Recently, another news is hot, which is a sad story. It was said that a teenager was killed by the other three campus bullies, and was buried. After the police discovered, the child's face was terrible, and the three villain teenagers were shoved with iron.

Junior crimes occur every year, but this year I am afraid that this is one of the very vicious events.

When the victim's relatives went to ask for a statement, the parents of the bully son actually closed the door and responded straightforwardly. Don't get too much movement to affect the rest of his children, and go to school tomorrow.

So far, the victim has not received any words of apology. They refused to admit their mistakes for their children, but instead took their children to the police arrested by the police on the victim's family.

According to the current law, these three villains are all minors and cannot be sentenced to death. However, the emotions of netizens have been very excited, and they have commented on the death penalty.

This incident tells us that the devil is regardless of age, and they are also pure when they show their evil.

At present, this matter has not been pronounced, and it is not known what these three demon teenagers will be judged in the end. Some people speculate that they may be detained for more than ten years, and some people say they may be life imprisonment.

This incident also reminds parents that we must take care of your children, not that your child is kind and will not suffer bullying or disaster.

At present, the school that is on this matter remains silent and does not show attitudes. It seems that they are covering their eyes, thinking that others can not find themselves.

The child's education, the parents are the first teacher, which has an important impact on the formation of the child's character. Judging from the performance of the Demon Son parents, their indifference to life and ignoring justice shows that their character itself has problems, and they have an unprepared responsibility for the formation of their children's bad character.

Of course, for the school, such a serious murder incident occurred. It was not normal. Schools are important educational places for students. Frozen three feet is not a day. The behavior of the three demon teenagers must be accumulated in the school. However, it has been ignored, which is puzzling.

Of course, this also explains the cause of the school's indifference, because the school has not done much.

Perhaps there are more than three demon teenagers hidden in the school. The school should have sounded the alarm bell. In such vicious incidents, the school as an education should stand out with a clear position. Essence

So how about the victim? After the current data, the victim can be a left -behind child. He is raised by grandparents and grandma. He is usually very sensible and helps the family sell apples to subsidize home.

This is even more angry with the public emotions. Such a cute and cute teenager is killed by such cruelly!

What surprised the public was that the calmness showed by the three demon teenagers beyond the normal person after the killing. They also transferred the money on WeChat on WeChat, and then buried the body without panic.

After the victim's father re -applied for the mobile phone number, he logged in to WeChat and found this fact, pointing to the devil boy.

What kind of power makes the devil boy so calm? Doesn't they know that the French Open is restored without leaking?

What do family education and school education do? Is this so indulge in crime?

In the past ten years, the crime of teenagers has existed, basically the ignorance and fearlessness of the demon teenager. I remember that the demon teenager had brought away a female classmate before, and then had several sexual assaults on this female classmate. But the public who judges is unknown.

Maybe as long as it is not a dead person, it will basically not be explained.

Of course, after the incident, the victims will also cause life interference. The original school is definitely not suitable, because the school believes that the classmates have broken the school's reputation. Although they are victims, the classmates will also form discrimination. Later, the female student had to drop out of school. Essence

Therefore, I think that both family education and school education are actually problems. Since these problems cannot be controlled before the law is not turned into crimes, it often becomes a breeding ground for breeding crimes.

Of course, if the teacher's sin becomes the greatest sin, students will become the weak, and if the evil of individual students will become the biggest sin, students will suffer bullying.

I remember when I was in school, I encountered the former. The teacher was a very fierce person. He often abused and corporal punished students. This caused all students to be very afraid of the teacher.

The teacher will bring various small things, even because of the bad emotions in the family, and vent their dissatisfaction. Many students who have poor academic performance or he are not pleasing to the eye are punched and kicked.

In such an educational environment, students all feel that the teacher is a villain, and the incident of bullying for students is gone.

However, the later education reform did not allow teachers to become villains, otherwise they would be reported and received punishment from the Education Bureau. Therefore, many teachers with this tendency have become peaceful. However, another phenomenon is born, which is the question of how to educate the demon teenager?

If the teacher is more anxious to educate them, they even fight, or even secretly make the teacher suffer. If the teacher has done it or returned them, the parents will also find the school theory, causing the teacher's reputation to plummet.

Therefore, this is a problem.

However, most of the situation is that the teacher also likes to bully and scare. I remember when I was in junior high school. At that time, the junior high school physical education teacher collectively punished all the students who just took the physical education class due to personal emotions.

In the hot weather, he asked all our students to stand under the scorching sun, and when the sun was a whole lesson. After finally hearing the ringtone of the get out of class, I had dissatisfaction, so I kicked a football, but I didn't expect to be called directly.

There is also a friend outside the school. The friend outside the school kept adding fuel and vinegar to say bad things about me.

At this moment, the next class was an English class, and the students returned to the classroom. I saw the English teacher staring at the window in front of the classroom. I was more anxious. When I divided the gods, the vicious sports teacher tightened his fist and hit my heart. Big, it hurt me.

He might also be afraid of the accident and quickly let me go back.

The English teacher should see this scene, so I asked me with concern, and I didn't dare to tell the sports teacher. It was painful in my heart nest for several weeks, which shows how abominable the other party is.

Therefore, what I want to say is that as parents must educate their children, don't let him grow into a devil boy, otherwise there will be laws waiting for sanctions.

Of course, if your children are kind, they must also protect this kind of kindness together. When facing oppression, encourage children to resist or tell parents to face and deal with these unfair phenomena together.

For example, this victimized boy, I am afraid that he is not bullied for a day or two. If he tells the adult, or tells the adult, the adult is enough to pay attention to it, and then find a school to report it, or to protect his children and the demon teenager. The struggle may not happen. Of course, as a left -behind boy, he has less protected by himself, and no one expected that he would suffer such results.

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