If you are one of those seeking excitement in reading, you may consume it quickly in a few days, even in a few hours or minutes, but then feel stuck in a positive mindset. This article emphasizes the idea of positive thinking and provides an overview of it.

1. Positive thinking:

Positive thinking is not just about looking at the positive, beautiful, and opportunities in every issue and situation, but also about always seeking solutions to challenges. Specifically, phrases like "Look on the bright side of things" or "Do things that make you happy" are typical expressions of positive thinking.

Modern society presents many new challenges for each individual. Facing globalization, information technology, and the digital revolution, we experience conveniences that our ancestors only dreamed of. However, this also gives us many choices and freedoms, from eating habits to choosing a job, shaping our lives and values. This diversity can make each individual feel lost and unsure of how to find answers to life's questions.

To avoid this situation, we need to apply positive thinking, look for the bright side in every situation, and always aim for solutions to challenges.

In daily life, we often easily get caught up in fleeting pleasures like playing games, listening to music, watching movies, reading comics, or even social media, making us forget about the loneliness and dissatisfaction inside. However, when that joy fades, we have to face this loneliness and dissatisfaction. We are like snails, always waiting to be hurt, while society imposes on us responsibilities, morals, and culture.

We want to escape this feeling of dissatisfaction, but fleeting joy cannot solve the inner tension problem. Therefore, we need to seek solutions from a positive living philosophy. Believe in yourself, make changes, do good things, and life will change as we change. However, often, these positive advice only bring temporary chaos, and afterwards, we return to the same sense of disappointment as before.

2. Expectations:

Why doesn't positive thinking bring the change we expect? It's because we often focus on easy and quick solutions, like what society offers, instead of seeking fundamental and sustainable solutions. We see a lot of self-help books, but find that they always introduce easy solutions, while exploring the true root causes of the problem is often overlooked.

For example, when we try to learn English, we often focus on external goals like graduation, getting scholarships, or communicating with international friends, instead of truly understanding why we need to learn English. Only when we ask deep questions and understand the reasons behind this, can we find the real motivation to progress.

Another aspect to consider is soft skills, developing positive and effective habits, improving appearance, fashion taste, and ensuring responsibility to family, and similar things. This leads to you losing willpower quickly because you have to deal with too many choices, and eventually you feel tired and pressured, losing the motivation to learn. You may convince yourself that you need to learn English, but be drawn to something else.

To have a meaningful purpose in learning English, you need to consider the role of this language. It's not just about vocabulary and professional concepts, but also about communication skills and connecting with others, being curious to explore knowledge through reading books, newspapers, or entertainment through movies and music. The real purpose of learning English is to make your heart full of excitement, feel happy and motivated when practicing communication with foreigners.

If you are truly passionate about learning English, you will automatically know how to adjust and set goals that align with your joy and passion. When you learn English with passion and dedication, it will bring higher effectiveness than any other secret. Remember that children and women are typical examples of how they learn naturally and without any secrets. They just need enthusiasm and curiosity, and they will learn continuously throughout the day.

For the favorable mental conditions like us, we learn with joy from the heart voluntarily. In the end, you understand that English is just a small part of creating satisfaction. When you realize this, perhaps the best way is not to continue learning English. Because to achieve happiness, there are simpler choices, but both society, family, and your mind require you to fulfill responsibilities and succeed. Therefore, you force yourself to learn English out of fear, greed, rather than the simple joy of learning.

3. Learning:

We can see that the reasons behind learning English are complex and difficult as we delve deeper into the issue. This is very personal, as each person has their own circumstances and personalities, which cannot be put into statistical figures or average rules of scientists.

Therefore, books and articles often like to use words like "positive," sensitive, explaining the reasons, to satisfy the readers' needs. Therefore, we often seek quick solutions without wanting to explore deeper to understand why positive thinking can make our minds weak. Surely you know the concept of "addiction," which means dependence on things that bring excitement, and when they are not there, you cannot bear it.

In your view, delays and boredom are not necessarily negative. Looking at them from a positive perspective opens up a different view, not always a bad thing. If it's not bad, then why consider them negative? You often hear bloggers and authors say, "Treat others well, do good things."

This seems fine, but have you realized that every time you treat others poorly, do things poorly, you often feel confused with yourself, because you think you are bad, you are terrible. Despite the praise for good things, success, you always recognize bad things, failures, and suffering. This reaction is normal, it is part of human nature. The problem here is that we often see bad events as enemies that need to be eliminated, rather than listened to and understood. Have you ever thought that what you consider enemies could be things to learn from, face, and overcome? Labeling such things will create serious thinking errors, making us more miserable. Remember that language has limitations in describing life. For example, in every bad thing, there is something good, in every sad thing, there is something happy, and vice versa. The important thing is to limit prejudice, so you are less influenced by dualistic words.

Have you ever thought about understanding something that you initially considered an enemy? Things that you think need to be eliminated, defeated? That is the key. Labeling such things will lead to serious thinking errors, thinking like "everything can only be bad or good, right or wrong, negative or positive, evil or Good." We often forgive bad things, while realizing that we also have bad parts.

4. Life:

This leads to the complexity of life, with failure, success, negative and positive, all combined in this dualistic thinking, making us more miserable. Remember that using words like happy, sad, good, bad, stupid, ignorant, knowledgeable, is normal, they are just functions of language to help us communicate. The important thing is to realize that language has limitations in describing life. For example, in every bad thing, there is something good, in every sad thing, there is something happy, and vice versa. If you regularly practice the habit of looking at things honestly, limiting prejudice, you will be less affected by dualistic words. This helps you approach reality more.

After listening to him pour out his heart, the doctor's prescription pad became warmer. There are people in more difficult situations than you, but they still overcome. Keep trying, my friend. That doctor has given up on monitoring the treatment process, like an encouraging story. You feel the same way. Without observation and understanding, when you are in a difficult situation, bravely seeking help, you don't need to compare yourself to others anymore. This only adds pressure, making you feel more failed and useless than ever. Chau Ly's article and examples have helped you look at everything gently and simply. When you apply a positive outlook to life, you will be willing to face more difficult situations.

Over time, looking back on the period of growth, you realize that positive books and quotes have helped you overcome challenges. Criticism and self-deprecation are extreme and lack empathy. Therefore, the goal of this article is to share with those facing difficulties in life, to make them aware of the diversity of emotions and understand more about the downsides of positive thinking. Think positively, but at the same time recognize and accept its limitations. Ultimately, we need to come up with feasible solutions rather than just showing positivity.

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