The so -called indifferent people refer to those who can't see others, jealous and jealousy, and create small damage. In my impression, there are some children with less mature minds in elementary school to do some destruction, and there are relatively few junior high school. However, it is not to say that people who have been educated have matured.

A person with immature mind will reverse right and wrong, and he is very angry for this. I remember a person who drove a good car in the north last year, and then blocked the door of the car.

The next day, they called him to ask the vehicle to move the vehicle because they couldn't get out.

But the owner had drank some drinks last night, but now he didn't want to get up, he refused to rush over immediately. Until noon, he hadn't passed yet, and threatened others that my car was very expensive. If you wait for me to wait for me to go, you should talk about it.

In the end, the tiger could not bear it and directly opened his luxury car. He knew that he was very distressed afterwards, and he called the police directly, and then grievantly said, how can these waiters be damaged by my cars? It is necessary to let them leave.

This person is a person with immature mind. He always centered on himself, thinking that what he thinks must be right, but anyone who means he means he is not reversing.

I just thought that only childish children would be like this. I did not expect that this person was an adult. I also said that such words that lacked education made the audience laugh.

When I was a kid, I had a natural stone portrait like a dragon. I was used as a treasure. The classmates in the front row are going to look at it. I refuse to borrow it. I was worried that it would be broken to me. Then the classmates said that he was so stingy. I promise that I would not be damaged.

Then I was still reluctant to lend to the classmate in the front row. As a result, the classmate used the pen and ink to paint that eye, and then returned it to the other party.

I was very distressed at the time, but I was helpless, and finally gave it to the frontal classmate for free.

The classmate in the front row is a girl, but I did not expect that she would eat words and destroy my things.

Another time, we took a bath in the reservoir. Someone grabbed a white catfish. We were all envious. As a result, a little friend came up. I thought he would come to appreciate it like me. A few slaps gave the white catfish of others with blood.

The above behavior is actually a manifestation of immature mind. They love jealousy and can quickly convert jealousy into a destruction behavior.

There may be such a person around you, sometimes it really has nothing to do with age. If you have a very valuable thing, do not hand over these unbalanced people, the other party rarely returns it to you.

They will kidnap you with morality, and use defamation to stimulate you, and then they will destroy your beautiful things once they succeed, and then they are very happy, especially when you see you sad for this. They can't see that others are better than him, and they always want to destroy you.

If you want to care about him, he will say, I am not careful. I thought it was okay. What was a fuss? As for it?

It seems you who really make mistakes are you, and it seems you who really have a small belly chicken. And when he is saying this, analyzes perverted psychology, and he will feel very happy. Hey, fool, deserve you to be, I am for you, you should thank me.

Yes, there are always some abnormal psychologists who say you. You should thank these people because they have made you grow, and will not make such a mistake next time.

What kind of knowledge is this said, is that the invaders were good at that time? Those who are invaded should thank them for their aggression? It's really a robber logic.

Such a trivial matter is indeed not worth counting. But from these small details, you can perceive the bad thoughts of the other party at that time. What we should do after we suffer is that we can stand the moral abduction of others, to stand the temptation of others, and know how to reject these bad guys.

This immature mind will also be represented by the bargaining at work. For example, this is not a matter of my work scope. Why should I tell you?

Obviously it's just a word, and the other party just refuses to tell you. He will take the opportunity to PUA you, saying that you have to ask you even such a simple thing?

They do n’t say that they do n’t understand, but ask you, so simple questions and ask me, are you stupid? Are you pig?

They can take advantage of others, but once he loses a little bit, he will talk about it. No matter what occasion, he repeats like a revenge robot. Anyway, he does not give up any opportunity to attack you. They are extremely interesting me, and even for the sake of benefit me, I can continue to occupy your interests without shame.

However, in a platform with a functional structure, this immature mentality is often exposed downward and hidden upwards. He will perform completely differently to the leaders above. An inertia push any reason to find the right reason to others, giving the leader a impression that he has not made mistakes, and it is caused by others.

Because of his immature mind, the future development is also very limited. Individuals can also be promoted to some leadership positions because of coincidence. The higher the rising, the more he likes to expose these shortcomings. Of course, this exposure is exposed downward.

Of course, as a leader, employment is also very important. In my personal feelings, it is difficult for me to know that people who are not mature. Even a good solution will definitely be messed up. Although he will not expose upwards, he will find a variety of reasons to soup.

For example, I was sick that day, so I was postponed. Next time, I will definitely not be next time.

For example, he will make the documents you send very carelessly, and miss a lot of important things. Once the East window incident and cause losses, he will say that I have submitted it. It may be that there is a problem with the system.


All these are people who know people and people, and those who use their minds to be immature. They really do not know how to kill them. People with immature minds are the kind of dying and pulling back.

Far from those who are immature, cannot stay away, reduce business intersections, and do not deliver important things to each other. After all, if failure looks stupid, you must also enjoy no delusion.

Therefore, for those who are defective, don't think about trying to change each other. You can't change the other party at all. In the end, you are still pulling off. They always feel good and always think that their ability is extraordinary. Once they fail, they are not willing to admit that they are their own reasons.

Once I took a picture of a villa and sent it to the naive person. After seeing the villa house, he became furious, saying that he also had such a house. What's so great about such a house? This is his first reaction. Later, I directly deleted this so -called friend. Although he was already in his forties, his nature may never change.

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