The Japanese magazine "MOE" was released on the 3rd on the 3rd. It was published in 1979. It was published by Baiquan Society today in 1992. It may be the only monthly journal in the world that specializes in picture books. MOE means "cute", with the beautiful wish of "making the rich picture book world sprout in more readers."

The magazine focuses on the creation of childhood heart, focusing on the effect of the most creative children's illustrations in practical applications, and continuously continuously releases the dream "Baiquan Magazine" for many young men and girls. Since its establishment, most of them are based on comics, picture books, novels and other directions. Among them, "MOE" introduced picture books and cute characters in various women, which is loved by many women. The fun to them.

The age of the magazine reading is about the "MOE" between the age of 20 and 35. From the beginning of the journal, the content has also been newly promoted. The cute works, illustrations, hot movies, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, cartoons, and cartoons of the popular picture book writers around the world. And the fairy tales or myth full of nostalgia and mystery, so that many readers can find warm childhood memories in these interesting works.

The "MOE" of each issue will have a theme as a big special collection. Collecting many information and information you want to know to understand the small secrets behind the work; the cartoon is like everyone familiar with Sturbi, the Muming family, and the bread superman; In terms of film, it is a very popular Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. behind the scene production process; the picture book is to teach readers how to use pencils, charcoal pens, and even oil paintings, and watercolors to create a cute picture book protagonist with different styles; Zhi will also analyze the works of picture book writers: whether it is a mysterious writer full of gorgeous colors, or a warm and lovely children's picture book author, you can completely see the spiritual level of the writer!

Nowadays, people are re -examining comfortable "life" and happy "lifestyle". Can you learn a variety of life tips from Muming and others? In order to spread the charm of picture books more widely, "MOE" has been re -positioned as a female to a female magazine with visual focus. The age span is from children to the elderly, covering all ages. Each issue is generally based on popular picture books and popular characters. There are also special issues that introduce picture books from different perspectives such as "terrorist picture book" and "inadvertent picture book". In addition, "MOE" will also pay attention to related industries such as business peripherals, as well as the seasons pages of art, movies, tourism, handicraft grocery, dessert and other seasons.

"MOE" "Wisdom Bags of Muming Life" special set,

MOE (モエ) November 2021 issue of "Love さ ひみつ ひみつ" Moomin Muming Album "Muming Valley's partners, respect others, understand others, and live freely. In such Muming Valley Happy little wisdom.

This issue presents the recommended roles of Ms. Nora, Ms. Nora, Ms. Nora, the Ministry of Commerce of the Finnish Embassy, ​​the natural grace discovered in Muming Valley, the "Convival exhibition" of Muming Valley Park, connecting Finland and Japan's Muming stamps, travel to Finland to buy Muming products, the movie "TOVE" is very beautiful, the latest news of the animation series "friends of Muming Valley", the "courage, love, freedom" exhibition of the National Museum Special topic.

Zuojiujie Ghost Destroy Blade Limited Fruit Sugar

Vaguely remember to visit the supermarket with his girlfriend and see Moomin's beautiful sugar jar. There are two types of red and yellow, with pictures on both sides. She bought it immediately. After returning home, one person tasted one person. The taste would not be very sweet, but the fruit was very strong, and each one had a layer of sugar powder, so it was not easy to melt after opening the can.

First, I thought that Muming was the image of Japanese animation. Later, when I saw the anime, I knew that he originally came from Finland's forest. Muming is an elf, who is white and fat, much like hippos, and lives in a place called "Muming Valley" surrounded by mountains. He is enthusiastic and kind and likes to adventure. He was dedicated to being a man who protects the weak woman. I often do some stupid things to get the appreciation of my girlfriend Geni. Because his behavior was unreasonable, he was not understood by the people around him, but he would still move towards the goal and never give up.

The life of the Muming family is also very interesting, and basically live according to his own meaning. It's time to eat, to sleep. Obviously a good tea on the sofa, I do n’t know what happened, but I suddenly thought about it. It rose to clean up for a while, or began to build a house.

Muming's father is so fantasizing, Muming's mother is strong and confident, Goini is coquettish, Amei's eyes are evil, ghost ideas are more, Shiliqi is a poet with loneliness, advocating freedom and adventure. It looks cool.

Of course, the most interesting of this animation is the protagonist, with translucent eyes, the rolling belly, the story of the stories between the ocean and forests, fun, and weird, you are unexpected. Those who understand the story will feel the relationship between interpersonal and need love and tolerance. In fairy tales, we feel tranquil and warm in our hearts.

I did not expect that there were so many stories in the small and cute sugar jar. In fact, in addition to the outstanding taste, the packaging examples are very powerful. The red cans of fruit candy and mint sugar packaging are slightly average, but it looks pretty comfortable. Kitty, iron arms A Tongmu, Guobao Panda Kobyst and other cartoon images. Children want to buy it at a glance. The army Cao on the jar seems to be your close comrades -in -arms, touching the sweet and sour candy, and instantly feels that the energy block increases.

The classic candy created by Natsuka Fruit "Sakujano Qiwei Slystein Jan (サ ク マ ドロ ッ プ ス)" is the sugar completed by the official in the 41st year (1908 AD). Reconstruction was smoothly reconstructed in 1948. In the movie "The Tomb of Fireflies", Qiwei Sugar Jar can also be seen. In Sakura Sugar Jar, the "Goodbye Fireflies" reciprocating version of the juice juice sugar is very popular. In Hayao Miyazaki's movie "The Tomb of Firefly", my brother gave her a very beautiful sugar jar for coaxing. When Jie Zi cried, he gave her one, and immediately became happy. The tear marks of the small face had not been dried yet. The lovely section always hugs the sugar can jump around. The candy made the sound of Karakala in the jar. After eating the sugar, I also poured the water inside and drink sweet water every day. Strict, because of the company of sugar cans, their world becomes bright and happy.

This animation talks about a pair of brothers and siblings who have lost their parents as their lives until they have a short life. At the end, my sister Jie Zizi took his brother's hand in the dark night, and ate the candy happily. Found happiness. Looking at Jiezi crooked his head, holding a sugar can stare at the look in it, and was immediately infected by the naive and romantic little sister.

Such a happy sweet sugar can, shakes myself when I am sad, and the troubles will run away. Of course, after you eat it, this sugar box can also develop a lot of uses, such as as a change of money, installing some private jewelry, and a business card box. When you encounter confusion in your life, play with it, and you will feel much better.

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