Xiao Lan Xiao Yan is my high school classmate. These two are really nosy. At that time, I was only 18 years old. I just stepped into the society. But it seems to care about my lifelong event. My mother is not in a hurry, and I have no such thoughts. The two are good, and I introduce me to my boyfriend.

Maybe I can easily recommend it at that time. To be honest, I am not bad. On the outside, the family is better than many girls. For the first time, they locked the objects to promote me. They agreed to time, and they talked about it.

In my mind, my future boyfriend must be a emotional foundation. After experiencing a vigorous romantic love, it is my longing for my heart. Is it old to go to blind dates? But with some curiosity and greedy fun, I promised to meet, it was really a young man.

It was an agreed to meet the man's house. Later, it was not appropriate to realize that a girl went to the man's home like this. It should be that the man's initiative to come to the woman's house, or just see it outside. Blame yourself and mature yet, too naive!

That night, I also dressed up carefully, pinching the long straight hair on both sides of the high, wearing a dark blue tight dress, lining a long coffee flared pants, and a pair of pair of whitecetic rooms. Half -heels leather shoes are also foreign.

Coincidentally, when I met at night, I suddenly stopped the electricity. When the two sisters and the two eight -hanging girls, my eyes lifted the curtains of the man's living room, just like drilling into a mysterious black hole. Seeing a tall and thin figure in the dimness to greet us, a bouquet of candlelight danced alone in the black hole behind him.

This is the purchaser they introduced. I thought: Anyway, this time it is a deal with. You don't see the best. Don't think about it if you look at it.

After talking about the hour, I couldn't remember what I talked about. Anyway, I had no impression of the man, and I couldn't see it clearly. I just felt tall and thin and dressed casually.

On the way home, Xiao Lan said with confidence: "He will definitely look at it, and he doesn't look at me to sit as a stool." This is really absolutely true.

Later, there was nothing about Xiao Lan's head, but I was just curious and playful, but people were serious, and after rejection, I felt embarrassed.

After a while, Xiao Lan Xiao Yan seemed to have opened a wedding agency, and enthusiastically introduced the object. They thought that I was too low to look at the conditions I introduced last time. I do n’t know if I cope with it. This time, I introduced a high -grade point, a doctor of nursing, or the secretary of the Youth League Committee. Xiao Lan said that your mother is a doctor, it is appropriate to introduce you to a doctor. I thought that I was not very old and was still at the stage of studying. These two ... Hi, I really ca n’t take them, and I should deal with it again. After all, Xiao Lan took a photo of Lao Yuan.

At first glance, there was no feeling at all. I care about it very much, but the conditions are good. If you still know the cadre family, let's take a look. Maybe you may see it.

The doctor is more gentleman dressed as the last buyer. It is also high -body, pure and clean, wearing a set of apricot suit. In that time, a set of "old west" was so particular about it. It can be seen that this person attaches great importance to this blind date.

But the fate is so delicate. It can't stop it when it comes to you. I just don't feel this person, and I am destined to have no chance, even if he has a good condition, but it is not what I imagined.

This time, in the cultural park, Xiao Lan Xiao Yan has been around us, like two followers. What do you say? I didn't give them the benefit of the matchmaker, because I didn't understand it. Now think that they are not fun at that time.

In the park's exhibition room, I slipped around and pretended to be a little bit of art. In fact, I did not formally learn painting at that time.

Although he also looked at it, he also stated that they organized the nursing home to go out of the outing and asked if I could go together, so I found a reason to push away.

These two blind date experiences can also be said to be an unforgettable experience in my life. It made me understand at that age: this old -fashioned blind date mode is not suitable for me, and I can't afford my interest. At least I am at least me. Like the heroine of Qiong Yao's novels, to have a vigorous romantic love, it is true that you are young. Bleak

Later, I really became the heroine of Yaoqiong's novel, which was the later words.

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