Don't be friends with people who are pickled, no matter how generous you are, you can't get the return of the other party. When I was in a unit many years ago, a person in our department was very very exciting. He never paid attention to rituals, and always liked to occupy the cheapness of others.

At that time, I first entered the workplace and felt that it was a normal thing for everyone to come and go, so I often asked others to eat, and the monthly salary could not be left.

When this colleague heard my invitation to eat, he always arrived again and again, and he particularly liked to install. Every time he arrived at the restaurant, he always grabbed the menu to order. The posture was like he invited to dinner. He also enjoys the restaurant who called him the boss, and then asked him respectfully, what did he need to order? The specialty of our specialty is more.

He was not polite, always ordered special dishes, and then told us that this delicious, just order this.

As soon as the meal came up, he began to eat like a fighter, and he felt a waste of time.

Then after eating, watching the empty plate, he said full, this specialty dish is really delicious.

Then the waiter of the hotel thought the boss praised him, and he hurriedly accompanied the smiley face and said, thank you the boss for praising.

At this time, he still did not forget to show himself, chant poems, you went to settle the account, and we calculated again.

I seemed to be his secretary. I glanced at him fiercely and reminded him not to pretend that I had given face.

However, his skin was extremely thick, and he didn't care about my eyes. I was thinking that this annoying guy would never invite him again next time.

After receiving the account, he did not forget to pack. In order to show his noble status, he shouted to me, chanting poetry, helping to get a box and packing. You can eat it when you go back.

I finally couldn't help it, so I stunned him, I didn't bring it, I didn't eat it.

He was angry, and he would not live a life. The waiter took a box to help pack it.

The waiter ran warmly when he heard the packaging, and then packed it.

He may feel a little embarrassed, so he raised the decibel shout, Comrade Yong Shi, I took it for you, let's go.

When I walked out of the hotel, I said, you took it for me, and hurry up.

Unexpectedly, he denied, who took it for you? It was originally packaged for me, who made you not take it.

I shook my head and secretly said in my heart: It is really a bastard who wants to face face.

Later, because of the prominent business, I got some bonuses, and wanted to take my colleagues to eat. Unexpectedly, my colleague and principal would not go. She had to ask for this time. So I said, don't grab me this time, you please ask me next time. Xiao Zhao agreed.

This time, I did not invite the colleagues who were invited. Unexpectedly, we just had a meal at the hotel. He rushed up, and he came up with a loud voice. My colleagues were late. I'm busy. I just talked about a big project, so it was late.

Everyone saw this plague god come again, and looked at each other. For a colleague, we don't want to give him ugly, but he is too unconscious.

So we wanted to control him. When he served, we applauded and thanked the boss for appreciation.

He probably welcomed him like this, and was suddenly flattered, polite, polite.

So we asked the boss to order, and he was unconscious, that is, the most expensive one, and we were not angry, because we already thought about the way.

When he was eating, Xiao Zhao said that he suddenly had a stomachache, and he had to go to the toilet for easy it.

When Xiao Zhao got up, he gave me a look. I would like it, so I handed it to Xiao Zhao toilet paper. Xiao Zhao quickly took the toilet paper.

The colleague who was digging also complained that he was really a blessing. With so many delicious things, he diarrhea.

Then, Xiao Chen, Xiao Li and others also pushed off the toilet or go out to call in various reasons. I saw the time mature, so I got up to the toilet.

Don't cause his alertness, what are you doing? Do you also have diarrhea?

No, no, let me see how Xiao Zhao is? He has been diarrhea for a long time.

Go, go, really sweep.

I walked to the door and told the waiter that this time our boss invited, and later he settled.

The waiter always thought he was the boss, so he didn't care, let me go.

Walking on the street, we converged again. We laughed halfway to each other. This can be tied to him, telling him how to make him end. When he thought of the inexplicable surprise when he was urged, we were so happy that we were dumb to eat Huanglian.

When I went to work the next day, the colleagues who were cut off did not come to work. We felt strange that a meal was not so careful?

But the next news surprised us for a long time. It turned out that after waiting for us that night, he repeated the trick and packed it, but when he came to the door, he was stopped by the waiter. The waiter respectfully said that the boss did not check the checkout yet. This is the bill. You see?

He was shocked and explained that Yong Shi did not check out?

The waiter shook his head, no, they said that the boss, you invited to dinner.

He suddenly fired and immediately refuted the waiter. They said that I was invited by me? I am still an emperor, am I the emperor? This incident has nothing to do with me, you find them to account.

At first glance, the waiter was a white food, and suddenly he didn't fight anymore, shouting, here is a white food.

The staff of the hotel immediately surrounded and asked him why he had white food?

He was unwilling to show weakness, and the two sides got angry like this. In the end, he couldn't beat him. When he was swollen with a blue face, he was twisted to the police station near the road staff.

In the end, he paid meals, and then he suffered from self -defense, and he suffered himself. He still decided to go to hospital for a long time. So I didn't come to work today.

When we hear this result, we all felt a little unhappy. I didn't expect that he was going to be at this point!

So we bought flowers and decided to go to the hospital to visit him.

When we came to the hospital, we saw his head wrapped around the white cloth. As soon as we saw us coming, the anger was also big, and you were too disappointing. Why did you run last night?

We said in surprise, we didn't run, isn't it you said to be a guest?

Hearing our unique answers, he immediately pointed at us, and then couldn't say a word, and then looked at our flowers, cried and lounted, what flower did you buy? This thing can't be eaten or drinking, it is better to exchange money for me.

Bahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh We threw the flowers to him together, and then left without looking back. Such a colleague was really a strange.

Originally thought he should be taught. Unexpectedly, before he was discharged from the hospital, he actually sold flowers in the ward and was almost taken away by the nurse on duty. After learning that his yard was also a patient, he poured him on the bed. , Acting a chirald agent. The nurse has not forgotten to call the company. Do you have a neurological history?

The boss answered the nurse's phone. For a long time, he couldn't answer this question, and then handed me the phone to me. You know the poem the most, and you answer. I answered the phone and thought about answering. It was really troublesome to you, so embarrassed, this was actually discovered by you!

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