Children do not cause trouble, and they are honest and honest. Is this child's nature or the result of our parent education? The truth is the result of most of our children's education.

It is really a good reality that children do not cause trouble, but it is our fault in any circumstances. For example, several minors were killed last month. Those children were honest people. They did not dare to resist when they were bullied, but they endured silently until they were killed by the demon.

In the violent incident again and again, the child became the passive person, and over time he became a cowardly person. Once the child becomes a cowardly person to correct it, it takes a long time.

I remember when I was a kid, my parents often taught me not to cause trouble outside. If others hit you, you just told the other person, otherwise tell the teacher that you should not scold and do not fight back.

Being scolding is a necessary life path. When the opponent's father scolds his mother, can you be calm and reasonable? When the other party uses a fist to make you big, smash you with stones, you can stand there and say, you smash it, I make sense anyway.

However, the truth did not save the child, but caused the child to be hurt and strengthened the other party's habitual bullying behavior. They would think that the child was a coward, so he often bullied him every three, until he couldn't bear it and finally counterattacked.

But when this child can't bear the counterattack, others will blame him. Why should you resist? You used to be like this, you are too bad, I want to tell you that your parents fight.

If you win and successfully achieve self -protection, the other party will feel disadvantaged, and then go to your family to sue. Then parents do not listen to your justification, and bluntly say that fighting is not right, first of first, a poison of your ass.

What will you feel at this time? Parents have served as the accomplices of each other. They did not ask for a clear reason for the reason, and caused you to have a physical and mental double blow.

In the future, you will become more cowardly. When others hit you, you dare not fight back, afraid that you will be hit by your parents by your parents. You are hurt, your head is broken, and you can get the sympathy of your parents when you return home. But who knows that these behaviors of parents are the passive beating person.

Don't let my child be a bullying person. As long as you have the truth, you must counterattack bravely. The child cannot be successful in counterattack. He also has to stand on the side of the child at home to make the child a strong and capable person from an early age.

For example, the child did not offend people, but was beaten by others. At this time, if the child had the ability to counterattack, they must fight back. This is the correct self -defense. Protect yourself through this self -defense, instead of passively beaten, and then return home to ask for parents to comfort.

When the child is found to be bullying, it is not allowed to watch as a parent. He told the teacher that he must take certain actions to communicate with the parents and children of the other party. If the school does not solve it and the teacher does not solve it, the parents of the other party will continue to continue, then as a parent, it should be transformed into the incarnation of justice, at least to truly protect their children.

If parents are also a cowardly person at this time, then their children will lose their final barrier, which may become weaker, and it will be more difficult to be based on society in the future.

Of course, as a parent to fight back, it is not to say that the opponent's child is beating, let alone kill each other like some people. Such cases still exist.

There was such a case, that is, a little princess of a parent was bullied by a boy in the school. The parent was very angry and found the teacher and the parents of the other parents. The parent was even more angry, and he broke into the campus directly to find the boy and stabbed the other party.

This parent was very brave, but he violated the law and was eventually sentenced to death. In fact, in this case, schools, teachers, parents, etc. are worthy of reflection.

First of all, when the school discovered that male classmates bullying female classmates did not take an effective way, but opened one eye and closed their eyes, which indulged the male classmates' behavior.

Secondly, as a teacher, when encountering this situation, he did not adopt the way of criticism and education. He was afraid of offending the parents of the male classmates, but if he said it, he did not achieve the effect.

Thirdly, when the parents of the male classmate feedback the matter, they did not attract enough attention when they feeded the matter, and did not explore the truth of the matter. They thought it was just a small thing for children to make trouble.

The indifference of the other parents is a key factor that contributes to this tragedy. If the other parents treat this matter seriously, apologize to the other party, and ensure that this kind of thing will not happen anymore, maybe the other parents' anger will disappear.

In the end, the parents of this girl lack of calm thinking, and the temper is hot and impulsive. Such a person can easily do extreme things when conditions permit.

What extent did that male classmate bully this female classmate? Just push the push, or is it an insulting behavior? Or what other behaviors? These are unknown, but in the head of a person who lacks calm thinking, this matter will be enlarged infinitely.

All in all, this is a multi -faceted tragedy. First of all, for this girl, she will always lose her father. Is she adding fuel and vinegar to say something unnecessary, or is it true? Why did this girl's father lose reason? As the normal girl grows up, she will regret it, after all, she will always lose her father.

Secondly, for the male classmate, he lost his life and his parents would never lose him. If it is a family of three, it is equivalent to the broken family. For his parents, they must also regret not paying attention to the matter and did not communicate with each other's parents in time.

Thirdly, for schools and teachers, they did not pay enough attention to this matter, and they did not expect to think of such an impulse to the children's parents.

If the school and the teacher dealt with this matter in time, it will not make the angry parent's anger full of anger. This is also a case of failure of a school cooperation. Obviously, their communication is a problem.

In the end, this incident should also cause reflection in the entire society. Although this incident happened many years ago, it was still significant. At that time, the law's sentence to that parent was the death penalty. The details of the bullying incident between boys and girls were covered up, and it was not continued to be announced to the society.

Now combining the murderers of the minors that occurred last month, it was clear that the original incident did not have a deterrent effect on the crime of minors. The solution of these things may be more reflected in the ability of parents. Some parents have said an hour but there is no word to say that some parents can do it directly, which shows that it is abnormal. But one thing we must persist is that letting our children encounter unfair things should not become cowardly people. Parents will always be his fair backing.

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