1. Strange Cases:

The Federal Bureau of Investigation, or FBI, is known as one of the most prestigious crime investigation organizations in the world, yet it is also extremely secretive. With 56 field offices across the United States and over 400 local agencies, along with thousands of senior specialists, the FBI is considered a leading benchmark in investigative work. However, what many people may not know is that the FBI also investigates fringe phenomena, such as investigations into extraterrestrials.

One of the most famous cases the FBI was involved in is the Matic tril incident, an unidentified object that fell in the desert near the town of Radwell, New Mexico, in 1947. Immediately following this event, President Truman signed an order to establish a secret agency to handle issues related to extraterrestrials, known as Matic tril, or MJ-12. This agency not only specialized in covering up traces and creating false evidence about the presence of aliens on Earth but also had the mission of recovering spacecraft and rescuing stranded extraterrestrials.

However, information about the existence of Matic tril was kept secret for 37 years until a classified document was leaked in 1984. Although the FBI denied the existence of this agency, there were still rumors and studies about cases the FBI was involved in, such as the investigation into a famous song in 1955.

The song "Louie Louie" by musician Richard Berry became popular, especially after The Kingsmen's version was released in 1963. However, the lyrics of the song sparked controversy over whether they contained vulgar language, leading to an FBI investigation. After much effort, the FBI could not definitively determine whether the lyrics were obscene.

Additionally, the FBI was also involved in investigating mysterious phenomena like Bigfoot, with 70 investigations published. But to this day, many issues remain mysterious and controversial, making the FBI's work challenging and intriguing.

2. Mysteries:

Among the greatest mysteries, there is a special event involving a sample of skin and hair from Bigfoot sent to the Bigfoot Information Analysis Center in 1976. However, after receiving the sample, the Center sent it to the FBI but did not receive any response. It was not until over 40 years later, when the relatives were over 90 years old, that the results of the hair sample testing were announced by the FBI in a report. This was the first time the FBI conducted a test on a hair sample to confirm the existence of Bigfoot, a complex process requiring research and comparison with other specimens.

Although the U.S. government has always denied that extraterrestrials have come to America, there is a newly released memo by the FBI proving that the flying saucer incident in Radwell in 1947 may be true. This memo was written by Guy Hotel, head of the FBI office in Washington, in 1950 and is being published on an online document repository called "Zon." This memo could spark new controversies related to truths hidden by the government.

Among the documents declassified by the FBI, there are records indicating that writer Ernest Hemingway was recruited by the KGB in 1941. Hemingway exhibited unusual behavior and suspected that he was being monitored by the FBI. This information was kept secret, and only a small portion was released due to containing sensitive information that could not be made public.

Finally, the FBI also opened an investigation into Inna Ard, a Danish journalist, while she was still alive.

She later moved to the U.S. and worked for the Washington Times before the war broke out. She had interviewed Hitler, who claimed that Avad was a perfect example of Nordic beauty; this past connection made the FBI fear that Alpha could be a spy, so they began to monitor her. At that time, they discovered she was having an affair with a curly-haired boy, initially known only as Danch. They later identified him as John F. Kennedy, who was then 24 years old. Kennedy became part of the investigation, being a rising Navy officer, a good target for Avad to divert attention. If she was indeed a spy, John F. Kennedy's father, former Ambassador Kennedy, wanted his son to end the romantic relationship, but like many other forbidden romances, this only made Kennedy more infatuated. He was assigned to a desk job in Charlton, South Carolina, but the relationship continued.

3. The World:

The investigation into the powers of the other world in the 1950s led the FBI to decide to study psychic abilities. This investigation involved William For, a man from Rm Virginia, who attracted attention due to his psychic abilities. He claimed he could make blind people see by projecting images and their minds. The FBI contacted For in 1957, and although he refused to participate in any scientific tests, he had several private meetings with members of the FBI and CIA. They were not impressed with his abilities and subsequently, the FBI quietly ended their relationship with him.

Ultimately, the investigation into a hollow coin began in 1953 in New York when a delivery boy received this coin from a woman. This coin was heavier than other coins and contained a small photo with a series of numbers inside. The police and eventually the FBI believed that this coin was a product of a spy network used to transmit coded messages. This coin actually originated from Ryal Heen, a Russian spy wanting to defect and provide basic guidance on how to start a life in the United States.

In the journey of exploring the mysteries and oddities of the world, there are numerous stories about the peculiarities that the FBI has investigated but the U.S. government has tried to conceal. Below are some of those you may not know about the FBI's mysterious investigations.

One of the most attention-grabbing cases the FBI was involved in was the "Ghost Island" case, an event that many believe is related to supernatural phenomena. In the 1950s, a group of scientific researchers conducted an expedition to a small island off the coast of Florida. During the expedition, they recorded many strange phenomena such as flickering lights, bizarre sounds, and the sudden disappearance of objects. Although the FBI was tasked with investigating the incident, detailed information about this expedition remains classified to this day.

4. The Exploration Process:

Another case that the FBI investigated was related to the "Mysterious Town." In the 1960s, a small town in the Colorado mountains completely disappeared overnight. FBI investigations found no traces of the town's disappearance, and no one from that town returned. To this day, the case remains a major mystery, and no one knows what happened to that town.

Another event is the "Immortal Soul" case that the FBI investigated in the 1970s. In a small town in Arizona, many residents began reporting sightings of ghosts appearing and disappearing mysteriously. The FBI sent investigative teams to the town to gather information and understand the cause of this phenomenon. However, after months of investigation, no solutions were found, and the case remains a mystery to both the FBI and the local community.

Additionally, there are investigations related to extraterrestrials that the FBI has participated in. Although the U.S. government has always denied the existence of extraterrestrial entities, there is evidence that the FBI has conducted investigations into encounters and contacts with unidentified entities from outside Earth. However, information about these investigations remains classified and is not shared with the public.

Another example is the "Hollow Coin Mystery." In 1953, in New York, a mysterious coin was discovered, inside of which was a small photo and a series of meaningless numbers. The FBI investigated this case and believed the coin was a means of transmitting coded messages. However, the origin of the coin and the content of the message remain a mystery.

These strange cases make one wonder about the truth beneath the surface of the current world. Although many efforts have been made to keep information secret, curiosity and the desire to explore continue to motivate those seeking answers. Perhaps one day, these mysteries will be unraveled, and the truth will be revealed to the world. But until then, we will continue to pursue understanding and truth, regardless of what the government may try to hide.

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