I haven't written an article for almost a month. Recently, there have been quite a lot of things. The psychological pressure has been relatively large recently. Recently, I have thought of writing articles. During this time, I have to be busy with work or if I do not sit down the volunteer work, so in general in March in March, March It's still very fulfilling. Today is the last day of March, so I plan to write an article and express my inner feelings. If I have experienced a major event, I have been buried in my heart. It will constantly cause iron rust and cause irreversible damage.

A traffic accident occurred in early March. This traffic accident was a negligence caused by me, causing me to pay a lot of money. What are the specifics, please continue to watch. If you read my article last year, you know that one of my work is working in a coffee shop, and also mentioned that because of bad business, I found a way to increase the business, so I joined a simple meal for egg rule. Since it is joining, it cannot be your own signboard, so many custom cups you bought before have become useless.

At that time, I definitely thought about it, so I bought a lot of large -scale coffee hot drink cups and many bags. I counted in the warehouse at the time. Even the hot drink cup and the packing bag were about ten boxes. Can I help handle it? Then I said that there is no problem, so I contacted several friends and asked them if they need it. Everyone thinks that the hot drink cup is used. It is just that a friend can also use these pockets, so I will immediately use these friends, so I will immediately use them, so I will immediately use them, so I will immediately use them. Arrange time, and then find the boss to borrow his car to send things over after finishing work.

Then when he went to a friend's house, did he tell me that he could go to other places first? Then I said yes, so I almost asked him to go out of the intersection and wait for me to wait for me, but when I went, I looked at the roadside without him, so I looked at the direction of his family, thinking about leaning on the side, thinking Wait a minute, maybe because of distraction, I turned the steering wheel over. As a result, because I turned too early, then the right rear I drove collided with a Mazda car. It's not good to think about big things.

So I stopped the car and got out of the car immediately. I really got to someone else's car. I saw that the area of ​​the stubbornness was not very large, and the lampshade of the headlights was also scratched. I thought it would contact the owner immediately, but Later, when she watched it, a lady came over. She said that Liangzi was not careful, and I was embarrassed to say anything, and then she said that I told my husband to come first. So I called the boss immediately, but the boss was not free to answer me. Later, the owner came and asked me how to deal with it.

I thought, if I can be private or not, I wo n’t go to insurance, but I think I can help him make a paint, but the owner said that I insist that I want to spray paint in the 4S shop, but I still want I think the book, let's talk about it if you don't take the insurance, so I called the traffic police. The boss later called me and said whether I could pay insurance, but he had been busy waiting for a long time before sending the insurance company to call me. Tell me to contact him, so I called immediately, and I didn't know if I was surprised.

Call the insurance company. The customer service over there was a check -up record. It turns out that the insurance of my boss's car just expired for a few days. After about five or six days, I immediately felt like a roller coaster. I thought about it. Then the owner also contacted the 4S personnel, saying that although the headlights were just scratching the shell, many modules in it were easy to break because a little displacement had occurred. At this time, the problem came. That is, there is no commercial insurance and traffic insurance.

If a car does not buy a commercial insurance, it can be on the road normally, but the strong insurance must be bought. If it is illegal on the road, but because the other car owner is my friend's neighbor, he does not catch me. Because of this situation, he has no problem with the price of 120,000, and then reported to the traffic police. If you want to open the accident responsibility, because I do n’t buy a strong insurance, I ’m not only full responsibility, but I also have to detain my vehicle to know that I bought it. I bought it. I bought it. I bought it. You can get the car to get the car.

So now I have to choose whether I pay at one time or give a sum of money and then retire more. "I was anxious at that time, how should I choose, I don’t know how to do it, here is a report. After receiving the police, on the other hand, I immediately received a phone call from the 4S shop and immediately knew that we had a traffic accident and asked us if we wanted to deal with it. The accident processor had already called the phone and the phone was really highly efficient. Then the owner immediately asked about how much money was. He said there was eighty -one sheet metal paint paint. The two pairs here were one thousand or six, and then there were working hours and other inspection costs. Three thousand yuan is almost done.

Then I thought that there was no way for 3,000 yuan, but later the 4S shop said that there may be problems with this light, but it took 5,000 yuan to change. I immediately shocked what a light was 5,000 yuan. Then I started to panic, because at that time, I was about to go to 4S to report the damage immediately in the evening, but I still have something in the evening, so I can only discuss with the owner to see if I can pay the paint first. But the owner did not agree. I asked him if he could not repair the headlights in the 4S shop, so he asked him the car repair shop he knew, and the quotation gave him four thousand.

So I gave me two options, one was to pay at one time, and the other was to give money but I did not know how to choose. At that time, I felt that if I chose the second type, I don’t know what the cost will be. When I give it myself, I can only eat dumb losses. It took about two or three hours to negotiate before and after. When I gave money, my hands were shaking. It was the first time that I had to pay so much money at once. After doing it, I was really embarrassed to my friend. I wasted your time because of my reason.

On the way back to the car, I have always regretted why I did so badly. Fortunately, I would send the car back to the boss safely. I can only tell the boss that I have to have the consequences but there is no money for the time being. Calculate the salary at that time. My mother also said that I was not careful enough when I was driving. I had no mood to listen. Although the seven thousand yuan was not a lot of money, the blow to me was relatively large. The tuition is really hurt. Essence Essence Essence

After this incident, I kept reflecting on how I drove myself why it was often wrong. In the last half of the month, I have been adjusting my state, but the more I found that the more I am, the more I blame why I can't do one thing? But more importantly, I want to tell my friends about finding some help. I am very grateful to my friend. He gave me a lot of comfort and encouragement. He also asked me to watch a movie. He was also deeply influenced by emotional illness, but he touched me There is also a common belief.

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