Education certification is still very strict. It is necessary to pass written tests, interviews, but also pass Mandarin exams, designated hospital medical examinations, and so on.

This may be because the education certificate is an access class, so compared to the horizontal evaluation category, the strictness of the teaching certificate is very high.

I remember that I was about eight o'clock on the 11th. I still drank the day before the official medical examination. It was the kind of high wine, but to be honest, it was not good. When I ate at night, I drank a little bit, thinking that there should be no problem with the next day's test. Mainly I didn't expect to detect uric acid.

So when I was tested the next day, I also actively cooperated, but at 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the day, a mobile phone number began to start at 190. I thought it was not answered when the advertising phone was promoted. Unexpectedly So I turned on, and then I learned that it was the phone of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which was inconsistent with the machine call that told me at the beginning.

In the phone, the nurse said that after blood drawing to detect your high uric acid, you need to conduct a re -examination. You can see that there is time to test it that day. Pay attention to the light diet these days.

After hanging up the phone, I started to recall the diet of some days in the past. During the Qingming Festival, the big fish, big meat, and drinking and drinking and drinking. These factors may push the uric acid value.

So in the next two days, I started to change my diet, refuse to eat meat, stir -fry with vegetable oil, eat some pasta, and so on. Because I believe that the high uric acid value is likely to have eaten high purine foods in the past, these high purines are not caused by not getting good metabolism inside the body.

Speaking of which, I have to talk about the dietary habits of my father -in -law's house. They usually eat very few vegetables. If there are four dishes, basically three are meat dishes, one is symbolic vegetarian dishes. This high purine is high purine. Ingesting is easy to lead to high uric acid.

Usually, we will also drink tea across three differences. The restaurants that drink tea are usually high purine foods, which may cause gout over time.

High uric acid is a direct factor that causes gout. Speaking of gout, I always thought it was very far away from me, but when I experienced it, you never want to gout again.

The gout usually occurs where your body was injured. When the uric acid value is high to a certain degree, this place may cause symptoms.

For example, when I was gout before, it was my right foot. This right foot was injured, so each gout was on the right foot.

When gout comes, you will feel that the temperature of the footsteps has risen and swollen, and it is even more terrible but painful. He either reflects the pain on the meat, or the pain on the bones, like a burning of fire, should be when When you try to walk around, you find that the pain is unbearable as soon as you land on the ground.

In the past, I usually went to the small clinic when I gout. As soon as I arrived in the clinic, people would immediately hang a bottle for you, at least no less than four bottles, and then prescribed some pills. After hanging the bottle, it will gradually feel good. Basically, the pain of the pain after a few hours after hanging the bottle is gone.

But this is actually a way to cure the standards and does not cure the fundamental, and it will recur after a period of time. Then you go to the clinic to hang a hanging bottle.

I found that there are very few opportunities to go to the hospital for hanging bottle, but the chance of hanging a hanging bottle in the small clinic is very high. Basically, it is a 100%hanging bottle. Once I also rigid my blood vessels. I don't go to the small clinic to hang a hanging bottle.

Later, when I was gout, I went directly to the three hospitals, thinking that I could hang a bottle. Unexpectedly, people did not give a hanging bottle, but I prescribed a dozen dollars of medicine. After taking it, I took a look at the effect. The result is really effective.

Later, when I committed gout again, I started drinking plenty of water. Through a large amount of water and drainage, I could gradually improve. It can be seen that during the gout period, you need to drink plenty of water and drain water. In this way in vitro.

However, this still cannot be removed. This may have something to do with dietary habits. People in today's society are relatively small. Instead, they have more and more energy in the body. It is said that there are many people with high uric acid. This is also called rich disease.

In our hometown, those old people have hardly seen gout. They have less opportunities for their big fish and meat. They usually eat pickles, vegetarian vegetables, and vegetable oils. In addition, they often go out to activities. What happened.

I remember that my first gout was about 2019. I was at work at the time and suddenly felt my foot pain. I didn't know what happened at the time, but I thought it might be inflamed or sprained.

At that time, I persisted for a day and felt that it might be better with immunity. But the next day was even more serious. I could hardly walk, so I endured the pain to come to a clinic. I told the other party that may be more common. Bar.

However, his treatment was a bit special at that time. He first bleed me, pierced in the feet with big heads, and then used cupping to make a bottle, and then he hung the bottle.

This is the first scene of my gout in a small clinic. Maybe every day at the time was sitting in the office, and then operating mainly on the Internet.

Of course, the company is closer to my home at that time, and there are fewer daily activities, which may also be a factor that triggered. Because when the company was very far from my house before, I took a car and cycling every day, and there was no gout.

The gout is not a disease, but it is really terrible. My friend said that he couldn't move his body when he gout, and he could only rely on his hands to crawl slowly. Once in the middle of the night, he had gout. For the toilet, he used it for two hours to climb from the bedroom to the toilet. in. This may be a joke for ordinary people, but it is the same for people with gout.

The gout is mainly for prevention. On the one hand, diet should be paid to improvement, trying to be light as much as possible. On the one hand, it is necessary to strengthen physical exercise. The healthy physique is the primary factor.

Therefore, when I received a notice from the re -examination of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, I began to intend to improve my diet, so that I will not drink alcohol in the next few days, not in big fish and meat, and try to reduce the number of staying up late. I feel that my spirit is completely different.

However, during the period, I also had a dream, dreaming of my gout, and very frustrated. After waking up, I found that it was just a dream, so it was relieved.

I went to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital again this morning, indicating that everything was very smooth after the coming. The doctor issued a project list for me. After I went to pay the fee, I went to draw blood test. worth it.

Doctors say that healthy people usually have about 300 uric acid values, and it will not affect the body in this range. Otherwise, it may cause gout or the like. This is very sinful. At the same time, the doctor also said that they would not deliberately let the experience pass. As long as the uric acid value is not too high, they can generally pass.

Then the doctor also suggested that I drink a lot of water. Drinking water can accelerate metabolism and eliminate a large amount of uric acid in vitro.

So after I went to pay the fee, I came to the Blood Sports Office and completed the relevant operations. It is hoped that through this physical examination, the uric acid value can be reduced and returned to normal level. Finally, when the medical examination form was handed over to the nurse, the nurse said that they should keep the mobile phone normally these days and pay attention to answering. I said, just passed without answering the phone.

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