Generally, we mention that "bipolar disorders" will roughly think of patients with depression and mania at the same time, because such people are collectively referred to as "double -phase emotional disorders". However, we are talking about another two -phase obstacle today: lack of money and lack of love.

At the beginning, I want to speak a question first. In fact, I don't like the name of the patient. On the one hand, I personally believe that any mental illness is suppressed by some kind of talent, such as Van Gogh, such as Einstein. Although not everyone can have such high achievements, the genius and the lunatic have only a difference. On the other hand, I personally think that the word patient has a derogatory component in a secular sense. As if this title was exported, it took a "low -person" filter. Pity of compassion itself has compassion, but compassion is different. Therefore, when I meet such a person, I prefer the "visitor" used in psychological diagnosis and treatment.

Words return to home. I personally think that the essence of lack of money and lack of love is to have a shallow knowledge, but only the regrets that have not been obtained have ignored it. Just as "love to people who do not lack love, money flows to people who do not lack money", because they have not got it, they are more demanding, so they mess with the rules. And what I said is: I must settle in the first place. That is, "treating your own inner children" in these years. Fortunately, more and more people have begun to realize this and set foot on the road of self -awareness. There are also countless successful cases that are confirming that when they are trapped in the external environment, they strive to improve their core competitiveness.

Try to think about the following questions: Why do we dare not make money, dare to love, and dare not make ourselves success? Is there really no ability or even dare not take the pace of attempt? So what exactly bother us? The answer analyzed by personal case+visible is: there are too many negative sounds around you! Even though the people who once denied our people were not around, those who had already internalized sounds reminded themselves all the time that they could not be like this. Even these voices are mixed with some intimidation and violence that try to resist. And these excessive words and behaviors are like the rope that trapped the elephant, causing the "acquisition helplessness" on our growth path.

If you think about it deeper, isn't these voices generated by the transmitter's own cognition? That is, I realized this, and I suddenly disgusted the phrase "the parents are the original and the child is a copy."

Anyone who has used the old copy machine knows that no matter how perfect the original, the reduction of the copy will be worse than the original. The more the number of copies, the worse the restore. This is just like the child's parents' will no matter how they follow their parents, they cannot surpass their parents, and the more loyalty, the worse. The lucky "loyal minister" may reach the level of parents, try to surpass, and delusion! In the same way, some printed documents will be crushed into the trash can, which is exactly the same as the traditional concept of "not obedient to work". Isn't the crushing behavior a punitive education of "filial piety under the stick"?

Any joke has real ingredients. So is it really just a joke if "If you practice abolition"?

Often, the more parents who live at the bottom of the cognition, the more they only believe in their relatives and friends, and they do not believe in the outside world, and even have a spontaneous hostility for strangers and strange views. They always like to be familiar, but it is precisely this kind of compassionate denial and curling in their comfort zone to make this comfort zone a fence further trapped. Parents who have a little higher cognition do not have such a strong sense of aggression. They will believe that unknown things will be believed with an open mind, and they will easily cooperate with strangers. They are not worried about injury, not worried about making mistakes, and get more possibilities. Therefore, the gap between people and people is to face the courage to give up the "sense of security" when facing the unknown.

However, did parents with high cognitive judgment mistakes? Of course! But because of the diversification of receiving information, their cognition will also help them improve their ability to resist risks, thereby making better judgments. And this may be the heritage that should be left to the child.

That is, starting from the year, more and more hate courses of "healing native families". It does not rule out that the methods in some courses are indeed valid, but most courses are more inclined to sell anxiety for silver. Because I have been a psychological counselor for several years, knowing that the healing process of individuals is long and the recurrence rate is extremely high. Therefore, I think that the native families do not heal, regardless of the healing, the problems of its own existence are there. There is no need or worthy of our parents' mistakes. Perhaps the more revealing the dark side of the native family, the more cruel the truth. It is not necessary to use the native family as an excuse for their absurd life. It is better to accept the fact that parents do not love us and admit that they have never had a perfect native family. The obligation and morality of responsibility and money have embarked on the road of self -saving.

We have the power to forgive and have the courage to let go of ourselves. "If your starting point is flattering, you have to prepare to compromise at any time, and you will have nothing to do."

Self -redeeming this road is a lonely hero journey. Sometimes we need to make some seemingly cruel decisions for ourselves, just like a war that is unpredictable. We need the courage to fight more and more brave, knowing what we want in the end, we can tolerate all the sufferings of life.

Therefore, when we return to the beginning of the article, what we need to think about is that the lack of love is just because I have not experienced love? Do you have to get this experience from the adopter? A view on the market is popular: Girls who have not got love when they were young can deceive others when they grow up. It is really sad for the first time, but if this sugar can make her know what love is, it has given her the ability to distinguish love and cultivated her way of getting love. Isn't it a kind of healing? In the same way, the same is true of lack of money. It is said that the test and error cost of the poor are high, but where can the poor be worse? I personally believe in: things must be reversed. "The most difficult is to ask for food, and never die." If you are a poor person, you can use the cost and error cost that you think is extremely high, and even if it fails, it will give yourself the experience of reflection and growth, thereby improving cognition and toughness. Just as the suffering itself is not worthy of being praised, but the thinking about suffering is precious. Without the end of life, no one knows what will happen in the next step, so when the opportunity is coming now, dare to give yourself a chance? I am afraid of being trapped in the quagmire of suffering and enjoy the "welfare" brought by suffering.

The article is here, I don't know if there are any questions. I really like such a paragraph as the end: "Be careful of your thoughts, they will become your language; beware of your language, they will become your action; beware of your action, they will become your habit; beware of your habits They will become your character; beware of your character, it will become your destiny. "


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