People live in the world, and there are not many opportunities to become friends with strangers. They will become friends because of this or that factors, but if they do not continue in that circle or in the field, the two parties will gradually become familiar strange strange strangeness. people.

In terms of writing, I often talked about writing skills because I met some online literature more than ten years ago because I wrote some online literature. At that time, I wrote on the 17K website and the starting point. Working hard, I finally recommended him to a book city. I think he can succeed as long as he continues to work.

At that time, the online literature was very prosperous. Of course, the corresponding platform editing or rules were relatively strict or unreasonable. The friend began writing after signing the contract in the book city. Insultation, if I would like to discard the draft directly, but my friend asked me to talk to me, I couldn't persuade my friend to give up, so I told him to bear it, and the results would be smooth after the results.

After listening to me, I really became more serious about the power of anger, and the results were getting better and better. After the third -party channel, the reading was also the top five. The attitude of the editor immediately changed. Later High prices bought his work.

But we have never met in reality, including later I have since been agricultural, agricultural, and Internet e -commerce. He has always insisted on the frontier of writing. Ten years have passed. Tens of millions of words, perseverance is okay.

Although I have not seen each other, it does not prevent us from becoming a good friend. Some people do not contact much, but they are not unfamiliar when they are in contact.

But what if it is in the workplace? When you leave a platform, you will interact with people on this platform less, or even gone. My style is that once I leave a platform, I unlikely to intersection in the back, although the relationship is pretty good.

If you leave an industry, when you leave an industry, if you do not continue to glow and heat in this industry, then it is basically sure that you and the people in this industry are getting farther away. In the end, there are only memories. Symbol.

There are many ways to meet strangers in a person's life, but more than 90 % of strangers will become a hurry. Whether you add contact information.

For example, during the journey, a thousand miles away, the two parties talked about a certain topic are also speculative. The contact information was exchanged before farewell, but because of the loss of face -to -face communication opportunities, your communication on social media became less and less until until the social media was less and less, until until the social media also became less and less until until the social media was less and less, until until the social media also became less. Between peace and become strangers again.

Although these phenomena are very common, I still recommend treating each encounter well to leave a beautiful moment for others. Although I am not sure what utilitarian results can bring to myself, I think this must be correct.

Some people have serious problems from the level of thinking. Obviously you are studying, you also have to oppose the mentor, learn to make a lot of money, and if you ca n’t make money, how can I learn? If you have to let me learn, you have to send me money.

The utilitarian thinking has made us miss a lot of good life. According to utilitarian thinking, some people should not walk, because no one pays for walking, and ask God to have no results, and they should not eat, because they meet gastrointestinal needs, they are unwilling to pay.

I don't know when it is, this utilitarian thinking has become a common phenomenon. He not only at the level of business, but also at the interpersonal level and family level.

If you can understand these aspects such as business operations, then utilitarianism in family family relationships seems to be faint.

For example, those who receive the benefits will no longer dare to associate with you, for fear of your account, and they will have to pay a little money for you, always say in various occasions, making you embarrassed, but you will not owe you. carry. This is the use of utilitarian thinking. They ask you to be selfless, but ask yourself to be selfish.

Nonetheless, we still cannot choose to make ourselves into the latter. We must make those who are too selfish through communication and education.

An ancient Chinese chopsticks and the allusion of a chopstick told us the strong group strength. Normal.

It is also necessary to treat all kinds of kindness, which may affect the changes in those evil behaviors.

Because many times your kind behavior is paid to the minimum, it just reflects your kindness essence. For example, some people have lost their way. You tell the other party's correct way, someone is in trouble, and you ask the other party to have a meal. The cost of these behaviors is tiny, but it reflects a person's pure kindness.

These kind moves will nourish your soul in turn, making your soul more spiritual and full of vitality.

In this process, we have also discovered that some evil behaviors are against age development, and sin is advancing in a more and more young direction. This is a bad social phenomenon.

When I was in Qingdao, a few guys drove stray dogs into their yard and locked the door. Several people took turns or beat the stray dog ​​together. arrive. I want to help stray dogs out of trouble, but they locked the door, and the old lady said that there is no less than a matter of less. Who knows that there was a dead stray dog ​​in the garbage station the next day, and it was killed alive.

Coincidentally, in Shenzhen, a young man blocked a puppy in the triangular bamboo forest during the day. He didn't know what his purpose was. Anyway, the puppy screamed in horror.

These people are very young, but their hearts are full of sin, to harm or kill other small animals for fun. When they saw the small animals frightened, their hearts felt the happiness of abnormal, and they laughed to fight the small animals until the small animals died.

They may have been like this from a young age. They did not get corrected by adults, so that this habit became more mad after walking up to society.

There was a couple talked on the roadside. Suddenly, a thin cat passed by in front of them. The man seized the opportunity and kicked the cat. The cat screamed extremely, and his voice was extremely miserable. The woman was very angry, saying that he should not do that, and he would not forgive him next time.

Secondly, from the perspective of their class, they are the disadvantaged groups of this society, but they still feel happy for bullying the weaker individuals.

When they were bullied by a higher class, they did not dare to issue any opposition like that kitten or puppy. When they worked at the factory, they were afraid that the boss would not pay. In order to please the boss's overall bowed head, they worked crazy when the boss inspected the work, so that the boss thought he was hard enough. However, the boss does not have a penny for many times. They get the salary they deserve to call the boss as the parents and be grateful to Dade.

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