ancients rested after the death of the ancients. This place is usually very yin. You have been damaged by righteous thoughts and righteousness, and when you reach such a dark place, the damage is even more serious.

When we are not lucky, it is easy to lose your temper. Because you are not always smooth, you will cause emotional imbalance. This emotional imbalance may cause things like quarrels.

So this time is also suitable for a person alone. When you are alone, you can use it to learn, write or do other things. Of course, it is also suitable to participate in some debates. Because your emotions prompt you to quarrel, you can use your initiative to take the initiative Sexual debate with the other party.

A person's luck cannot always be in good or bad, and always appears alternately. No one has studied these laws in depth. Perhaps the regularity reflected in different individuals is still different.

From a scientific perspective, people have studied that the three dimensions of human physical strength, emotions, and IQ have shown different cycle laws from the day of birth. When they are at the peak of the cycle People show a sluggish state when they are at a period of time.

At the same time, scientists point out that after this cycle is calculated, it can be changed through external behavior mode, so as to adjust this cycle and make themselves in a good state.

For example, if you have to do something, but just in the stages of poor state, then you have to deliberately adjust your state of self half a month in advance.

I don't know if this theory is scientific, but when it comes to luck, I still contribute this knowledge to everyone. I hope it will help everyone.

Today, when I wanted to go to the house, I thought of these doctrines of luck. I temporarily changed my mind and stopped going to see the house. The building I live in is the product of the last century. It is constantly human during the day. They are either cooking or various knocks, which is more active than the popularity of the entertainment city.

So if you continue to stay in the room, the most troublesome thing is the various noise pollution they produce. These noise will feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, the correct conclusion is to leave this place and relax the quiet and beautiful nature. For nature, it has a strong vitality magnetic field. It knows what the rhythm of life is like, and it plays the rhythm of life, so it has a healing effect on a person's physical and mental state.

When I used to be in Chisha, whenever I was in a bad mood, I would break away from the noise environment and come to Haizhu Wetland. Haizhu Wetland is a relatively quiet place, either water or trees, either rivers or bridges. If you catch up with sunny days, the water is rippling, and the prestige blows, the mind will enter a quiet and harmonious state.

Therefore, when spring arrives, some families will take their daughters to a dry grass somewhere in the wetland of Haizhu, spread it on the stall, either sleeping or playing, and the warm wind blowing slowly.

Nature's warm wind or cold wind and fan wind and air -conditioning wind are very different. The warm wind blowing from nature can make you happy, and the fan or air conditioner is fascinated by your head for a night. Under the circumstances, you may still catch a cold

This is because the wind of nature is vibrant, and the wind of the fan or air conditioner has no vitality, so when they blow on the people, especially after a long time, the results are completely different.

Now I want to find a quiet, harmonious, beautiful and eye -catching place, and it is not easy to warm the breeze. It seems that only these places are in rural areas, and the city may be available in some landscapes.

When we are unlucky, we must know how to find a healing place for our bodies and let the gifts of nature be used for ourselves. Using is the real wisdom.

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