Recently watching the news recently, children's death happened from time to time. First, the three students in Handan jointly stabbed the honest classmates to searches his property, and used the iron pupa to disfigure the face of the deceased and buried it in the pit.

Later, an eleven -year -old girl disappeared mysteriously on the way to find her classmates. In the end, she was found on the back mountain of her classmates, buried in the soil after being sexually assaulted, and then the offender was arrested. The old man.

Then there was a thirteen -year -old woman in Sichuan running suddenly in the monitoring. It seemed that she was chased by something, and there was no news for seven days.

We can't help but ask, who should be responsible for the safety of children? They are swallowing in dangerous reality when they are growing up. What's more terrible is that the criminals have to kill each other and bury them. What kind of power drives them to become a devil?

These messages are very sad. How big torture the deceased would suffer during his lifetime, the kind of helplessness and despair that should not be called every day, and then killed the offender under the vicious magic claws of the criminals.

At present, there is no judgment on these incidents, but the police have restricted related videos to remove or spread, which is very puzzling. Only by attracting the attention and reflection of the society can everyone be considered to be considered. At the same time, only the strictest punishment of the criminals can calm down the emotions and deter people who will sin. Otherwise, the cost of crime is so low, and many bad guys will be followed.

I think children are threatened by such a life and killed it. This is a severe social problem. We can't help but ask, where is the safety guarantee of children in children? To solve this problem from a social level, relevant departments should reflect and legislate in these areas.

First of all, severe punishment measures for criminals injured by minors are not dragged or lagging. Once the evidence is obtained, the fastest judicial procedure will be performed immediately. Only in this way can the criminals have a strong deterrent.

Otherwise, when this incident is gradually cooled, the penalty is slowly punished, and it is only so full of "humanistic", then people who have triggered the crime will not have the slightest fear of fear.

Secondly, the safety of minors requires the linkage of the entire society to popularize the measures of minor protection, so that the entire society will pay attention to the health of the minor. In this way, it will grow under the protection of the public and will reduce the opportunity to implement crimes.

Third, strengthen the safety awareness of minors, strengthen the safety awareness of children's parents, and improve the infrastructure of social alarm. Underly when life is threatened, the alarm can be quickly realized.

From the level of school, we found that there is a problem with the education of the school. After minors are damaged, related schools are either silent or shirk responsibility. This is an irresponsible behavior.

At the school level, I think the school should be strengthened in the following aspects.

First of all, schools should mention student life safety education to the agenda. If the school itself has bullying behaviors, it is necessary to do a large area of ​​panic in a large area of ​​small -scale panic for this behavior education and punishment.

Secondly, schools should have a safety linkage with parents, and lack of safety guarantees of students in schools and outside schools. After all, life is only once. Once life is lost and regrets, it is useless.

Third, the school should shoulder relevant responsibilities, cannot avoid problems, let alone cover up and reverse the facts. Otherwise, the school itself has the meaning of existence?

For example, the student in Handan was killed, and the school and the head teacher even said how good the murderer and the victims had, in an attempt to confuse the audiovisual.

The cold three -foot cold, the reason why this tragedy is caused, is not related to the school's indulgence of certain bullying behaviors.

From the level of parents, I think parents should pay more attention to the following aspects.

First of all, we must care and protect their children, especially girls, and try to pick up them in person. After all, the child is gone as long as the criminals are successful.

Secondly, as parents, they must actively pay attention to their children's healthy growth and care about their psychological changes. Children are most likely to be affected by the environment. If you find bad signs, you should take correction education in time to avoid going to the road of crime. Don't think that just small things don't pay attention to it. In fact, many major crimes are caused by the cumulative reasons for small things.

Liu Bei once said that do not take goodness without being evil. Many major criminals are caused by lack of correction with small mistakes.

Third, parents must actively participate in the school's safety activities, protect their children's health and safety, and usually strengthen their children's safety education and stay away from outsiders.

The recent children's safety and malignant incidents have fully explained that the power of criminals was weakened. For example, the man who sexually assaulted children and killed them must be perverted, but the reason why he committed crimes was derived from desire to defeat the law deterrence.

It is undeniable that such things cannot be completely eliminated, but the propaganda and deterrence of Pu Ping is essential. When many criminals commit crimes, his own legal consciousness is weak and lacks awe of the consequences.

This includes adults' crimes against underage and unsuccessful injuries to adults. They must severely crack down on the former, and tolerance for malignant events for the latter cannot be in the limitation of the latter.

The source of information in modern society is very extensive. The phenomenon of premature precocations of adults is not uncommon. Many minor crimes have already had the thinking of adults. Criminal responsibility must be shouldered for malignant incidents. Adults can do whatever you want, this is a wrong conductor.

In response to minors crimes, there is usually at the beginning of the news report but there is no end. The impression that the public has become a crime of minor crime. Objectively, it will increase the increase in minor crimes.

We tolerate criminals is to condone sin, that is, to objectively encourage more crimes, that is, to reduce the cost of criminal crimes and make many potential criminal ideas become actual criminal acts.

I often see some TV dramas on TV that the protagonist always says that it is amazing. It is obviously a deformed values ​​if the criminals are severely punished and criminals are not the same. However, this is not uncommon on TV. What a ridiculous phenomenon.

Criminals can commit crimes, but they are not allowed to be severely punished to deny the universal nature of the law with moral tolerance. These TV screenwriters are simply a group of sinful murderers. Even some classic TV series, such as the legend of the new white lady, preach this concept, everyone has been hypnotized in the subtle way, so that the kind people who are poor to criminals are really the hearts of the snake scorpion.

Therefore, the entire society also urgently needs to establish the correct concept of values ​​and justice to prevent the invasion of feudal culture and sinful culture, and prevent them from polluting the field of ideological fields through various aspects such as television media, newspaper media, and student reading.

Children's safety is urgent, and society, schools, families, related departments, etc. should reflect on themselves and create conditions for children's safety.

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