One Piece X Fujia has joint cooperation! The 1st product will be released on April 2, 2024, and the second bounce product will be released on April 9, 2024.

When it comes to Japanese snacks and desserts, the biggest feature is that they are "delicate" as they are. Japan has the strictest food production management system in the world and Germany. Therefore, each Japanese food company will choose the best quality and freshest ingredients and materials when producing food, and the food produced is absolutely not allowed to contain any additives, so this causes a short period of fresh food in Japan, which causes enterprises Large burden, and then can get the greatest benefit as a consumer.

As an agricultural protection country, Japan has developed and supported the country's agriculture with the government as the lead. Therefore, farmers' income is generally high, and the naturally -produced agricultural products are the highest quality. For example, the milk produced by Hokkaido is the best and most expensive milk in the world (the content of S milk protein is 18 times that of Chinese milk and 6 times that of New Zealand milk). The sugar content of a cantaloupe in which one of Shiga Prefecture reached 23.7m, which is three times that of cantaloupe produced by Honeymelon (Hami, Xinjiang, China). Therefore, I have to marvel at the development of Japanese agricultural technology. With such good raw materials, the snacks produced are naturally the best. For example, MEJI's selected milk chocolate, it tastes more delicate and smooth than Belgium's Sisemerroy, and the milk taste is stronger.

Here is a few major food manufacturers in Japan, except for beverage manufacturers Asahi, Kirin, SUNTROY, mainly FUJIYA, Meiji, DARS, Snow Printing (Yukihaku) and these, the latter is mainly mainly the production of dairy products and chocolate snacks. Like Yamazaki and POSCO, they only need to produce bread.

Movie star Maeda Midi took a group photo with Peko sauce (milk girl)

Fujiya has started a business for more than 110 years. In the 43rd year of Meiji (1910), it was started by a foreign fruit shop in Yokohamao -cho. Pronunciation, the "Wisteria" of the Fujii family in Japan's first "Fuji Mountain" and the only one (Fuji). Today, the giant of the cake candy industry, as well as a chain restaurant, attracting the food flow to forget.

In 1922, the "French -flavored cream cake" began to match the perfect match with strawberries, fresh cream and soft western cakes to push the brand cake food. At the same time, Christmas products are started.

PEKO was born in 1950, and launched a new product in 1968. The fragrance multi -layer of cake "Home Pie".

For the "Fujiya" loyal fans, it is impossible to define which category it belongs to, toys? Iron box? candy? This one with a century -old brand is still charming now. It is said that F in her logo represents 5 meanings (kindergarten, fantasy, fresh, and obsessed).

There are a variety of "Fuji Family" products, including puffs, cookies, biscuits, chocolate, lollipop, etc. These desserts are both pleasing to the eye and full of mouthful.

Sweet enthusiasts learned about the "Fuji Family" because of the crimson face and often licking my tongue with a happy little girl. Her name is milk girl Peko. She also has a partner: milk Poko. This naive and playful cartoon character can be described as deeply popular. The candy packaging box with the theme of milk brothers and sisters, as well as dolls and models, have become the heart of dessert lovers. Many people rush to chase, and they will not be safe without getting their hands. On the 100th anniversary of the "Fuji Family" entrepreneurship, it has a limited pen with the Writing Pen Company. Its exquisite appearance and exquisite production are the cute points of people.

Many people like the lollipop of the "Big Family". Without a baby, you can refuse the temptation of candy. Whether you are going to school and the girl who have just joined the job, share with classmates and colleagues. Share it with the beloved people, and promote the consistency of the two people. Fuji Fragrance Milk Hard Candy, pure and natural milk, the taste is not sticky or greasy, and fully meets the dual needs of taste buds and health. The thousand -layer cakes of the "Fuji Family" are also classic. It is selected from the convergence of premium wheat flour and the essence of cream. After fine baking, there is a tradition of hand -made family with a unique family of "Fujia". Then there are layers of deliciousness, crispy and not greasy.

The texture is to overlap its texture into multiple layers. It is not an exaggeration. This snack can give the pouting people not only fresh and delicious, but also a happy feeling. The candy and pastry of the "Fuji Family" will add a lot of fun to work and monotonous life, especially to promote the relationship between students and friends, irritable mood or eating one piece when you have nothing to do. comfort.

The reason why the candy is seductive is inseparable from its unique production technology. It adopts traditional handmade methods, and every step is improving. From the selection of materials to boiled sugar, from shaping to packaging, every link condenses the hard work and wisdom of craftsmen. They select high -quality raw materials, focusing on the control of sugar, making the candy mouth mellow without losing delicateness. At the same time, it is continuously innovatively produced, combining tradition with modernity, so that while maintaining the classic taste, it adds new elements and surprises.

In addition to the production process, it also pays attention to nutritional value. Although the candy is delicious, excessive consumption is not good for health. Therefore, when developing new flavors, they pay attention to nutritional matching, and strive to allow each candy to satisfy the taste buds while taking care of health.

Fujiali rustic ice cream

I personally like the "Big Family" POP green tea polyphenol tooth care juice lollipop. The bag contains four flavors of strawberries, orange, grapes, and peaches. It contains real fruit juice. The taste is pure and sour. And the three -dimensional pattern of small animals on each lollipop is interesting. The most important thing is that this kind of lollipop adds green tea polyphenols to effectively kill oral bacteria. For children, to prevent tooth decay. There are also warm design environmental paper sticks, which cleverly use paper sticks to replace plastic rods, which will not pierce the throat, which is more sanitary and safer. In the end, remember: Slowly lick when you eat lollipop, and calm down to enjoy the joy and sweetness in it!

Based on the store and the restaurant's signature decoration, the main room is mainly warm -colored. It gives people a sense of "warm and happy" and enters inside. It is in addition to peace of mind. First of all, the price of food is easy, and the staff service attitude is kind. The desserts, cakes, beverages, etc. sold by Yangguo shops are also hundreds of yen; cakes mainly use fruits such as seasonal mango, strawberries, cantaloupe, peach peach, etc., and they are pleasing to the eye. The restaurant mainly provides foods such as burgers, curry rice, sandwiches, pasta, egg bag rice, and can be solved by spending a thousand yuan. You can ask relatives and friends to have a afternoon tea, or you can set cakes for your children and buy gifts from gifts.

In order to meet customer requirements, develop new menus, such as pheasant parent -child, yam royal meals, and linsea beef steak. Fujia also opened a French coffee house, which supplies all kinds of coffee and French pies. In order to lead the competition, it must be based on the development of the times and constantly introduce new. The busy modern people will heal it in their hearts in this shopping and eating, which may be the popular mystery.

Fuji family propaganda poster

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