In an understandable way, HSP is someone who often reacts strongly and excessively to signs, small changes. This often makes us feel abnormal and always question in our heads, why am I not like everyone else, am I nervous or schizophrenic. However, we are not always like that. Sometimes we are just people with too many emotions.

1. Emotions:

In general, about 20% of HSPs are men, and 70% are women. According to a study by psychologist Dr. Elaine Aron, HSPs tend to be introverted. If you are also an HSP like me, then this article is for you.

So how do you know if you are an HSP? There are three main signs. First, you are sensitive about yourself, often feeling stressed, insecure, and comparing yourself to others. Second, you feel hurt by just a careless word from others and take a lot of time to recover. You always worry and doubt your thoughts and others' opinions of you. Third, in love, you often overly romanticize every emotional experience when with that person and feel pain when losing love. Because you have too many emotions, and no matter how hard you try, they keep overflowing.

Third, being sensitive to the surrounding environment often makes you feel uncomfortable in the middle of a crowd or in places with a lot of noise, bright lights, or flashy music. Once, I couldn't watch 30 minutes of a movie at the theater because the noise was too much, and I had to leave immediately. Every time I read the news or browse the web and social media, I am often negatively affected by bad news, stories of crime, violence, suicide, making me feel like this world is so damn.

How does this excessive sensitivity affect your life and yourself? Many times over the years, this sensitivity has caused trouble for me, from studying, working to personal relationships and social life. In a certain situation, for normal people, they may have a little difficulty, but for HSPs, they may face 10 times the worry and insecurity. HSPs are easily influenced by good opportunities and emotions, easily hurt and find it hard to accept mistakes. They often have to struggle internally to protect themselves. If not, it will be very difficult to understand and empathize with them, just like you can't understand someone with suicidal intentions if you haven't experienced it.

2. Crossing the Limits:

I used to feel very disadvantaged when raising a child with such a difficult personality. Every time it made me go beyond the limits of emotions, I felt worse and hated it more. But when I learned to love it, it became obedient and no longer bothered me. Sensitivity is not a curse, but it can also be a blessing that God has given us.

So, how to truly be happy as an HSP? I hope that by reading this far, you will understand that HSPs are just normal people with their own characteristics. If you are an HSP, never feel ashamed or insecure about your personality. Instead, draw it out and live with it. I will share how I do that.

First, accept sensitivity as a part of yourself. Don't try to be someone else just because you feel insecure. Acknowledge it, love it, and live with it. After you accept and love it, you will feel more confident and optimistic.

Second, when you feel uneasy, calm down. Breathe deeply and whisper to yourself that everything will be okay. Don't worry too much about what's around, because everything is fine, it's just your emotions that are not okay. A big weakness of HSPs is caring too much about others' thoughts and emotions. That's their job, let them worry. Remember that you are kind and lovable, there is no reason for anyone to hate you when you love them.

An important thing that HSPs need to learn is how to protect themselves. Facing criticism and failure without collapsing is very important. When you receive criticism from friends or fail, don't let yourself be overly affected. Sometimes, others may mock or look down on you, but no one cares more about your feelings than you. Instead of feeling insecure and self-pity, learn and improve yourself every day. This helps you realize that sensitivity is truly a gift.

Second, create some personal hobbies for yourself. Read books, play musical instruments, learn to draw, or engage in any activity that never bores you. Reading books not only helps you understand the world and the people around you better but also helps you understand yourself better. Only when you understand yourself, you can appreciate and love yourself more.

3. Thoughts:

A familiar method you can apply is to write a journal. Write in the morning and record your emotions. When you keep these thoughts inside, you will feel uncomfortable and anxious. Writing down these thoughts will help you feel lighter, and you will feel peaceful and relaxed. Once you have written these things, you will feel like someone is listening and you will no longer feel lonely.

Finally, always strive to be the best version of yourself. Although you can't be perfect, never stop trying. I always try every day to become a better HSP in my own eyes. If you are an HSP, share your experiences and how you overcome challenges as an extremely sensitive person. For those who are not HSPs, I hope this article will help you understand and love us more. This is one of the great motivations that help us overcome all challenges in life.

High sensitivity, or HSP (Highly Sensitive Person), is a term researched and defined by Dr. Elaine Aron since the 1990s. For those in this group, sensitivity becomes very clear in all aspects of life. From emotions to influences from the surrounding environment, HSPs often experience a complex and profound inner world compared to those who are not in this group.

Understanding HSP

HSP is not a disease or a psychological problem, but actually a part of everyone's nature and way of operating. It is important to understand more about this group and the strength that sensitivity brings.

4. Characteristics of HSP:

Common characteristics of HSPs include:

Deep Emotions: HSPs often experience emotions deeply and sincerely than others. They have the ability to be sensitive to others' emotions and the world around them.

Sensitive to the Environment: Sounds, lights, smells, and physical sensations can strongly affect HSPs. They often perceive small changes in the environment and can feel overwhelmed when exposed to these factors.

Deep Perception of Art and Culture: HSPs often have the ability to appreciate and perceive deeply about art, music, culture, and the human soul.

Introverted Tendency: HSPs tend to become introverted and prefer quiet, solitude to have deeper time for thinking and processing emotions.

Strong Reaction to Emotions and Changes: HSPs may have stronger reactions and deeper perceptions of changes, emotions, and social situations.

Strengths of HSP

Although sometimes seen as a challenge, high sensitivity also brings many benefits and strengths:

Sensitivity and Creativity

Thanks to the ability to perceive deeply and sensitively, HSPs often become creative individuals with a unique view of the world around them. They have the ability to see issues from many perspectives and come up with creative solutions.

Empathy and Communication Skills

Due to their deep understanding and perception of emotions, HSPs are often very good at empathy and communication. They have the ability to listen and understand others deeply, creating connections and positive support for those around them.

Focus and Efficiency

Although they may be influenced by overload from the surrounding environment, HSPs also have a high ability to focus and work effectively in quiet environments and personal spaces.

Challenges and How to Overcome

However, being an HSP also means facing many challenges, including:

Emotional Overload: HSPs can easily become overwhelmed by emotions, leading to stress and anxiety.

Sensitive to Negative Perceptions: HSPs are often influenced by negative perceptions from the surrounding environment, such as bad news, social stress, and work pressure.

Difficulties in Social Relationships: HSPs' sensitivity can create difficulties in establishing and maintaining social relationships, especially with those who do not understand this personality.

However, there are many ways to overcome these challenges and live a happy and successful life.

Emotional Management

Learning how to manage emotions and establish stress reduction techniques such as meditation and yoga can help HSPs reduce emotional overload and enhance balance in life.

Establishing Positive Boundaries

Creating positive boundaries by creating personal space, setting rest hours, and practicing self-care techniques can help HSPs reduce stress and enhance mental health.

Seeking Support and Connection

Seeking support from those who understand and can share experiences with HSPs can help them feel understood and accepted. Joining support groups and connecting with the HSP community is also a good way to share and learn from others.


High sensitivity is not a negative trait, but actually an important part of human nature. Understanding and accepting yourself, along with applying emotional management techniques and positive living skills, can help HSPs harness their strengths and live a happy, meaningful, and fulfilling life.

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