Many people think that the hospital is universal, and no matter what problems, as long as they go to the hospital, they will be solved. This is actually a misunderstanding. I have to say that there are some psychological diseases, and some things may be hidden diseases.

The so -called psychological disease is a disease that is caused by the psychological level, and the hidden disease is a disease that does not find the true cause.

His wife may not have a good rest recently. She always said that she has a headache. She has always suspected that she has a problem with her nerves. Once a person's heart has skeptical seeds, he will continue to take root and sprout, and constantly consume his energy.

So I went to the neurology department of the Cross Hospital with her today. We went down early. The doctor had not yet arrived, so we could only wait in the waiting area outside.

Later, when the doctor came, his wife went to the admission room. After chatting with the doctor for a while, the doctor told you some medicine. Then took the doctor's prescription to the medicine prescription and took some drugs.

When she came, she always said that she would check the briskness of her head, but she went back after buying some medicines. It is estimated that she will say a headache again in a few days, and she has to doubt again.

Our body can be described as a variety of diseases if we delve into it. If you do n’t study it, in fact, it is often just a sub -health state.

The rest mechanism in the south and the north is different. When I was a kid, I lived in the north, especially in the winter. I fell asleep at 8 o'clock every day. I slept until 9 o'clock the next day, and then got up to play with snow.

At that time, there was no so -called sub -health state. We are full of spirit every day, and there is no so -called headache. If the headache that day is usually a cold.

However, the south is different, the south is not very clear, and the coldest time is just equivalent to the late autumn of the north. More importantly, the southerners usually rest very late. On the one hand, it may be a matter of life rhythm. On the other hand, their nightlife It is also very rich, eating supper is almost daily. This leads to a break in the early hours of the morning, but it becomes normal, and then because the sound insulation effect may not be very good, some people are busy getting up and going out at 6 o'clock in the morning. It is very difficult to fall asleep again.

However, for northerners, although they sleep earlier, they usually go to work earlier. For example, getting up at 6 am, usually at seven o'clock. It is unimaginable to go to work at seven o'clock in the south. It is not common to go to work at 8 o'clock. Usually 9 o'clock in the morning, or even 10 o'clock in the morning.

Such a living habit continues, and over time, it will definitely be sub -healthy. Due to the late rest, there are a lot of food at night, which has also led many people to obese obese. Northerners usually become big fats by this rhythm when they come to the south in less than a year.

Therefore, I think that many so -called diseases are not in the true sense, most of which are caused by living habits.

I remember that when I was in the north, I rarely woke up because of the movement next door, but after coming to the south, you will find that many residential houses have a particularly poor sound insulation effect, and you may often be awakened.

Especially at the gathering place of work at work, some people have earlier earlier than work, but the time to work the next day is also a bit earlier, so sleeping is relatively earlier, and some people may get off work in the middle of the night. Ding Ding. Dingdang's various noises began.

If this is the case, it is generally tolerable. The most unbearable situation is that some people deliberately create noise. They work to move gas tanks, smash things, and laugh in various ways to let you accompany you.

Therefore, for migrant workers, I think that I would rather spend more money and do not live in people with poor conscience. Because the essence you consume in such an environment is too great.

Of course, there are also places where talents are gathered. Everyone is generally relatively high, and this situation is relatively small. However, such places are usually stipulated in hard conditions such as academic qualifications. If the hard conditions are not enough, it is difficult to enter.

The above mainly explains some of the situation you may encounter in your life. If there are some situations that cannot be avoided, then we must learn to release our emotions. Plan some leisure time for your emotions. For example, go to Baiyun Mountain on weekends and so on.

However, there are some benefits to living in big cities. If you love to learn, your improvement will be very fast. You can make yourself grow up quickly by participating in various formal training.

I have come to a big city for so many years, and I have never given up the opportunity to learn growth. I have gained rapid growth in both academic or other aspects.

Some people may complain that their time is not enough. In fact, this is just an excuse for yourself.

I remember that I did not have a special time to learn to grow in those years, but I will make full use of the time on the subway, the time on the vehicle, and the waiting time. Even on the weekend time I plan In this way, when others are boring or swiping videos on the subway, it is time for me to grow.

Mr. Lu Xun once said that time is the water of the sponge, as long as it is crowded. In fact, you don't need to squeeze at all. As long as you make full use of those fragmented time, you can achieve much more achievements than others.

When the Mu class was prevalent five years ago, I took dozens of professional courses through fragmented time and obtained the corresponding completion certificate. Later, participating in various qualification examinations at the national level also squeezed time on the road. However, when a person has no sense of goals, these fragmented time will be wasted.

Of course, the state of stressful life will also threaten your health. When you find that your health must take corresponding strategies when you decline, instead of relying on the hospital completely.

If it is your rhythm problem, no matter what medicine is prescribed for you, it is useless. Only by changing the rhythm can you solve your health problems. At the same time, it is not necessary to take medicine and injections in any so -called disease. Some diseases caused by some immunity need to regulate their immunity.

I remember a friend. She didn't care about her body at all. She was busy in the middle of the night every day. When normal people had fallen asleep and woke up, she was still in the circle of friends and lived on the road.

At the beginning, I also lamented that their bodies were really iron. Later, I didn't think about it, so I would definitely break a person in this way, so as a friend, I often advise to change the schedule and cherish my health on WeChat. However, the other party has always refused to believe it, and thank you politely every time.

Later, she would not contact again for more than half a year. When I was in contact, she had been found to have cancer. The cost of treatment was very high. The money she worked hard was eaten by the hospital. Cancer, she eventually left the world with regret. Except for health, everything else is a small thing. When we get healthy, everything else will no longer exist.

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