Harvard University Study: 7 Characteristics of Homes of Successful, Wealthy People

Your living space reflects who you are

Harvard University has conducted years of research and found that: Successful people with a strong sense of happiness often live in very clean and tidy homes. Meanwhile, those who are less fortunate tend to live in cluttered and chaotic conditions. This is easy to explain because in reality, this is the "Law of Spatial Attraction." If a person lives in a messy, dirty environment for a long time, they are likely to develop feelings of depression and negativity. When moving into a clean, tidy, and bright room, their mood will quickly improve. According to experts' conclusions: "The room you live in is a reflection of yourself, and the appearance of the room is the appearance of your life." Moreover, when the workspace is organized and tidy, work efficiency will increase. A clean and tidy room can help people eliminate fatigue and anxiety, nurture positive emotions, and fill them with positive energy. This, in turn, brings good fortune to oneself.

Cleaning the house is to increase good fortune

There is a situation like this: when you travel, two friends warmly invite you to stay at their homes. One friend's house is clean, bright, and tidy, while the other friend's house is dirty, cluttered, and smelly. Who would you choose to stay with? Perhaps most of us would choose the clean, bright, and tidy house. The God of Wealth thinks like us, preferring to live in a clean and bright house. Therefore, let's clean the house immediately to welcome the God of Wealth into your home. The habit of cleanliness also reflects a person's cultivation. Thus, for those who regularly clean their homes, they always know how to respect themselves while showing enthusiasm for life. In contrast, a house filled with dirty and smelly things will accumulate negative energy. These can affect and transform into emotions within you. Improve your living environment to make it cleaner. Only then can your life be comfortable, and happiness will gradually increase. Fatigue and anxiety will be like garbage that is cleaned up and "thrown" out the door.

Cleaning the house is to enhance intelligence

Whenever you encounter trouble or have negative emotions, start cleaning your house. When you regularly clean your home, removing unnecessary and cluttered items, you will open up a more spacious and airy space for yourself. Your mind will thus become clearer, your spirit more relaxed, stimulating your brain to work enthusiastically and generate more creative thoughts. People living in a positive energy environment will bring good luck and fortune, leading them closer to success. Unfortunate people often live in a chaotic and cluttered environment. The clutter in the house also brings confusion to the mind. Cleaning the house is like cleaning the trash can in the brain, allowing wisdom to develop naturally.

Cleaning the house is to eliminate germs

When you walk past a garbage dump, you can easily recognize the unpleasant smell, instinctively covering your nose and quickly walking past. However, when you stay in a dirty, cluttered house for a long time, you become accustomed to it. This is extremely dangerous for health because a dirty home is a place that "nurtures" disease-causing bacteria. If not treated and removed in time, it can pose a danger to life. Therefore, cleaning the house will eliminate harmful germs, leading to a healthier body.

Cleaning the house is to promote positive energy

According to feng shui, a cluttered, dark house will attract bad energy, negative energy, and wealth will naturally diminish. In contrast, a bright house will attract good energy, positive energy, and wealth will be abundant. Walking alone is easy, but if you carry many items on your back, you certainly cannot walk. Therefore, if the items in the house are too full, the energy in the house will be very heavy, unable to function normally and unable to bring a good feeling. Regularly clean out the excess items in your home, and it will surely bring a very comfortable and light positive energy to the homeowner.

Cleaning the house is cleaning the mind

There is a beautiful Japanese proverb: "A cluttered room is like a chaotic mind." Many people think that cleaning is just a small daily habit, but it brings miraculous effects. By cleaning the house every day, we have time to cultivate patience and willpower. Additionally, when you clear the house, the blockages inside you will become clearer and more open, your spirit will be relaxed, and love and gratitude will flow in. Life is a journey filled with difficulties and challenges waiting for you. If you are always immersed in negative emotions, it will only be a waste of life. Only by knowing how to release negative emotions in the mind can we enjoy all the beauty in life and achieve great accomplishments.

Harvard University Study: Successful People Often Have These 5 Characteristics in Childhood

Expectations for children vary among parents. Some just hope their children are normal, healthy, and happy; others expect their children to grow up to be outstanding. Although the experiences of many successful people cannot be replicated, there are still common traits in their childhood. Harvard University conducted a study on the topic "Is a person's success related to their childhood?" The study was conducted with 1,000 successful entrepreneurs aged 24-45. Their parents were surveyed in a follow-up questionnaire. The results showed that those with salaries 30% higher than average, 85% graduated from college, had happier family environments, and generally shared the following 5 characteristics in childhood.

Independent personality

Wei Yongkang, who was admitted to the National Academy of Sciences as a research student at the age of 17. He was supposed to have a bright future, but he was expelled from the National Academy of Sciences due to poor self-care independence, losing good prospects and having to start over. Most successful people share the characteristic of independence. They are not only independent in life but can also easily take charge of situations. They have the ability to analyze, judge situations, and make decisions. Some children become very independent after developing self-awareness at the age of 2, not wanting their parents to interfere in their work and always wanting to complete tasks on their own.

Not influenced by emotions

We are easily swayed by emotions; when inspired, we work enthusiastically, but when faced with obstacles, we become discouraged. Meanwhile, successful people are often very steadfast in everything, and their emotions do not affect their judgment. In the period before the age of 6, children are easily influenced by emotions. However, some children are clear about their goals; they may cry and make a fuss for a long time, but they persist despite difficulties, and these children are very resilient. As they grow up, these children will act more rationally, knowing how to let go of emotions and calmly solve problems.

Good self-control

Those who cannot master themselves find it very difficult to complete tasks well, making it even harder to have opportunities for success. After school, some children play and then do their homework. Doing homework can also be a hindrance; some children learn to complete their homework within a fixed time. The difference between these children is self-discipline. Self-discipline is an essential virtue for success. Those who can manage themselves are often more trusted. Parents should cultivate this virtue in their children from a young age.

Hardworking with household chores

Previously, in 1938, scholars from Harvard University tracked 456 adolescents for 75 years, and the results showed that children who regularly did household chores from a young age were more likely to succeed in the future. Some surveys show that the employment rate of children who did and did not do household chores from a young age is 15:1, and the crime rate is 1:10. This experiment has proven that doing household chores has a significant impact on children's growth. Children educated by their parents to do household chores from a young age will have stronger adaptability and find it easier to step out into society.

Flexible thinking

The difference in successful people is that they are very creative and have great ideas. This is something ordinary people cannot possess. Some children exhibit flexible thinking from a young age. They can always look at problems from multiple angles, and this always makes people feel that they see the world differently. According to child psychologists, the essence of intellectual development is to enhance the flexibility of the brain's thinking. Thanks to sharp thinking, children can consider problems from many perspectives and quickly find solutions when faced with issues. Play is the best way to enhance children's thinking abilities. When playing games, children actively think, and their thinking will always be dynamic. Moreover, many games have numerous solutions, which will not limit children's thinking.

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