Ms. Chanel has a famous saying: "Fashion is easy to pass, and the style is permanent." She is the best spokesperson for this sentence. She was separated from the restraint of tight corsets in the early 20th century, liberated her body, and bravely put on male shirts and pants to show people, and gradually formed her own style characteristics. Starting has not only become a pioneer in the history of clothing, but also created the fashion legend of that era. Until now this legend has continued through the CHANEL brand.

The fashion we are talking about now is based on the context of Western clothing culture. At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, due to the historical trend of "Western West Wind Graduation", it accepted the input of science and technology culture. It has greatly impacted the dominant position of the original traditional clothing, coupled with the stimulus of the media, and the development of the film industry has also greatly promoted the development of the clothing industry.

During the Republic of China, the historical materials and movie image materials we saw. Women's wearing was mainly cheongsam, but the cheongsam of that period was already in line with Western clothing culture. Do not hesitate to show the body curve of women, and look forward to it, traditional Chinese women's clothing is mainly "Tibetan", and will not show and highlight the body lines.

If it was not for studying in the field of clothing styles and design, you would not understand so many fun fashion historical knowledge. For example, high -heeled shoes, we all think that it is a fashion item designed for women, but the inventor of the high heels is the French king Louis XIV. Because of his short figure, in order to cover up this shortcoming, he invented the high heels and put on it to participate in it. The performance of the opera, it is said that the origin of the sun king is that he put on high -heeled shoes to play the "light" sun King Apollo.

In addition, the reason why French perfume was rich in perfume was because in Europe's experience of hacking, people were afraid of taking a bath. In order to cover up the unpleasant smell of the body and clothing, under the promotion of the sun king, the entire high society began to spray perfumes. In addition, the wig is also the "outdated" item worn by the Sun King's father Louis XIII to cover the scars on the head. After Louis XIV was in power, the wig once again became the trend of nobles and officials. Wear.

It can be said that the sun king is the originator of fashion, leading the all -round fashion trend of clothing, culture, art, etiquette, etc. At the same time, it is used as a means to consolidate his dominant position. At that time, the lords of the land entered the palace and the palace was influenced by these trends, pursuing fashion, luxury, and status. Driven by these desires, they lost their original freedom.

Yes, a very important observation is mentioned here, and it is lost in fashion that makes people lose freedom. What is this freedom? It is clearly cognitive and expressing his own freedom, and this freedom name is style. This is my answer.

I think fashion is very good. Whether it is the sun king or Chanel, the fashion trend they led was pioneering at the time, bringing people's perception of beauty into a brand -new perspective, which enhances people's feelings and appreciation of beauty. force. But just as a person can appreciate a painting, he may be color blindness; you can listen to wonderful music, but it is a person with incomplete sounds; you can taste food, but it is not sensitive to ingredients, but these are not important. We go to go. We go to go. Feelings and experiences are the embodiment of the subjective initiative of human beings. It is to broaden their horizons and explore the possibility of existence of our lives. Behind these problems, we hide our own style and passwords.

In the previous article, I will clearly recognize myself and express my freedom name style. In other words, to find your own style, you must clearly understand yourself. At the same time It is through clothing, an attitude of doing things, or a lifestyle. It is whether we express our exit. It is these parts that shape a person's style.

I have also lost, but I am not lost in fashion. Although I have seen so many fashion magazines and learning clothing styling and design, my performance is more like an outsider. The founders behind the luxury and brand, as well as the beautiful stories created by the development of the brand. I like stories, the story behind the appearance, the story behind people, what they are wearing, how much wealth, what rights they have, what I pay more attention to what they have experienced, do they really satisfy them now, do they really satisfy them? Intersection

It can be said that the story behind people is the cause of style. If a person does not find his own style, I think there are several reasons.

First, I never thought about this problem at all. I observe that many elderly people are like this. They do not pay attention to fashion, but do not mean that they do not have their own preferences and do not pursue style, but it does not mean that there is no style, but this style may have nothing to do with their self.

Second, there is an obstacle to self -cognition, and the ability to feel the ability is closed. I said myself, and I was in this situation in the past many years. At that time, my self -cognition was defined by the outside world. Exploration of personal style is also manifested in dressing.

Third, there is a personal style, but I do n’t know. This kind of person is lucky and belongs to the person who is born to know what he wants, so he has an opinion, but he has not clearly located his own style. Therefore Taste.

Regarding style positioning, it is not to limit a scope. I think it is just the opposite, to expand the boundaries and possibilities of self.

There is a simple way to locate the style. First of all, we can use three keywords to express the style of wearing clothes. These three words can be what you look like for yourself; then please invite you to be around us. If you know your friends' personal understanding, you can say three keywords; then please say three keywords for your friends who just know you.

In these three groups, the first group represents their expectations of their own style (the higher the degree of awareness of yourself, the more you can accept yourself, the consistent the answer). In the third group, the first impression we give (often related to our dressing). If the three groups of answers are closer, it proves that we are not far from our own personal style; if these three groups of answers are not reliable, we may need to think about the reason; if there is an intersection, we will continue to explore at this point and find to find this point and find to find this point and find to find it. Related passwords.

The formation of style is not achieved overnight. Just as people's cognition of themselves needs to be constantly updated, aside from those fig leaves that cover themselves, can we embrace it with our true ourselves. I hope that our dressing style can also match TA.

In the fashion industry, it is often after people who are 60 years old to clearly see the person's style, but at that time, this style was like brewing wine, which is endless. Earlier last month, my favorite fashion icon, American indoor designer, fashion commentator, silver -haired model IIRS APFEL running my fashion long -distance running, died at home at the age of 102. Putting her photos, hoping to motivate every friend who pursues her own growth, please be a better wish to be better, and let it be to take clothes, so that it will also become your personal style exit.

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