I received these reminders again. "It's time for your quarterly pest control treatment." Filled with dread, I marked my calendar and tried to forget it.

However, that pest control guy still comes to my house. I hate these visits; they are my dirty little secret as an environmentally conscious citizen. I accelerated my internal panic for days, trying to gain a workable perspective and failing.

This guy (it's always one person) is young, friendly, professional, and efficient as he circles our property with a magic wand, emitting the least destructive liquid I can get. The seemingly harmless visits disturb me on multiple levels.

Why do these young people do this job? I want to pull them aside and talk to them about their yellow eyes and how the "protective vests" they wear really protect them from these chemicals seeping into their cells. Fortunately, it seems there are many mishaps, so I hope these guys leave to find better, healthier work.

The last guy, Seth, showed me pictures of his new baby, and I wanted to shake him and tell him to put down the chemical wand and run! I planned to confront him in the driveway during the next visit, but he didn't come back. I'm sure it's not me - I'm a loyal...

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