My father is a magical person, and he always makes me feel magical.

He is uneducated and cannot read, but he always manages to create some magical things.

Next, I will tell his magical story.

My maternal grandparents live in Cangshan. One night, around two o'clock, our family of three was heading home. Since the bus station in the county town was quite far, we had to walk a long way.

It was truly a journey under the stars, passing one village after another without a single light, the only light being the countless stars in the sky.

The north wind was howling fiercely, very cold, piercing into our bodies like knives. We could only walk to keep warm, while the north wind continued to howl relentlessly.

After a long time, we finally arrived at the Cangshan bus station, the sky still filled with stars, and the north wind still merciless. The main door of the bus station hall was tightly locked, and many people were shivering from the cold.

Everyone hoped to enter the bus hall because it could block the wind and provide some warmth. However, the bus station hall had specific opening hours, which were only after dawn.

Many people could not stand the cold any longer, pacing back and forth, squeezing into the crowd. In this bitterly cold winter, it was truly hard for people to endure.

One after another, people tried to use their keys to open the big iron lock, but unfortunately, one after another, they all failed.

I stood by, and every person who came to try gave me hope. I hoped that someone would suddenly succeed because only inside the hall could we block the wind.

Unfortunately, those who looked strong failed one after another. Finally, my father stepped up. He took the key from someone else's hand and began a battle filled with determination. I stood by, silently cheering for my father.

This damn lock, please open quickly. As long as it opens, we won't have to be blown by the north wind anymore, and we won't have to endure this piercing cold.

My father seemed to see my expectations and desperately tried to unlock it. After a while, suddenly there was a loud click; that was the sound of the lock being opened. My father pulled out the key, and that big iron lock really opened in response. This crisp sound was like a flame of hope, igniting the warmth in our hearts.

At that moment, everyone was extremely happy. Everyone hurriedly opened the door and entered the hall, and the north wind was blocked outside the wall, making us feel warm immediately. Although my father is not great, his actions helped so many people, even without a penny in return.

Thank God, thank my father. I believe everyone must be grateful to my father from the bottom of their hearts.

As many people rushed in at once, the station staff were suddenly awakened from their sleep and hurriedly turned on the lights, instantly brightening the hall.

A staff member came out, astonished, and asked, "How did you open the door? It's not time yet?!"

Everyone helped answer, "We opened it with our own keys."

The staff member couldn't believe it, but since the fact was already established, they could only start their normal work.

Everyone found their seats, and laughter began to fill the air. Some started eating the peanuts of that era, five-spice peanuts, which smelled so tempting even just to smell. I hadn't had breakfast yet and kept staring at others eating, my stomach rumbling.

Due to the rush, my father didn't bring any food, so I could only watch others eat those five-spice peanuts. The peanuts had red skins, and the person dropped them all over the ground, looking like complete peanuts, but in reality, they were just red empty shells.

The lights in the hall were not very bright, resembling the sunset, but this sunset-like light gave many people a warm longing.

After that, I didn't think too much, but my father's magical unlocking and the ecstatic expressions of the crowd were forever etched in my mind.

In a flash, this event happened decades ago, yet it remains unforgettable in my mind. Although I still don't understand why my father and mother chose to wait at the bus station in the dead of night, and I also don't understand how the key at home opened the lock of the bus hall, all of this does not prevent me from feeling that my father is an extraordinary person.

Although time has passed, and my father has gradually aged, every time I talk to him on the phone, he doesn't say much, always asking me if I've eaten, if I've drunk, if everyone is well. He has used these clichéd phrases throughout his life, and he hasn't changed his way of greeting due to the changes of the times, but has always maintained his kind nature.

My father was magical when I was young, and now, I still fill my mind with magic.

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