Becoming something truly mysterious to examine the details of ancient Chinese women, a mole located in a secret position brings millions of dollars to a supermodel. And is it true that the positions of a mole are considered very auspicious, bringing luck and wealth to the owner? Let's explore and unveil seven interesting facts about the moles on each person's body.

1. Mole:

It seems that due to a fly's creation, in the past, our parents and grandparents half-joked, half-seriously about everything in life, like we were born from the navel, then ate watermelon seeds to grow a tree in the belly, and the story of a fly landing on our skin to form a mole. Many people also thought it was true, believing that some fly had flown in and created a huge mole on their face. But in reality, that story is quite absurd, as it is called a mole, probably because it is black, resembling a fly. The true origin of a mole comes from each person's constitution; it forms from the lower part of the epidermis, appearing due to the uneven distribution of skin pigment. This means that instead of being evenly scattered on the skin, pigment cells develop into a cluster. It can grow individually or, in some cases, many moles are lined up next to each other. No matter where on the body, moles can appear, often during teenage years and pregnancy, in areas of skin that frequently come into contact with sunlight. It is estimated that an adult can have about 10 to 40 moles. These moles will follow you forever if you do not find a way to remove them. Try counting how many you have on your body.

A mystery about the red mole on the wrist of ancient Chinese virgins proposed a method to check whether a girl is still a virgin. It was believed that a girl who was still pure had a painful red mole on her wrist. If that mole was not seen, it was considered that she had lost her virginity. This method was quite complicated. In the past, they caught and raised a type of gecko called Bích hồ, feeding it Vĩnh Kỳ vermilion daily, a red pigment that the gecko had to eat enough 7 kg until it grew to several dozen grams. At this point, its whole body would turn purple-red, called thủ cù. Then, they would use a pestle to crush the red liquid that flowed out, called thủ cung xa, and apply it to the girl's private area in a visible spot, resembling a red mole. If the girl had relations with a man, the red mole would disappear. It is said that during the Han Wu Emperor's time, 100 years before Christ, the king used it to mark the hands of court maids to prevent promiscuous relations among them. The truth about this absurd technique has never been verified by any scientists, and whether the red liquid has anything to do with a girl's virginity is irrelevant.

2. The truth:

The truth about identifying malignant moles from a professional perspective is that moles, whether black or red, are still a type of benign tumor. However, if a mole is disturbed, it can change its nature and become malignant, even a frightening type of cancer if left for too long. Although distinguishing between benign and malignant moles is very difficult, if a mole signals cancer, it usually has a relatively large size, with a diameter greater than 6 mm. In terms of color, abnormal moles will have many mixed colors.

Instead of a uniform color as usual, for example, your mole may have red, green, and black mixed together. Especially, malignant moles often develop and change characteristics over time. If they show signs of crusting or increasing in size, it is a warning sign that you need to remove them or see a doctor immediately to follow their guidance, lest you bring trouble upon yourself.

The mystery of the psychological traits of those with moles near the mouth is an interesting topic in physiognomy. Generally, it is said that a man's mouth should be wide to be prosperous, while a woman's ears should be thick to have much fortune. And if a person has a mole near the mouth or lips, they are mostly considered to be eloquent and particularly good at flattery. The owner of a mole above a man's mouth often has a very good career path and wealth, quickly advancing in their career thanks to their diplomatic talent. However, their nature is often to be somewhat deceitful and not straightforward. Of course, if we observe closely, we will see that those with moles near the mouth are often intelligent, lively, and good at communication. However, a mole does not say anything, as each person has different personalities and strengths. There are still people without moles near their lips who can speak very well. Therefore, do not judge a book by its cover; always be discerning in how you perceive and evaluate people, and do not just look at their moles.

3. Personality:

The supermodel with a million-dollar mole is one of the most remarkable things in the world. Many women feel insecure when they have many moles on their faces, especially large moles that detract from their beauty. Therefore, they often go to remove moles as a method of beautification. However, they do not realize that the consequences of this can be significant, potentially ruining their appearance and leaving scars on their faces. Additionally, leaving moles often brings luck and aligns with the owner's fortune. In the U.S., there is a girl who became famous for not removing her million-dollar mole. She is Cindy Crawford, born in 1966 in Illinois, USA. The most distinctive feature of Cindy is her unique mole located above her left lip. It is hard to believe that this mole made her teased and insecure throughout her teenage years.

However, following her mother's advice, she did not remove the mole; instead, she kept it as a unique mark of hers. This brought her luck, as a few months after moving to New York, Cindy Crawford graced the cover of American Vogue for the first time in August 1986, marking a breakthrough in her career.

So, is a mole good or bad? Although science has previously suggested that people with many moles have an increased risk of cancer-related diseases, recently there has been some good news. A study by scientists at the Royal Institute of Britain found that the more moles a person has on their body, the younger, healthier, and more muscular they appear, with fewer wrinkles and denser bones. Especially for women, the more moles they have, the younger they look, at least 7 years younger than their actual age. Researchers have discovered that in some individuals over 40, moles continue to develop, their skin becomes smooth, and wrinkles do not appear. This is explained by the fact that their white blood cells have a stronger replication ability, helping to protect youthful skin and prevent aging.

Therefore, some people with 100 moles on their bodies have a risk of osteoporosis that is less than half compared to those with only 25 moles. So, do not worry too much if you have many moles on various parts of your body, as anything that is born has its own value.

4. In the world:

In our world, there are many mysteries still hidden, and no scientist dares to fully assert them. One of those mysteries is about moles - the pigment spots on the skin that everyone has. Although many studies have been conducted to understand the origin, impact, and significance of moles, there are still many things that science has not been able to fully explain.

Moles have long become an indispensable part of the culture and spirituality of many civilizations. In some countries, it is believed that the position and shape of a mole can predict a person's future or personality. For example, in ancient China, some people believed that a mole on the wrist could reveal a woman's virginity, and these testing methods are still passed down to this day, despite the lack of scientific evidence.

There are also mysterious stories related to moles that have been passed down through generations. For instance, some people believe that moles are born from the foods that pregnant women consume during pregnancy or from the objects that the fetus comes into contact with during development. This story, although lacking scientific basis, is still believed and propagated by many.

Additionally, there are beliefs that moles can bring luck or misfortune to the owner. In some regions, moles are seen as manifestations of fate and wealth. Therefore, some people seek ways to enhance moles on their bodies to attract luck and success.

Although many people consider moles a natural part and not too important, there are also those who are particularly interested in and study them. However, the reality is that there is still no completely convincing theory about the causes and meanings of moles.

In the scientific community, researchers continue to conduct studies to find the connection between moles and other factors such as genetics, living environment, and health status. However, due to the diverse and complex nature of moles, this requires a lot of time and effort.

Moreover, there are also viewpoints suggesting that moles can be a sign of diseases and health conditions, but lack specific scientific evidence. Therefore, deciphering the mystery of moles remains a significant challenge for the scientific community.

Even though the mystery of moles may not be fully resolved, they remain an indispensable part of humanity, intertwined with the culture and spirituality of many ethnic groups around the world. And until more information and complete scientific evidence is available, moles will continue to be a fascinating and intriguing mystery.

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