7 Unreliable Leadership Styles That Employees Should Be Aware Of

1. Leaders with Complicated Emotional Lives

This type of leader will waste a lot of their precious time dealing with emotional disputes, making it difficult for them to calmly manage their unit or business. Additionally, if you are a married man, following such a leader over time will inevitably affect your relationship, leading to marital discord. If you are a woman, regardless of whether you are married or not, you will also be negatively impacted in your perception of happiness.

2. Leaders Without Successful Experience

If your leader has been in the business world for many years, has managed four or five units without ever achieving real success, and frequently says: "I have gone through countless things, few can fall and still stand up like I do, after all, I have my uniqueness..." you should reconsider your choice. Yes, he has his uniqueness, and being able to rise after many failures is not easy, but continuously failing without a single success indicates he must have some significant flaws. If you have such a leader, you should investigate the reasons for his failures. How can a leader without successful experience guarantee that this time he will succeed? Unless you can bring luck to him.

3. Leaders Who Must Do Everything Themselves to Feel Secure

For any task, if it doesn't go through my hands, it will definitely encounter problems - this is a common saying among many bosses, and they take pride in it. If a leader has to handle everything, big and small, how can he expect his subordinates to be independent and grow? If subordinates cannot be independent, the chances of making mistakes will naturally increase, especially when the leader is absent. If you don't want to spend your life working in a small, obscure company, then choose a leader who understands their own authority and responsibilities. Moreover, a boss who wants to interfere in everything will find it hard to retain talent. A creative person, with a strong sense of responsibility, absolutely does not hope for a superior who constantly manipulates and directs every little detail. And a company that cannot retain talent, how can you expect it to achieve good results?

4. Greedy and Stingy Leaders

Nothing in this world is free; wanting a good horse while also wanting it to eat no grass is simply unreasonable. A successful leader should know how to cast a long line to catch big fish, and to use bait wisely. Someone who wants to catch a chicken but is reluctant to use rice as bait will end up empty-handed. Knowing when to invest to receive returns is a fundamental principle that every successful leader must have. If your leader is someone who is always afraid of losing, worried about small losses but always dreams of big gains, it’s time to consider whether you should continue working with him.

5. Leaders Who Favor the New Over the Old

Unless it is a company with a hundred years of history, in any company, it is easy to point out a few "founding heroes." If you do not find them in the company, it is likely that these "founding heroes" have been sidelined after the "kingdom" stabilized. Collaborating with this type of leader often results in a very short honeymoon period. After joining the company, the leader frequently criticizes the existing employees for their shortcomings. At the peak of the honeymoon period, the company welcomes new people. This type of company often sees people coming and going as if it were a market. Then the leader starts praising the newcomers in front of you. Once the honeymoon period ends, if your honeymoon was long enough, you will often hear the leader mention that this person cannot be used, that person is not suitable, and eventually, the same story will happen to you. Leaders in this group cannot objectively assess the abilities and work effectiveness of their subordinates. Even if you do 99 things well, if the 100th task fails, you will find it hard to get an opportunity to prove yourself unless you ensure that your future work will always satisfy him.

6. Leaders Whose Words and Actions Do Not Match

This type of leader often says: "Making a lot of money means nothing to me. The most important task of a business is to pursue profit." Profit is the lifeblood that helps the company survive, so why would a leader say it means nothing? A leader whose words do not match their actions, who speaks and acts inconsistently, clearly finds it hard to build trust with subordinates.

7. Leaders Who Enjoy Flattery

People in this group often cannot distinguish who has good intentions and who is trying to flatter or undermine them, nor can they tell who is genuinely complimenting them and who is just trying to win their favor. Of course, we cannot expect leaders to happily accept criticism. No one wants to be criticized; that is human nature. However, if sincere words are immediately met with resistance, no one will want to offer suggestions. Over time, the company's situation will struggle to improve positively. More importantly, this work environment will lose the ability to reasonably filter out issues for the company to grow.

Spilled Coffee, Forgotten Keys, Arriving Late and Getting Yelled At by the Boss: Don’t Stress, a Bad Day Will Pass Quickly with These 5 Tips

Your new day starts with spilling coffee, then forgetting your car keys, and finally arriving late to work. Telling yourself that today is terrible, at that moment, it seems that only a miracle can help you escape that bad situation. This hypothetical situation is very familiar, isn’t it? A series of negative thoughts arise after a few small "incidents" throughout the day. It’s not easy to stop this flow of negative thinking, which is a major cause of your stress and anxiety. Let’s explore how to get through a not-so-smooth day.

Identify Your Thoughts

After small "accidents" like the hypothetical situation mentioned above, immediately in your mind, the thought arises: "It’s so easy for a series of 'bad luck' to happen to me." This is a common negative thought, but once you let go of this way of thinking, you will immediately eliminate negativity, and your new day will surely progress in a better direction. Try to reflect on your thought process and answer the question: Are you thinking negatively? A sign that helps you easily recognize this is to observe your body. For a moment, pay attention to how your body feels. Are your shoulders tense? Are your eyebrows furrowed? Is your jaw tight, with your teeth clenched? These are all physical manifestations of stress in the body. If you notice these signs, stop to relax your body. Apply methods like meditation or rhythmic breathing... you will immediately feel the difference.

Consider and Control Your Emotions

Negative thoughts trigger negative emotions. Anger, disappointment, irritation, anxiety, and sadness can arise and make you feel exhausted. These emotions are a barrier that prevents you from feeling happy and satisfied. Question your thoughts and feelings. Identifying your emotions will help you control them rather than letting them control you. Once you have identified what you feel, taking action will become easier.

Identify Your Behavior

You may wonder how a bad day can affect your behavior. The reason is that you will move aggressively, react defensively to those around you, and become extremely irritable with everything. When you notice yourself behaving aggressively, stop, take a deep breath, and reflect on your thoughts. Think and make an effort to positively change your emotions. Certainly, as a chain reaction, your behavior will also change positively along with your thoughts. Even just a smile or a positive comment can have a positive impact on you and your surroundings. Actively change your approach to those around you and make direct efforts to be positive; this can reverse your negative thoughts and cycle. Additionally, acts of kindness towards others can release endorphins, helping you regain a positive outlook.

Reset Your Mood

Take a deep breath and "refresh" yourself. Have a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy the positive things in your environment. Smile brightly and make an effort to continue. If necessary, remind yourself that a few bad moments will not determine your entire day. Don’t let bad moments ruin your day.

If Everything Falls Apart, Share

Sometimes we just need to "vent." If you are struggling to redirect yourself back to a positive space, try confiding in someone, sharing your story with someone. Share with someone who can understand your feelings, like a close friend or a trusted family member. We all go through bad moments and days. Experiencing them and continuing with daily life is considered completely normal. The problem only becomes serious when we get caught up in negative thoughts and cannot escape this mess of thinking. The suggestions above can help you avoid getting stuck in those negative moments and help you feel more comfortable for a long, active day.

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