1. Mind:

Because I enjoy responding to messages, the world seems more beautiful than a thousand times normal. The sky can be vast, towering, and silver-gray, delicate even if it rains all day. On another day, when I had left behind days of unbeatable defeat for hours on end, my roommate came up, walked lightly, and spoke softly with a charming smile. I felt that the guy should know that. Fresh green, cool breeze, rainy, not sunny, but no matter how well everything goes, in my eyes everything still feels terrible on days when there is a lot of wind inside. Whenever I hear someone complain about something, I always carefully consider, objectively evaluate, and extremely cautious.

Then I dare to tell them that things don't seem as bad as they think. Everything will be fine. Of course, this doesn't make them feel better than when they confided in me was useless. But then, everything turns out fine and nothing bad happens as they predicted.

I have also complained to a friend about my difficult situation and the lack of positive interaction from both my dog and my best friend. On the health issue, maybe I'm having trouble lately and it seems like I'm about to get cancer because of the smell of milk flowers. They told me that it's normal, a person is busy with their own affairs and I should only care about the milk flowers. Everything will be fine.

They feel like a lens to see the world. Each person has their own view, a view that is beautiful to one person may not be beautiful to another, a delicious dish to one person may not be delicious to another. This has been recognized by scientists for a long time. They once conducted a survey on a group of people looking at the same picture and each person had a different perception. But what is special is that some details, only a few people recognize, were missed by others' observations.

A painting remains unchanged but through each person's observation, it becomes diverse. It can be said that when they describe it, they talk about their painting, not the painter's. Sometimes I often seek a place to purify myself to rearrange my soul, to have a clearer lens to look at my world. And perhaps, we are lucky to go through the end of life to nurture what remains, but when we are young, we may want the opportunity to stay away from those who harm our lives.

2. Emotions:

Because of their selfish emotions, apologies are too late and die in regret is not a good thing. Few people realize that everyone's perceptions are different, so they often assume that what they feel is correct and impose it on everyone. People like that are often like children without big words, who have been rewarded from a young age to buy expensive things like dolls, trains, cars, airplanes, or tickets to Vinpearl Land to protect and maintain their emotions. Parents want their daughters to always be happy, happy, and satisfied. They also want to protect their own emotions. However, these things are becoming more prominent in the modern world, and the landmine of the world still exists. Despite sitting down and begging, young people are often supported, loved, and cared for. However, sometimes no one comes.

So, if you accidentally find yourself in difficulties, be patient and listen carefully. You will grow up, and then you will no longer be surprised to realize that humans have discovered the sound of the universe, not you. You will realize that everyone's emotions are valuable. But don't think your emotions are higher than anyone else's. Don't think that your smile is higher than someone's tears. You can help others grow, but remember that emotions are only yours, and the world is constantly changing.

Although sad, happy, angry, but the most important thing is that your emotions can change. One person can be sad but make others happy. One person can be happy but feel sad. You may feel annoyed by someone else's emotions, but when explained, you will realize that they didn't mean anything. It's just emotions, and there's no right or wrong. Sometimes, we think we are detectives, have found enough evidence to accuse, but in the end, there is nothing to worry about. Remember that emotions are only yours, and there is no right or wrong, just simply emotions.

Why do we know that emotions are ridiculous but hard to overcome? Because we are made up of emotions. In fact, 99% of our lives are based on emotions. We use emotions to deal with everything around us, that is, we deal with our own emotions. This leads to the emergence of some types of "super emotions," such as feeling bad because you feel bad, called natural, feeling good, faultless, feeling good because you feel good, self-righteous, and next is copied from the article "Where Are Emotions?" or "What the Feeling" by Mark Manson.

3. Sharing:

The meaning of this poem has many direct connections to us paying a percentage of the stamps on the video to hear our literary voice more. I also share, this is a part of Fast and Slow Thinking, but remember that feeling bad because you feel bad is writing too much "Self-Criticism" quoting too many images of nerves, suppressing emotions many times. Unfortunately, emotions often give unnecessary words. Next, feeling good because you feel good, this is self-praise and narcissism, being praised and overrated oneself. This is a self-awareness of an illusory self, unable to withstand failure, rejection, or discomfort, always only caring about oneself.

In "super emotions," we tell ourselves stories about our emotions, making us feel justified in jealousy, being praised, our superiority, and also wiping away our pain. The essence of them is the consciousness of what is rational and irrational, but not answering what should be done. Emotions are so stupid. Instead, these "super emotions" often delve deep into our minds, making us feel worse or superior, but in reality, it's just emotions.

If you always feel good because you feel good, you will only care about yourself and feel superior to others. Whether your emotions are positive or negative depends on yourself and your perspective. Therefore, emotions are a part of life, and understanding and mastering them can control the world. You will know when you have mastered when you start to control your emotions.

What is the super emotion in you? This is a question that can lead to many deep conversations about the nature of human beings and how we interact with the world around us. Super emotions, although seeming like a complex concept, are actually an inseparable part of human daily experiences.

4. Super Emotions:

To better understand super emotions, we need to delve deeper into the main emotions and how they affect our lives. Emotions are a natural and unavoidable part of human beings. They can include joy, sadness, anger, fear, and much more. Emotions help us understand and react to the world around us, while also driving us to achieve a variety of goals and tasks in our daily lives.

However, super emotions regulate how we understand and react to our emotions. Super emotions are not only about deeply and complexly perceiving emotions but also about the ability to manage and regulate them effectively. It helps us realize that emotions are a natural and unavoidable part of life, but they should not dominate or control our lives.

An important part of super emotions is the ability to distinguish between different types of emotions and understand their causes. This helps us not only recognize our own emotions but also provides us with a deep insight into what is happening in our minds and bodies. By understanding our emotions, we can find the most appropriate ways to cope and handle them in a healthy and positive way.

In addition, super emotions are also related to the ability to control and regulate our emotions. A person with good super emotions often has the ability to self-regulate and control their emotions effectively. They can recognize when their emotions are becoming too strong and need to take self-care measures to reduce pressure and stress.

In conclusion, super emotions are not only the ability to deeply and complexly perceive and understand our own emotions, but also the ability to regulate and control them in a positive and effective way. By developing super emotions, we can become confident, flexible, and integrated into society, thereby creating a happy and meaningful life.

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