You will easily recognize a person with true courage not only has the ability to observe and act well but also understands the moral principles of treating others, understands the importance of reputation. Being a person who always puts ethics first. In today's fiercely competitive society where talents are as abundant as fallen leaves, a person who wants to stand firm in society cannot rely solely on temporary luck, but must have true courage. People with good reputation are often respected and helped by many, making it easy to succeed in whatever they do. A person with true courage usually possesses the following three characteristics.

1. Humble, gentle

The ancients had a saying: "The land becomes a sea, the humble becomes a king." In this vast world, there are shelters in the sky, and there are people on the earth. Those who know this will become the number one in the galaxy. People living in this world can only go far and wide when they lower their attitudes. A happy life begins to welcome you when you are humble. Humility is not about being inferior, nor is it about being weak, useless, and evasive, but it is about shedding the cocoon in awakening, intelligence in ignorance. Humility is a great wisdom, humble people often have fewer desires, and fewer desires will keep them upright without caring more. Humility is also a philosophy for great achievements, if a person always boasts excessively, spreading rumors everywhere will only make others stay away and hate.

The less courageous people are, the more arrogant they become, always thinking they know everything and can do everything. On the other hand, a person with true courage will know how vast the world is, always humble before others, very accommodating in work, always humble and constantly learning to improve themselves. The ancients had a saying that a grain of rice knows how to bow. A person who often displays talents will increasingly become arrogant, from being arrogant to bullying others, making it very easy to make life-threatening mistakes, making others vigilant, resentful, and even destructive. Although glorious in a moment, they will surely encounter long-term disasters. On the other hand, a person with true courage always knows how to hide their talents, humbly learn from others, always keep a clear and calm mind, always receive the highest level of help and support from others.

Every step is a footprint towards success in a solid way. In society, people with true courage always exist quietly, they like to listen or think and do not express their thoughts arbitrarily. Even in normal conversations, they always know moderation and never push others to the limit. Always leave a way out for others and know how to put themselves in their shoes without being verbose, without making others uncomfortable or losing face. A gentleman is always calm and relaxed, a petty person is anxious and worried, those with true courage always have an open heart, have their own vision, are humble towards others, act firmly, think silently, do not argue with others.

2. Mature and steady, calm personality

Calmness is a virtue that each of us should have and cultivate. Although we know that life is constantly changing, there are unexpected events that make it difficult for us to face calmly. However, a negative mindset cannot solve anything. Therefore, use the most peaceful mind to solve problems. Our lives have countless changes, no matter what happens, whether happy, sad, painful, or happy, can happen at any time. If you are not prepared with a good mindset, it will be difficult to get rid of worries in your heart.

Calmness is the virtue we have when we live with a pure heart, then all negative emotions will disappear, people can control their emotions without letting them affect themselves or those around them. A person with a strong heart will not be affected by the outside world, lose themselves and reason. Faced with difficulties, the first thing they think about is how to solve the problem, not to get angry and blame others. A person with courage will not blame others and everything around them.

Instead, they only know to find the cause from themselves and promise themselves that they will do better next time. If you observe carefully, you will find that people with courage are more humble, polite, and not hot-tempered, while those without courage are more irritable and easily lose their temper. The more courageous a person is, the higher their moral qualities, even though they have to endure many hardships and difficulties, they can suppress their emotions, determined not to bring them home. It's not that they don't know how to get angry, but they will not get angry with their loved ones. A person with true courage never loses their temper at home, instead, they are always calm and know how to control their emotions, but outside, they are definitely strong.

On the contrary, those who lack courage, always think about being high or low in the family. Therefore, they are quick to blame and point fingers at their loved ones. When facing work and trivial matters in life, they are often very calm, look at the problem objectively, and can always solve the problem smoothly. Moreover, they work very reliably, will not disrupt plans just because of external trivial factors, on the other hand, those who are timid and anxious are often shaken by small unfavorable things when dealing with big tasks. People with a calm personality are always those with a broad vision, a high level of cognitive ability, they scratch everything they do with meaning. They do not have time and patience to calculate trivial matters, only those without courage and narrow vision always suffer from sudden changes, hot-tempered, do not want to care about bigger things, just focus on small matters.

3. Have good reputation

People living in this world, wealth is not number one, fame is not number one, power is not number one, but reputation is number one. To be trusted by others, one must have a good reputation, only those with good moral reputation are trusted by many, those with poor reputation break promises for personal gain only make others feel like hating. Reputation is still the trump card, behavior is still the performance. If both are good, then life will have many opportunities, those with genuine reputation keep their promises will have many truly fruitful harvests. Speaking and keeping promises will gain the trust of others, people can lose money but not lose their conscience.

You may not have money but you must not lack reputation, those with good reputation and conscience will not be bullied and abandoned. Living must know duties, working must be firm, then others will respect you and you can stand firm in society. Illegally obtained money is nothing special, benefits gained from disregarding means are not glorious. It must be understood that people cannot always be lucky like flowers, there will be times when they wither, humility is a good quality, reputation is the most important. A person with true courage always understands that everything must be in line with their conscience, not harming others, not making money unfairly.

Even if poor or difficult, never deceive others, money can be earned but if reputation is lost, it's as good as gone. Reputation is the root, the business card that accompanies you throughout your life. A person who lives without principles, even if they can earn a little money through cunning tricks, will not last long. On the other hand, a person with true courage will never deviate from their thoughts, work within limits, and not do things they shouldn't do. Because what they aim for is a long-term future, not immediate benefits.

In fact, the life of each of us only has 4 words: be a person, do work, learn how to be a person, then work will be much simpler. People with true courage are always those with integrity, responsibility, calm personality, humility before others, and good reputation. People like that may not be good or glorious now, but one day when the time is ripe, they will surely build their own empire with their own hands.

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