On the way to growing alone, you will always face all kinds of difficulties and confusion. At this time, some people will sing against you. They will use utilitarian thinking to fight you without exception.

If you take full -time schools, such as the college entrance examination, I heard that you have been admitted to an ordinary university, and someone will tell you that this ordinary university is not good. If you are admitted to Tsinghua or Peking University, you will be able to go out.

If you are not admitted to college, someone will preach to you to read the useless theory, and he will say that there is no lack of college students now, and the education has been bad. Let's go to work.

If you have been admitted to key universities, such as Fudan University, some people will say that Fudan University is not as good as Peking University. You still have the ability. If you have the ability, you should be admitted to Peking University.

These people attack you with utilitarian thinking, and never want to look in themselves with a mirror. They treat others with such attitudes and behaviors, and he will feel good because of this.

The utilitarian thinking is a hotbed of these bad attitudes and behaviors, and they spread utilitarian thinking to all aspects of life. If someone goes to the self -study to improve his education, that person will immediately jump out and shout. The self -study is not as good as full -time. The company does not recognize it. Don't waste time and energy. It is useless.

Then you say that you have used the rest time to learn, and he will say, how tiring it is, it is not necessary, it is better to take a break at that time.

Of course, some people who go to self -study are also utilitarian thinking. They may think that they can change their destiny as long as they obtain the corresponding academic qualifications and degrees through self -examination. However, after they finally got their academic qualifications and degrees, they found that their lives did not seem to change because of this, so they complained that it was useless to learn this. Although they obtained their education and degree, they still did not have a good job.

In his thoughts, learning is just to exchange. Once he obtains the corresponding education, someone should take the initiative to find him, and then give him good work and treatment. Such utilitarian thinking obviously misunderstand the role of education and degree.

There is no education or degree, you do not even have the qualifications compiled by the exam. There is no corresponding education, and you cannot sign up for the postgraduate entrance examination. There is no chance. Who said that education degree has no effect?

However, they turned a blind eye to these, but they kept complaining that they had finished the test, and no one issued money for him. It's like children's learning. Some parents say that as long as you are obedient, you will give you candy to eat. As long as you take a few points, you will give you what kind of reward will be given. As an adult, it is just such a thinking model. very strange.

When someone sees that you are not mixed well, they are always PUA you. For example, do you not spend money to learn what courses do you spend? Why are you still losing? Why haven't you done yet? The other party rejected all your value again, thinking that your learning is useless. Therefore, some people cannot become friends, and they cannot tell each other what they do. They always sprinkle your wounds when you lose or fail.

If you insist on not listening, you still invest in self -growth, the other party will say, do you see Ma Yun as a doctoral student? Doctoral students are not necessary, and it is useless at all. But what he doesn't know is that everyone has a special circumstances of everyone, no matter what the purpose of the other party, it is the reason for utilitarian thinking.

I don't say that utilitarian thinking is not good, but I should not expand the utilitarian thinking to all aspects. If utilitarian thinking can be applied to all aspects, there should not be public welfare undertakings, and we should not have the first rich gang, then wealth, nor should the basic investment be developed to the west.

We find that anyone who radiates utilitarian thinking and radiation is usually not high in culture, and they cannot realize the limitations of utilitarian thinking in certain things.

The so -called utilitarian thinking is the spirit of selfishness. According to this thinking logic, if you go to school alone, you should not be handed over to the school tuition, but the school should post money to ask for students to study. Because from the utilitarian thinking model, students have paid time and energy to school, and brain cells are burned. These consumption should be paid. Who will pay? So why do parents pay for us? The children of my family have paid time and energy, and the school should give money.

Although this case is ridiculous, this is indeed the most fundamental logic of utilitarian thinking.

One of the most significant features of utilitarian thinking is negative thinking and high steps. For example, a person who has been said earlier is known by the people around him, so the people around said that the verification is useless. As long as you have the ability, what permit, and waste time and energy. This is the utilitarian thinking of utilitarian thinking. Negative thinking.

Those who think about the negative thinking of this utilitarian thinking are usually negative and declined. Because the progress of others will make him feel uneasy, they will pull their eyes to his current advantages and get praise from others.

The utilitarian thinking is high -finging in the low finger. By comparing the differences between the achievements of the two people, hold a person and step on a person. For example, who can earn more than 10,000 every month, and then say that you only make 5,000 a month, too little, a waiter can earn these. By holding high -stepping on PUA, they do not give any solutions and help, but they get psychological happiness.

This kind of thing usually occurs in the group of vulnerable cultural fields. Among the vulnerable cultural groups, they are a group of negative people. Once they are required to improve, they will strongly oppose progress and ask for corresponding benefits. For example, what you said earlier, you have to study hard, but you ask for the benefits of learning, this is a disadvantaged culture.

People in the disadvantaged group are not security. They pursue a comfortable life of small citizens, and they will feel unsafe when they are idle. Even if they get busy, they will feel more safe. They dare not challenge authority, and believe that the authority is right. If there is conflict with the knowledge they learn, they will suspect that they are wrong, and then they would rather try the misplaced way to say.

Among the vulnerable cultural groups, there are no real strengths. They are in their dominant position. Time and energy are almost all consumed at the level of internal disputes.

The strong cultural groups are different. They don't like to find any excuses. Even if they know they are the one who takes up the truth, they can be free and not aggressive. Even if they have achieved good achievements, they will still stop progress. Always think that greater achievements are the next moment.

The strong cultural group never complains about the environment and self -complaints. They may feel sad for the time being, but when they are sad, they will catch up. They often think about zero thinking, and they can distinguish what things require utilitarian thinking and what things need to grow. People who cannot distinguish between and trap in it usually show an inclusive attitude, and they will not always face it. For them, everything is an opportunity.

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